The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3100 1 month limit

Chapter 3100 Limited to one month
"Patriarch Hong has misunderstood. I am definitely not drawing cakes to satisfy my hunger. What I say is definitely from the bottom of my heart. As long as Patriarch Hong gives me a little time, I will definitely think of a way to deal with the Liu family!" Li Ming said seriously.

Hearing this, Patriarch Hong couldn't help but fell silent. Judging by Li Ming's appearance, he didn't seem to be bragging.

After a pause, Patriarch Hong said: "Xuan Qingming, if you can really think of a way to get rid of the Liu family, why is it so difficult for my Hong family to recommend you to Dongtian Mansion?"

"Thank you Patriarch Hong for cultivating it." Li Ming said hastily.

"Don't thank me in a hurry, what should you do if you can't think of it?" Patriarch Hong asked.

"Let Patriarch Hong handle it." Li Ming said unequivocally.

"Okay! It's a deal, but there must be a time limit for finding a way!" said Patriarch Hong.

"One month, how about it?" Li Ming asked.

"Okay, it's limited to one month!" Patriarch Hong said.

Afterwards, Patriarch Hong ordered Li Ming to settle down for the time being.

Li Ming left the main hall, and several people walked out from the side room of the main hall.

I only heard one of them ask: "Patriarch, don't you really believe Xuan Qingming's words?"

"That Zhuzi is open-mouthed, even in the early stages of a great god, he dares to say that he will destroy the Liu family? What a yellow-mouthed kid, full of big talk!"

Patriarch Hong nodded slightly, and said, "It's really like bragging, it's hard to believe."

"Why did the Patriarch still make an agreement with him? And let him serve him well? Why didn't he just drive him away?"

Hearing this, Patriarch Hong smiled, and then said: "It's only a month, how much can it cost? If he can't figure out a way, we will lose a month's allowance, but if he can figure out a way, wouldn't our Hong family Want to rise again?"


"What the head of the family said is very true. You can't spend a few dollars a month. Why not give him good food and drink?" Another person said.

"Okay, don't worry about this matter, I will keep an eye on Xuan Qingming." Patriarch Hong said.

Hearing this, several people nodded one after another and said nothing.

Li Ming followed the housekeeper of the Hong Mansion to the East Courtyard. This is the place where the guests of the mansion live. They are all capable people, and not ordinary people can live in it.

I only heard the housekeeper say: "Mr. Xuanqing, the master has ordered that if you have any needs, you can tell me directly, and I will try my best to satisfy you."

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and said directly: "Housekeeper, I don't have any special needs, but I need a few clever men who are good at scouting out news."

"It's simple. I'll send two people to serve you when I turn around," said the housekeeper.

"It's troublesome." Li Ming said.

Afterwards, the butler left first.

After a while, two people came, saying that they were ordered by the housekeeper.

Li Ming nodded slightly and asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Shu Chongtian, and his name is Hu Xiaobei." One of the weird-looking guys said.

"Shu Chongtian?" Li Ming couldn't help being startled, why is the name so weird?
Shu Chongtian saw the suspicious look in Li Ming's eyes, and couldn't help explaining: "God, I am a mouse to become a spirit, but my fate has always been quite rough, wandering on the edge of life and death all the year round, so I gave myself such a name , I hope it will be auspicious, and it really soars."

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded slightly, it sounded quite inspirational.

After a slight pause, Li Ming looked at Hu Xiaobei again and asked, "What about you? What's the situation?"

"I'm a fox, nothing special." Hu Xiaobei said with a silly smile.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, this junior Hu is worthy of being a fox into a spirit, and his vigilance has not diminished at all.

"God, what do you want us to do?" Shu Chongtian asked.

"It's nothing special, just help me find out all the news about the Liu family." Li Ming said.

"That's no problem, I'm the best at finding out information." Shu Chongtian said triumphantly.

"Well, go ahead and report to me immediately if you have any news." Li Ming said.

"Yes, God." Shu Chongtian replied.

Afterwards, Shu Chongtian and Hu Xiaobei walked out.

As soon as they left the east courtyard, they saw the housekeeper waiting for them at the door.

Shu Chongtian and Hu Xiaobei hurried towards the housekeeper, only to hear the housekeeper ask: "What did Xuan Qingming ask you to do?"

"Go back to the butler, that guy asked us to find out all the news about the Liu family." Shu Chongtian replied.

"That's all?" the butler asked late.

"Well, that's all." Shu Chongtian replied.

Hearing this, the housekeeper couldn't help but frown.

At this moment, Hu Xiaobei asked cautiously: "Master Steward, should we go all out to find out about the Liu family? Or should we hold back?"

"Bastard! This is the Patriarch's order, fully cooperate with Xuan Qingming, do you dare to hold back?" the butler asked coldly.

"My lord, calm down. I'm just asking casually. I will do my best to find out all the news about the Liu family." Hu Xiaobei said hastily.

"En." Hearing this, the housekeeper nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "Remember, if you have any news, please report to me first, understand?"

"Understood, understood." Hu Xiaobei said again and again.

"Okay, let's go to work." The housekeeper waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Lord Steward." Hu Xiaobei and Shu Chongtian responded repeatedly.

After the two left, the steward went to the inner palace hall to report.

Patriarch Hong was dealing with official duties, when he saw the housekeeper coming in, he couldn't help but ask, "How do you say it?"

"Patriarch, I don't see anything special at the moment, and Xuan Qingming didn't do anything, he just asked two clever men to find out the news, and everything is in order." Guan Jiahui reported.

Hearing this, Patriarch Hong nodded, and continued: "This is normal. If he does something as soon as he comes, I really suspect that he is a spy sent by the Liu family."

"A spy?" The housekeeper couldn't help being startled, and then asked: "Then should I send someone to watch him?"

"No need, you don't need to be suspicious, and you don't need to be suspicious. Since the head of the family has agreed with him for a period of one month, you should trust him. However, he is still not allowed to go to some important places in the house." The head of the Hong family said .

"Understood, I will let people step up guard." The butler said.

"Okay, let's go down first, and report to me immediately if there is anything." Patriarch Hong said.

"Yes, Patriarch." The housekeeper responded quickly.

Afterwards, the butler took his leave first.

In the east courtyard, Li Ming closed the door, set up a simple barrier, and then took out the God Conferred spar, and said, "Imperishable God King, please pay attention to the outside world for me, I will retreat for a few days."

"Yes, master." Immortal God King responded quickly.

After a pause, the Immortal King Chi asked, "Master, do you really want to help the Hong family destroy the Liu family?"

"This is the fastest way to enter Dongtian Mansion. I don't have much time to waste. I must go to Dongtian Mansion as soon as possible." Li Ming said seriously.

Hearing this, the Immortal God King couldn't help but fell silent.

"What are you worried about?" Li Mingchi questioned.

(End of this chapter)

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