The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3099 Painting cakes to satisfy hunger?

Chapter 3099 Painting cakes to satisfy hunger?

Entering the door, there is a huge screen in front of you. I don't know what kind of material it is. It is black and there are golden spots on it.

There is a mural carved on the screen, which is a picture of cutting a python.

The man held a sharp sword, grabbed the neck of the giant python with one hand, and stepped on the tail of the giant python with one foot.

Seeing that Li Ming was attracted by the screen, the leader of the guards couldn't help but proudly introduced: "This is the story of our ancestor of the Hong family beheading the white python."

"Oh?" Li Ming couldn't help but pause.

I only heard that the leader of the guards introduced in detail: "A long time ago, long before the ancient world was sealed, a brutal white python harmed the neighbors. Our ancestors of the Hong family chopped the white python with a sharp sword and won the praise of the neighbors. They recommended us The ancestor of the Hong family is the chief.

It was also from then on that the prototype of the Hong family gradually took shape.Up to now, those descendants of the neighbors who followed our Hong family ancestors are still in our Hong family and hold important positions. "

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being surprised, he didn't expect that this humble Hong family could trace back to the time before the Conferred God.

But why is the Hong family in such decline now?

Indeed, the families that were able to rise in the era before the conferred gods were basically overlords now, such as the Longevity Sect and the Great Sage Sect among the Ten Religions of Heaven and Earth.

But now, the head of the Hong family is only in the God King Realm, and he is still suppressed by the Liu family.

However, these are not what Li Ming cares about, his goal is Dongtian Mansion.

After introducing the screen, the leader of the guards took Li Mingchao to take his clothes.

Along the way, through a commercial street.

This commercial street is more prosperous than the previous town, with pill shops, weapon shops, wine shops, and other shops.

However, there is no spring building.

Passing through this commercial street, passing through the martial arts training ground, the Hong family's children, as well as those who came from outside, all competed and improved here.

Continue to move forward, and you have entered the inner palace.

However, it is the front yard of the inner mansion. There are rockery, spring water, ponds and fish and shrimps. It looks very clean.

Going forward again, this is the main hall of the inner palace.

On weekdays, the Patriarch of the Hong family works and discusses matters here.

Sitting Patriarch Hong saw the leader of the guards leading people in, so he couldn't help getting up, without any airs of a god king.

I only heard the report from the leader of the guards: "Patriarch, this is Xuan Qingming who came to join our Hong family."

Hearing this, the head of the Hong family nodded and looked Li Ming up and down.

"Xuan Qingming, if you have any requests, feel free to ask, our patriarch is easy to talk to." The head of the guard said, and then said: "Family, I will continue to patrol."

"En." Patriarch Hong responded, and continued, "Pay attention these few days, the Liu family seems to be a bit uneasy."

"I know, Patriarch." The leader of the guards responded, and then withdrew from the hall.

Patriarch Hong looked at Li Ming and asked, "Did you kill Wu Shangshan and others?"

"Yes." Li Ming replied seriously.

"Do you know they are from the Liu family?" Patriarch Hong continued to ask.

"I didn't know at first, but I found out later." Li Ming said truthfully.

"Know and kill?" Patriarch Hong asked in surprise.

"They robbed me, and it happened that I also wanted to join Patriarch Hong, so I borrowed their heads to use them." Li Ming said frankly.

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the Hong family pondered slightly, and then said vaguely: "Wu Shangshan's strength is not weak, and he is in the middle stage of the Great God. If I read correctly, you seem to be only in the early stage of the Great God."

"Patriarch Hong is right. I am indeed only in the early stage of the Great God. It took a lot of effort to kill Wu Shangshan. If this guy didn't trust me, I might be the one who died." Li Ming said with a look of lingering fear.

"Great God kills Great God in the middle stage?" Patriarch Hong muttered, looking at Li Ming again.

Li Ming looked as usual, facing Patriarch Hong's scrutiny, he showed no fear at all.

Patriarch Hong stared at Li Ming for a while, seeing that Li Ming's expression was calm, he couldn't help saying, "It's interesting!"

After a pause, Patriarch Hong asked, "What conditions do you have?"

"I want to go to Dongtian Mansion." Li Ming said straight to the point.

"Dongtian Mansion?" Patriarch Hong was startled, then laughed and said, "Anyone who joins our Hong family is going to Dongtian Mansion, but every year our Hong family only recommends six people, and these two days There is still a decreasing trend, why do you let us recommend you as soon as you come?"

Hearing this, Li Ming thought for a while, tilted his neck and said, "I can help you get rid of the Liu family."

"What?" Patriarch Hong was taken aback.

"I said, I can help your Hong family eradicate the Liu family." Li Ming repeated again.

"It's just you? The stage of the Great God?" Patriarch Hong asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Yes, I am not strong, but my brain is smarter than others, otherwise I would not be able to kill Wu Shangshan." Li Ming said confidently.

Hearing this, Patriarch Hong couldn't help laughing, and continued: "It's really commendable that you killed Wu Shangshan by leapfrogging, but do you know who is in charge of the Liu family?"

"I heard that the Patriarch of the Liu family is the existence of the early days of the God King." Li Ming said.

"Yes, Patriarch Liu is indeed the existence of the early days of the God King, but the horror of the Liu family does not lie in Patriarch Liu, but in their worship elders! Otherwise, patriarch Liu wants to suppress me, Hong?" Patriarch Hong said solemnly.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused. He didn't know much about the worshiping elders of the Liu family. He only heard from Wu Shangshan and others that he would take away a lot of supplies from the Liu family every year, so that the people below didn't have supplies to distribute.

I only heard Patriarch Hong continue to say: "The elders enshrined by the Liu family are the existence of the middle stage of the Great God, and he is also the younger brother of the three elders of Dongtian Mansion!"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being surprised, which was unexpected.

Previously, Wu Shangshan had only heard that the worshiping elder of the Liu family had a close relationship with Dongtian Mansion, but he did not expect that he was actually the younger brother of the third elder of Dongtian Mansion.

"Now, do you still dare to say to help my Hong family destroy the Liu family?" Patriarch Hong asked again.

Li Ming pondered slightly, and then said: "I didn't expect the relationship between the Liu family to enshrine the elders, but it is not impossible to destroy the Liu family."

Hearing this, Patriarch Hong couldn't help being startled, and asked with more interest: "How do you say?"

"The Liu family seems to be in a hurry, but in fact, it is a mess, as long as it is planned properly, it will be destroyed by itself!" Li Ming said.

"How to use tricks?" Patriarch Hong asked.

"This... I haven't thought of it yet." Li Ming blushed unconsciously.

"You didn't expect that?" Patriarch Hong was taken aback, and then he hummed and questioned: "Xuan Qingming, are you making fun of me?"

"Patriarch Hong, I sincerely seek refuge with you, and absolutely have no intention of playing tricks on you." Li Ming said hastily.

"Then why are you talking nonsense? Make cakes for me, Mr. Hong?" Patriarch Hong asked.

(End of this chapter)

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