Chapter 3106
It is said that it is to meet the priest, but in fact it is to offer today's birthday gift.

In the past few years, the appetite for enshrining has been increasing. Although their Liu family controls half of the land in this area.

However, this offering cannot be afforded either.

Therefore, Liu Huatian can only use the name of the birthday banquet to collect money everywhere.

When we came to the east courtyard, the lights in the enshrinement room were still on, and the two maids who were serving carefully saw the Patriarch's arrival and left one after another.

The priest glanced at Liu Huatian and asked, "How about today's birthday banquet?"

"Thanks to the blessings of the offerings, I have received a lot of birthday presents," Liu Huatian said.

Then, Liu Huatian turned his palm and took out a pile of birthday gifts.

The enshrinement glanced at it and was quite satisfied.

However, he continued, "I heard that the Hong family sent someone to congratulate you today?"

"Oh, there is such a thing. However, they didn't come to congratulate me sincerely, but deliberately disgusted me." Liu Huatian said with an aggrieved face.

"Really?" The priest rolled his eyes at Liu Huatian, and continued, "I heard that people from the Hong family also sent a giant horse, and that giant horse is inlaid with countless precious stones. Why don't you see it now?"

"Faith, you misunderstood. The Hong family sent someone to send a giant horse, but that giant horse is an ominous thing. It is not inlaid with precious stones, but poisonous mist packets, in an attempt to destroy today's Fortunately, I found out about the birthday banquet early, and the giant horse has already been destroyed." Liu Huatian said.

"Is that so?" asked Fengchi.

"My lord, how dare I lie to you? It's true." Liu Huatian said hastily.

"It's better to be like this, otherwise I will be very unhappy!" The priest said in a low voice.

Liu Huatian smiled apologetically, and then said, "My lord, I have nothing else to do and I'm leaving first."

The priest waved his hand, and then said: "I'm going back to Dongtian Mansion for a while. During this time, you should be quiet and don't provoke the Hong family."

"My lord is going back to Dongtian Mansion?" Liu Huatian was startled, and quickly asked, "My lord, is it because the villain didn't treat me well?"

"It has nothing to do with you. It was my elder brother who asked me to go back because he had something important to do." The priest said.

Hearing this, Liu Huatian breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Then when are you leaving?"

"Right now, if I hadn't waited for this birthday gift, I would have left long ago." The priest said bluntly.

Liu Huatian looked embarrassed for a while, but he didn't dare to keep him.

"Okay, take good care of the Liu family, and wait until I come back to discuss anything." The priest of the Liu family said.

"Yes, my lord." Liu Huatian said hastily.

Afterwards, the priests of the Liu family received the birthday gifts, soared into the sky, and rushed towards Dongtian Mansion.

As soon as the Liu Family Priest left, Liu Huatian's face darkened, and he cursed angrily: "What kind of shit, you take so much supplies from our Liu Family every year, and don't do any shit. When I break through to the middle stage of the God King, I don't want your shit as an offering! "

Over the years, Patriarch Liu has always hoped that Fengfeng would join hands with him to destroy the Hong family in one fell swoop.

However, the priests of the Liu family pretended to make a move every time, and then came back hastily. It was simply not working hard!

The Liu family is not stupid. If the Hong family is really destroyed, the Liu family will not treat him like they are now.

Regarding this, Liu Huatian dared not speak out.

Late at night, Liu Huatian went back to the house and went to bed first.

As for the giant horse, we will deal with it tomorrow.

Li Ming and Hong Bailing pretended to fall asleep, and quietly got up at midnight.

Li Ming released his divine sense and found that there were guards outside.

"What a Liu Huatian, yet he sent someone to watch us secretly." Li Ming was annoyed in his heart.

However, the strength of these two guards is not strong, they are only in the middle stage of the gods.

Li Ming quietly cast shadow kill, hid in the shadow of the trees in the yard, and came behind the guard without anyone noticing.

Then, unceremoniously shot, one hit kills!

After all, Li Ming is also in the Great God Realm now. What is the difference between killing a true god in the Middle God Realm and killing a chicken?
After getting rid of these guards, Li Ming sent a letter to Hong Bailing, and Hong Bailing came out of the room.

"Go, go to the backyard to find the giant horse." Li Ming said.

"En." Hong Bailing replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and Hong Bailing cautiously entered the backyard.

The backyard is where Liu Huatian sleeps, and the security is not as strict as other places.

However, the degree of danger is the highest. Once Liu Huatian wakes up, the consequences will be disastrous.

Li Ming released his divine sense carefully and sensed the position of the giant horse.

Soon, Li Ming sensed that the giant horse was hidden in an inconspicuous room.

"Come on, follow me." Li Ming said in a low voice.

"En." Hong Bailing replied.

Immediately, the two walked towards the house where the giant horse was.

After entering the object, the giant horse was safe and sound, and there was no change when it came.

At this time, I only heard Li Ming say: "It's almost time to send a signal to Patriarch Hong!"

"Okay!" Hong Bailing replied.

Immediately, Hong Bailing took out the family secret communication token and sent a signal to his father.

At this moment, Patriarch Hong had already led the elite of the whole family to lurk a hundred miles away from the Liu family.

After receiving her daughter's signal, Patriarch Hong gave an order and shouted: "Follow me into Liu's house!"

Immediately, Patriarch Hong brought his elite to the Liu family.

At this moment, Liu Huatian is sleeping.

Suddenly, someone from outside came to report, "Patriarch, it's not good, the Hong family has killed you."

Liu Huatian suddenly woke up from his sound sleep, "What? Say it again?"

"Patriarch, the Han people of the Hong family have brought the elite of the whole family to kill them." The guard reported again.

"Quick, get ready to fight!" Liu Huatian quickly ordered, and then said: "Also, bring Hong Bailing to the front of the mansion!"

"Yes, Patriarch." The guard replied.

Afterwards, Liu Huatian hurried to the front of the mansion.

Sure enough, Patriarch Hong has surrounded the Liu family with the elite of the whole clan.

Seeing this, Liu Huatian's expression darkened, and he asked, "Your surname is Hong, what do you mean?"

"Liu Huatian, you still can't see it? Naturally, you will destroy your Liu family!" Patriarch Hong said solemnly.

"Haha, aren't you afraid of being enshrined by my Liu family? Also, your beloved daughter is in my Liu family!" Liu Huatian laughed.

At this time, a guard rushed to report, "Patriarch, it's not good, a pair of unidentified men and horses suddenly appeared in the mansion, and they will kill anyone they see."

"What?" Liu Huatian was startled.

"Haha!" Patriarch Hong laughed loudly. He knew that the soldiers he had sent had made a move, so he ordered, "Attack the Liu family with all our strength!"

Immediately, all the elites of the Hong family attacked one after another.

It turned out that the giant horse built by Li Ming was a cover, but the inside was actually empty, and it was used to hide the dead soldiers of the Liu family.

In order to prevent the Liu family from seeing the clues, Li Ming even put the Prisoner God spar in it, so that the Immortal God King could cover up the aura of those dead men.

Willow House.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Miss Hong, you stay by my side and don't wander around, understand?"

"Understood." Hong Bailing responded, and then asked worriedly: "Mr. Xuanqing, father, can they deal with the head of the Liu family and the priests of the Liu family?"

(End of this chapter)

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