The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3105 The Second World Ancestor

Chapter 3105 The Second Ancestor

Li Ming was calm, acting like a child of an aristocratic family, completely ignoring anyone.

Liu Huatian pretended to be a snake, so he didn't dare to offend Li Ming for the time being, for fear that this Li Ming was really the grandson of the elder of Shengtianjiao.

You know, the Holy Heaven Sect is a big sect with two God Emperor Realm existences, and even the Dongtian Mansion is somewhat inferior.

If he really offends the grandson of the elder of Shengtianjiao, their Liu family will be destroyed!
Hong Bailing felt uneasy for a while, she couldn't understand Li Ming's background very well, who is the grandson of the elder of Shengtianjiao?

However, fortunately, Hong Bailing didn't show any flaws, making Patriarch Liu aware of the abnormality.

The head of the Liu family toasted Li Ming with drinks and apologized repeatedly before going to other tables to toast.

Seeing Patriarch Liu leave, Hong Bailing asked in a low voice: "Mr. Xuanqing, are we playing too big like this?"

"What are you afraid of? It takes at least half a month's journey from here to Shengtianjiao. Even if he sends someone to investigate, it will take time. We just need to hang out until night!" Li Ming comforted in a low voice.

Hearing this, Hong Bailing couldn't help but calm down, what Li Ming said made sense, they would raid Liu's house tonight, and all they had to do was wait until night.

The head of the Liu family went to other tables and took the opportunity to call the second son Liu Chenjing.

"Father, what are your orders?" Liu Chenjing asked.

"Go and see the gift from the Hong family yourself. I heard that it is a giant horse. You can see if there is any clue." The head of the Liu family ordered.

"Yes, father." Liu Chenjing responded.

Immediately, Liu Chenjing went to the backyard.

During the dinner, Hong Bailing was still a little worried, and asked in a low voice again: "Mr. Xuanqing, just you said, would the Liu family have noticed the abnormality of the giant horse?"

"No, after the giant horse was built, Patriarch Hong personally inspected it, and couldn't see any clues. This Patriarch Liu's strength is comparable to that of your father, Patriarch Hong, so he shouldn't be able to see it." Li Ming said.

"What about the offerings from the Liu family?" Hong Bailing continued to ask.

After all, the strength of the Liu family's consecration is slightly stronger.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused for a moment, and then said: "The giant horse is inlaid with many precious stones, and the priest of the Liu family is also a greedy person. The head of the Liu family should not hand over the giant horse to the priest for inspection. Besides, the priest of the Liu family only A small realm higher than your father, the giant horse I designed can escape the detection of most god kings in the middle stage."

Hong Bailing nodded secretly, praying in his heart: "I hope so."

The birthday banquet continued.

It is said to be a birthday banquet, but in fact there are not many dishes, only a few plates of meat on each table, and the rest are all vegetarian.

The most is the wine, because the wine is not worth the money!

This Liu Huatian was really stingy, but none of the guests present dared to say anything bad, because there had been lessons learned before, whoever dared to say something bad would be a dead body.

"Mr. Xuanqing, you are flying down the river, and you are in the business of elixirs. Let me toast you." A guest at the table offered a toast to Li Ming.

Li Ming glanced at the other party, but instead of picking up his wine glass, he asked, "How many elixir workshops do you have? How many elixirs can you sell every year?"

"It's ashamed to say that the villain only has one pill shop, and he can't sell many pills in a year." The other party replied humbly.

"Hmph! How dare you to toast me as a small workshop owner? In our Holy Heaven, even the workshop owners of the great elixir workshops are not qualified." Li Ming said very bluntly.

The other party blushed immediately, and hurriedly confessed: "Young Master Xuanqing, forgive me, it's because the villain was rude, and the villain will punish himself three cups."

At that moment, the little Fangzhu drank three cups in a row, and finally sat down obediently, not daring to climb up again.

Seeing this, other people did not dare to toast lightly, for fear of making it boring.

In fact, Li Ming was afraid of making a slip of the tongue after drinking, so he deliberately put on the posture of turning around just now.

It has to be said that Li Ming's acting skills just now completely performed the incomparable second-generation ancestor to the fullest.

The birthday banquet was eaten from early to late, and did not end until late at night.

The head of the Liu family sent people to see off the guests, while he came to Li Ming and the others.

I only heard Liu Huatian, the head of the Liu family, apologized: "Mr. Xuanqing, the family is short of supplies, and the hospitality is not good today. I hope you will forgive me."

"It's because the reception is not good. There aren't many decent dishes. But the drinks are okay, I'm happy!" Li Ming said unhurriedly.

"Master Xuanqing is happy, I'll ask someone to prepare some more and send them to your house later." Liu Huatian flattered him.

"No, I'll just say it casually. If others know, they will think that I, Xuan Qingming, even eat and take." Li Ming waved his hand and said.

"Young master Xuanqing is out of sight." Liu Huatian flattered him.

"Okay, it's getting late, I should go back." Li Ming said.

"Mr. Xuanqing, our generation has been troubled by bandits recently. It's getting late now, and the road at night may not be safe. You might as well stay at the residence for one night, and I'll send someone to take you back to the residence tomorrow morning." Liu Huatian asked cautiously. road.

"Bandit trouble?" Li Ming's expression changed suddenly, and he asked, "Bai Ling, is there such a thing? Why didn't I hear about it before?"

"Husband, I don't know either. Our generation is relatively safe, and we have never heard of banditry." Hong Bailing said.

"Miss Hong didn't know that the bandits came from the nearby area. They came out to rob every now and then. Although I sent troops to encircle and suppress them a few times, they ran too fast. When I withdrew the troops, those bandits came out again. .” Liu Huatian said.

"Hmph! If I had known there were bandits earlier, I would have taken the two guardians my grandfather sent me. They are the existence of the late God King!" Li Ming said indignantly.

Hearing this, Liu Huatian couldn't help but take a deep breath, late-stage God King?Or two?
After a slight pause, Li Ming continued to say: "Since it's not safe outside, and Patriarch Liu is sincere and hospitable, I will stay at your residence for one night and go back tomorrow morning."

"I can't wish for it, this is Liu's honor!" Liu Huatian said again and again.

"Lead the way, I'm going to bed!" Li Ming said.

"Okay, okay." Liu Huatian personally arranged for Li Ming to stay, and really treated him as the son of the law enforcement elder of the Holy Heaven Sect.

After staying, I saw Liu Huatian said to the two guards: "You watch them carefully, don't let them leave the room half a step."

"Yes, Patriarch." The guard replied.

Afterwards, Liu Huatian called his second son, Liu Chenjing, and asked, "I asked you to check the giant horse sent by the Hong family during the day, do you have any clues?"

"Father, there is no clue about that giant horse, and the gems inlaid on it are all genuine and valuable." Liu Chenjing replied.

Hearing this, Liu Huatian nodded slightly, and continued, "Have someone hide the giant horse so that the priests cannot see it."

"Understood, father." Liu Chenjing responded.

"Well, let's do it, I'll go see the priest first." Patriarch Liu said.

"Yes, father." Liu Chenjing responded.

Afterwards, Patriarch Liu went to the East Courtyard to see the priest.

(End of this chapter)

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