The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3097 Hong Family and Liu Family

Chapter 3097 Hong Family and Liu Family

Ye Lingxiao didn't explain, but just gave Li Ming a meaningful smile.

After a pause, Li Ming suddenly realized a problem.

If it is said that even the beasts are restricted by the Hong family and the Liu family, what about that day?
Entering this barren ancient world, Li Ming rushed to improve his cultivation and comprehend the way of heaven.

Master Huofeng said that there are phantoms of the way of heaven in the ancient world, so how are these phantoms of the way of heaven presented?Is it also controlled by the aristocratic family in the ancient world?

In an instant, Li Ming realized many problems, and it seemed that it was not as simple as he thought. It is not possible to comprehend the way of heaven after entering the ancient world, and the ancient decree is just a pass.

Reading this, Li Ming couldn't help frowning.

In fact, only Li Ming is facing such a problem, and there are no other true gods who entered the ancient world by virtue of the desolate ancient order.

Because all the characters who can obtain the Desolate Ancient Token are people with heads and faces and extraordinary backgrounds. Some of them are even accompanied by half-emperor-level existences. They have more or less cooperation with the families of the Desolate Ancient World in one way or another.

Therefore, as soon as they entered the ancient world, they would go to the cooperative family to retreat and practice, unlike Li Ming, who flew around like headless chickens.

At this time, Ye Lingxiao got up and said goodbye: "Brother Xuanqing, thank you for the wine, let's take my leave first!"

"You're welcome, but I took advantage of you." Li Ming said with a smile, alluding to the 1000 yuan divine stone.

"Haha..." Ye Lingxiao laughed loudly and said, "It's just mutual benefit!"

Indeed, Li Ming originally spent 5000 yuan for a pot of wine, but it turned into 1000 yuan in the end. If Ye Lingxiao teamed up with others to drink, he would have to pay at least [-] yuan, but with Li Ming, he only spent [-] yuan, which saved him [-] yuan. Yuan.

"Go slowly, there will be a date later!" Li Ming said politely, but he felt a little regretful in his heart, and wanted to ask Ye Lingxiao about cultivation!
After Ye Lingxiao left, Li Ming couldn't help calling the waiter in the store, and asked, "Xiaoer, how do you guys practice?"

The waiter smiled, and then said: "Outsider, don't fantasize about it. Being able to come out of the black hole safe and sound is already a blessing that has been cultivated in ten lifetimes. How can you be greedy so much?"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, and then, as if he had read through the waiter's mind, he couldn't help taking out a hundred divine stones.

When the waiter saw the hundred divine stones, his eyes immediately lit up. He didn't expect this guy, who couldn't even afford two pots of wine, to take out a hundred divine stones to inquire about news.

The waiter in the shop is also a person who sees the eyes of money, so he accepted the hundred sacred stones without leaving a trace, and then said: "Guest officer, if you want to retreat and practice in our area, you must first become the key training object of the Hong family or the Liu family, and then I was recommended by them to go to Dongtianfu. If I can get the attention of Dongtianfu, I will go to the place of retreat."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and then asked: "Then can't you just go to Dongtian Mansion?"

"This won't work, Dongtian Mansion never directly recruits disciples, they always recruit from major families." Xiaoer Dian said.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded, secretly remembering this matter.

"Guest officer, I have nothing else to do first." The waiter said tactfully.

"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, Li Ming finished drinking the jug of wine and left.

The Hong family and the Liu family are not in the town, they have their own clan land and their own market place.

Li Ming didn't find much valuable information about the Hong family and the Liu family. He only knew that these two families were feuds and often fought.

Therefore, once you choose which side to take refuge in, you will automatically become the enemy of the other side.

In fact, in the past, this area was dominated by the Hong family, and everything was decided by the Hong family.

However, thousands of years ago, a priest came to the Liu family. Not only was that priest extremely powerful, but he also had an unusual relationship with Dongtian Mansion.

Therefore, the disciples recommended by the Liu family are highly valued in Dongtian Mansion, and most of them can enter the retreat.

It is precisely for this reason that more and more people choose to join the Liu family.

The Hong family, which was originally dominated by one family, has become a struggle between two tigers.

After thousands of years of development, the momentum of the Liu family has surpassed that of the Hong family.

Li Ming thought about it and decided to join the Liu family.

As soon as he left the town, several people flew towards him and directly blocked Li Ming's way.

It's not someone else, the leader is the slick guy from before.

Seeing this person, Li Ming was stunned, and asked with a smile: "What's the matter? Find a few people to come over to strengthen your courage?"

"Boy, if you're sensible, hand over all your money!" the blunt guy shouted coldly.

"What's your name?" Li Ming asked calmly.

"Wu Shangshan from the Liu family!" the slick guy reported himself.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and asked in surprise, "Are you from the Liu family?"

"What? Now you know you're afraid?" Wu Shangshan looked smug, and then said: "Not only am I from the Liu family, but all the people I invited are from the Liu family. You look good!"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, glanced up and down at Wu Shangshan and the others, and asked again: "Are you really the Liu family?"

"You don't believe it?" Wu Shangshan's face darkened, and he took out a token, which was simple and simple, with a willow character engraved on it.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but frown. It seems that these people are not lying. They even have the badges of the Liu family. It should be the Liu family without a doubt.

But, how could the Liu family take in these guys?
At first glance, Wu Shangshan is an idler who loots and robs houses. To bring such a person into the family is simply to discredit the family.

Of course, it is also possible that the token in Wu Shangshan's hand was forged, or borrowed from someone else.

After calming down, I heard Li Ming say: "I didn't take my money with me, I hid it in a place."

"Where?" Wu Shangshan asked.

"Come with me if you want." Li Ming said calmly.

Afterwards, Li Ming flew straight into the distance, completely ignoring Wu Shangshan and others.

Wu Shangshan and the others were stunned for a while, and then said: "Go, follow, and see what kind of tricks this kid is playing!"

Immediately, Wu Shangshan and others quickly followed Li Ming.

Li Ming was also afraid that Wu Shangshan and others would follow, since they claimed to be from the Liu family, it was a good time to take this opportunity to learn more about the Liu family.

Fly for a while, gradually away from the town.

At this time, Wu Shangshan and the others were a little impatient, and stopped Li Ming's way again, and asked, "Where is the sacred stone hidden?"

"Still ahead, almost there." Li Ming said unhurriedly.

"Boy, don't play tricks on us!" Wu Shangshan warned.

"Tricking you?" Li Ming hummed and smiled, then asked, "So what?"

"You're kidding me?" Wu Shangshan's face darkened suddenly, and he shouted angrily, "You're courting death!"

Li Ming's face was calm, without any fear, he just said lightly: "The Immortal God King, come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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