The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3135 Finding a Needle in a Haystack

Chapter 3135 Finding a needle in a haystack (two more)
"To deal with Thunder God Valley?" Li Ming shook his head, and said with a strange smile: "We have no grievances with Thunder God Valley, what should I do against them? Besides, there are only two of us, what can we do against Thunder God Valley?"

"This..." The Immortal God King was stunned and puzzled.

I only heard that Li Ming said: "Zhang Yuchan killed the grandson of Elder Chen of Thunder God Valley, which is regarded as an unresolved hatred. I did this to add fuel to the flames, deepen their hostile relationship, and induce two wars. Once there is a war, there must be something Take advantage of this opportunity. At that time, whether you are on the way to escort the disciples of Thunder God Valley, or take the opportunity to sneak into Thunder God Valley, you can make a lot of money."

Hearing this, Immortal God King suddenly realized that the master thought so!

"Okay, quickly find the disciples of Thunder God Valley and give them the memory spar." Li Ming said.

"Yes, master." The Immortal God King replied, and then reminded worriedly: "Master, once the memory spar is handed over, Zhang Yuchan will definitely fall into a deadly situation. At that time, maybe Ghost Sword Sect will directly abandon her , drive her out of the sect."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, and then said: "You reminded me, if Zhang Yuchan is expelled from the mountain gate by the Ghost Sword Sect, the two sects may not be able to fight each other, and my efforts will be in vain."

Having said this, Li Ming couldn't help but fell silent.

After a pause, Li Ming asked, "Is there a way to cover some of the pictures recorded in the memory spar, such as Zhang Yuchan's face."

"This...isn't easy, but you can still try." Immortal God King said.

"Okay, let's try it." Li Ming said.

"Yes, master." The Immortal God King replied.

Immediately, the two found a secluded place and began to cover up some images inside the memory spar.

The Immortal God King didn't directly cover it up, but got a new memory spar, recorded Li Ming's appearance, and then started to try.

After trying a total of ten memory spars, the Immortal God King finally managed to knock on the door, which was able to cover part of the picture in the memory spar well.

Then, he began to cover Zhang Yuchan's face.

Soon, the Immortal God King was completed.

Li Ming mobilized Shenyuan to show the picture inside the memory spar. Sure enough, Zhang Yuchan's face became very blurred, as if it had been mosaiced.

However, the clothes on Zhang Yuchan's body and the sword moves she made were very clear and had no effect.

Seeing this, Li Ming nodded and said, "That's it, go find the disciples of Thunder God Valley."

"En." The Immortal God King replied.

Immediately, the two left the place.

Li Ming didn't know where to find the disciples of Thunder God Valley, so he could only fly around, trying his luck, like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But half a month passed, and the two of Li Ming didn't even see the shadow of the disciple of Thunder God Valley.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, and said, "It looks like we have to find a way to get the disciples from Thunder God Valley to come to us on their own initiative."

"Ah?" Hearing this, the Immortal God King couldn't help being surprised, and asked suspiciously: "Master, we are not related to Thunder God Valley, why should the disciples of Thunder God Valley come to us?"

"That's why I said to find a way." Li Ming said angrily.

Speaking of this, Li Ming couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After a little effort, Li Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "Yes!"

"What method?" The Immortal God King asked curiously.

I only heard Li Ming say: "We lied about the appearance of the Dragon King's bone in the Burning Soul Yin. The disciples of Thunder God Valley will definitely go to the Burning Soul Yin to investigate after hearing this news. We just wait near the Burning Soul Yin."

Hearing this, Immortal God King was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help but gave a thumbs up and praised: "The master still has more ways, otherwise, looking for the disciples of Thunder God Valley like before, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"Okay, stop flattering, hurry up and spread the news." Li Ming said.

"Yes, master." The Immortal God King replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and the Immortal God King prepared a large amount of paper, on which were simply written the words "Dragon King Bone Appeared in the Burning Soul" and nothing else.

Such a clumsy trick can be known to be fake at first glance, but people are always curious, and there will always be someone to check it out.

After walking around the papers, Li Ming and the Immortal King returned to Burning Soul Yin.

Why choose Burning Soul Yinland?
One reason is that the Burning Soul Yin Land is full of mystery, and there are green flames haunting it all year round.

Furthermore, Li Ming didn't know much about retreat places. Apart from the Burning Soul Yinland, he really couldn't find a place similar to the Burning Soul Yinland.

Speaking of which, Li Ming also has a predestined relationship with Burning Soul Yindi, and he comes here over and over again!

Soon, the news of the dragon king bone appearing in the burning soul came.

As expected by Li Ming, even though everyone thought the news was fake, they still came to Fen Hun Yin to watch it, for fear that the dragon king bone would really appear and suffer a disadvantage.

Li Ming and the Immortal God King stood guard near Burning Soul Yin, waiting for the disciples of Thunder God Valley to come to the door.

Four or five days in a row passed, and no disciples from Thunder God Valley came here. Immortal God King couldn't help hesitating. Could it be that the disciples from Thunder God Valley haven't received any news yet?

After another two or three days like this, finally at [-] o'clock in the evening, Li Ming saw a few disciples who looked like Thunder God Valley flying from the sky.

Li Ming didn't know the disciples of Thunder God Valley, he could only tell them from the clothes on their bodies.

"Go, go over and ask." Li Ming said.

"En." The Immortal God King replied.

Immediately, the two flew towards the sky.

The few people in the sky became alert when they saw someone flying towards them.

At this time, Li Ming had a thorough look at the clothes on them. They really were the exclusive clothes of Thunder God Valley, and they seemed to be the disciples of Thunder God Valley!

Li Ming asked politely, "How many of you are disciples of Thunder God Valley?"

"Who are you? What do you want from us?" the leader asked vigilantly.

"Brother, don't misunderstand me. I don't mean anything malicious. I just accidentally got a few memory spars some time ago. The content of the memory crystals has something to do with your Thunder God Valley disciples, so I took the liberty to ask." Li Ming explained.

Hearing this, several people paused.

I only heard the leader say: "We are the disciples of Thunder God Valley, what is the memory spar you mentioned?"

Hearing this, Li Ming flipped his palm and took out three memory spars, and said, "You guys, after reading the contents of the memory spar, everything will be clear."

After speaking, Li Ming hit the three memory spars towards the opponent.

The leader reached out and grabbed it easily.

Then, I saw this person staring at Li Ming slightly, and after a while, he shot out the divine essence and poured it into the memory spar.

As soon as Shenyuan entered the memory spar, some images suddenly appeared.

Nothing else, it was the scene of Zhang Yuchan beheading the disciples of Thunder God Valley.

Seeing this, the faces of these Thunder God Valley disciples couldn't help but change, only to hear that the leader asked angrily: "Who is this woman?"

"I'm not sure about this, I also got this memory spar by accident." Li Ming pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"Brother, this seems to be a disciple of Ghost Sword Sect." A person next to him suddenly reminded.

Hearing this, the leader couldn't help being startled, and after a closer look, he was really a disciple of Ghost Sword Sect!
 There are only two updates today, there will be some things to go out, and it will probably be very late when I come back, so I won’t write any more, and there will be a chapter update tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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