The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3136 Retreat

Chapter 3136 Retreat
The faces of the people in Thunder God Valley were very ugly, and they shouted angrily: "Damn it! This ghost sword sect is really hateful. How dare you kill our disciples in Thunder God Valley? This matter must be reported to the suzerain immediately, and they must let us know. An explanation!"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause, and then added fuel and vinegar: "I'm afraid you still don't know, I met a female disciple of Ghost Sword Sect before, and she once said that anyone who let her see Thunder God Valley People, be sure to kill them all."

"There is such a thing?" The faces of the Thunder God Valley disciples suddenly changed.

"It's true." Li Ming said.

"Damn it, this Ghost Sword Sect is really hateful!" All the disciples of Thunder God Valley were furious.

"Okay, everyone, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first!" Li Ming said, clasping his fists.

"Brother, go slowly." The leader said politely.

"By the way, do you guys have thunder-attribute pills? I want to buy some." Li Ming said suddenly.

"Brother, you're out of touch now, what do you buy? Why don't we give you some?" said the leader.

Then, I saw this person take out a hundred thunder attribute pills and give them to Li Ming.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Li Ming thanked again and again.

"Okay, brother, let's take our leave. We have to hurry back to Thunder God Valley to report this matter to the suzerain. Goodbye!" said the leader.

"Okay, okay." Li Ming said.

Afterwards, several disciples of Thunder God Valley hurried back to Thunder God Valley.

Li Ming let out a sigh of relief. He thought that the disciples of Thunder God Valley would not easily believe his words, but he did not expect to believe so.

At this time, only Wen Immortal God King asked: "Master, what are we doing now?"

"Wait!" Li Ming said with an inscrutable look, "It's up to people to plan things, but it's up to God to make things happen. It's up to God whether Thunder God Valley and Ghost Sword Sect can really fight. Pills, you might as well upgrade the divine thunder first, so you can take the opportunity to comprehend the way of heaven. When you leave the place of retreat, you don’t know when you will be able to come in.”

Hearing this, the Immortal God King couldn't help but nodded.

Afterwards, the two found a place and sat cross-legged for the time being.

Li Ming absorbed the thunder-attribute elixir, and the Immortal God King comprehended the way of heaven.

Although the Immortal God King is not like Li Ming, he has half a broken pillar of heaven in his mind, but there is a phantom of the pillar of heaven in this retreat place, and his speed of comprehending the rules of heaven is not slow.

Li Ming didn't need to devote himself to absorbing the thunder-attribute elixir, so he deliberately kept some spiritual thoughts outside and kept vigilant.

In less than five days, Li Ming refined and absorbed hundreds of thunder attribute pills, and the divine thunder in his body undoubtedly increased greatly.

However, there is still a long way to go to the late stage of the Great God.

Of course, these are not problems. Anyway, Li Ming has already comprehended the laws of heaven in the late stage of the Great God, and as long as he has enough resources of Divine Thunder and Divine Flame, he can easily break through.

After absorbing the thunder-attribute elixir, Li Ming didn't bother the Immortal God King. Judging by the way he frowned, he should have understood something.

Li Ming didn't disturb the Immortal God King, and waited patiently.

This time, it took more than half a year.

The Immortal God King gradually woke up from the retreat, and the aura on his body has changed. It seems that he should have realized something.

"How is it? Is there a breakthrough?" Li Ming asked.

"Returning to the master, I have understood something, but there is still some distance from the middle stage of the god king. And I feel like I have entered a bottleneck. No matter how I try to understand it, I can't understand it." The Immortal God King said with a frown.

"It's normal. Even half of the pillar of heaven in my mind will encounter bottlenecks, let alone you." Li Ming said.

Indeed, after comprehending to a certain level, there will indeed be a bottleneck, even if the rules of heaven are in front of you, you will not be able to comprehend them.

After a pause, Li Ming said, "Okay, half a year has passed, and it's time for us to go out. I just don't know how Thunder God Valley and Ghost Sword Sect are doing? Have they started fighting?"

"Half a year has passed?" The Immortal God King couldn't help being surprised, he thought it had only been a few days, but he didn't expect that half a year had passed.

Indeed, when you are in deep retreat, you will not be aware of the passage of time.

Immediately, the two left the place, ready to leave the place of retreat.

But where should we go?

Li Ming frowned involuntarily. He had entered and exited from Dongtian Mansion before, but now that Li Ming had killed Wan Huang, the young master of Dongtian Mansion, he could no longer go out from Dongtian Mansion.

Although Li Ming thought he handled it very cleanly, he didn't leave any clues.

However, be careful when sailing for ten thousand years. If Dongtianfu knows that he killed Wan Huang, if you go out from the stone wall of Dongtianfu now, wouldn't it be a trap for yourself?
After a pause, I heard that the Immortal God King suggested: "Master, we might as well use the Thunder God Valley. We gave the Thunder God Valley disciple memory crystals before, which can be regarded as friendship, and we can spy on the Thunder God Valley and the ghosts." The situation of Jianzong."

Hearing this, Li Ming shook his head and said, "No, that day when I gave memory crystals to the disciples of the Ghost Sword Sect, those idiots didn't doubt it, but not all of them in Thunder God Valley are idiots. I'm sowing discord. If I go out with them, I'm sure I'll be detained by them for interrogation."

"I was negligent, so how do we get out?" the Immortal God King asked.

Li Ming thought for a while, and then said: "All the outstanding disciples of various sects and sects come here to retreat. We might as well try to make some reliable disciples, and then pretend to pay a visit to their sects, and then leave."

Hearing this, the Immortal God King nodded and said, "That's the only way!"

The news of the appearance of the dragon king's bones in the Burning Soul Yin is still spreading in the retreat, and many people have gone to the Burning Soul Yin to investigate.

Therefore, Li Ming and the Immortal God King went directly to Burning Soul Yin.

Sure enough, when he arrived at Burning Soul Yin, Li Ming saw several people searching inside Burning Soul Yin.

"Master, why don't you go forward and make friends with these people?" The Immortal God King asked.

"No rush." ​​Li Ming said.

At this time, I saw those people flying towards Li Ming.

"They're here?" The Immortal God King couldn't help being surprised.

I only heard that Li Ming said: "They should come to ask about the Dragon King's bone.",

After a little effort, these people arrived in front of Li Ming.

I only heard that the leader cupped his fists and introduced: "I'm Zhou Tianshu of the Spirit Sword Sect, may I ask what your brother's name is?"

"What's the point of being an unknown person? I don't know what's the important thing for a few of you to come here?" Li Ming asked.

"Dare to ask, brother, did you come here for the dragon king's bone? Zhou Tianshu asked again.

Li Ming nodded, and continued: "More than half a year ago, someone suddenly said that the bones of the dragon king appeared in the Burning Soul Yin. Look at it again, after all, I am not reconciled!"

Hearing this, Zhou Tianshu nodded, and continued to ask: "Brother, you have been to Burning Soul Yindi a few times, have you found anything unusual?"

(End of this chapter)

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