The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3137 Green flames become fine?

Chapter 3137 Green flames become fine?

Li Ming shook his head, and said: "My eyesight is so low that I didn't find anything, otherwise I wouldn't have come to this Burning Soul Yin Land to search again and again."

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked suspiciously: "Have you guys discovered anything?"

"It was discovered, but I was at a loss and couldn't figure out the specific situation." Zhou Tianshu said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and asked doubtfully, "How do you say that?"

I only heard Zhou Tianshu said: "Before we were searching in Burning Soul Yin, we happened to pass by a deep pit. At first we didn't notice anything unusual about the deep pit, but it happened that the moon was rising, and there was a ghost-like sound coming from the deep pit. Howling, it frightened us at the time, and we fled in all directions. Later, when we went to investigate again during the day, the abnormal shape of the deep pit disappeared.”

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but frown, deep hole?Could it be that deep pit?
"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Zhou Tianshu asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just surprised that there is such a place in Burning Soul Yindi, where is it?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"Brother, if you are interested, you can go with us. To be honest, the few of us have calculated together. It may be difficult to detect the specific situation of the deep pit with our own strength. We are planning to invite an expert to go with us. , look at the grand appearance of your brother, you can see that he is an extraordinary person." Zhou Tianshu said with a hint of flattery.

"Brother Zhou was joking, my surname is Li, just call me Brother Li." Li Ming said.

"Okay, then I'll take care of you." Zhou Tianshu said.

"Let's go, let's go to the deep pit together." Li Ming said.

"Okay." Zhou Tianshu responded.

Immediately, a group of people flew towards the deep pit that Zhou Tianshu had mentioned.

After flying for nearly a stick of incense, Zhou Tianshu pointed to the distance and said: "Brother Li, we are almost there."

Li Mingchao looked in the distance, and felt that the surrounding terrain was rather familiar.

If you take a closer look, isn't it the pit where you brought the two guardians before?

"Is there something abnormal in the deep pit?" Li Ming secretly hesitated, why didn't he find it before?
Not long after, a group of people came to the deep pit.

Sure enough, it was the pit where Li Ming came from before.

Li Ming released his divine sense and carefully explored the deep pit.

However, nothing was found, and he couldn't help being suspicious.

Zhou Tianshu saw the doubts in Li Ming's heart, and couldn't help saying: "Brother Li, you can't see the abnormality of the deep pit yet, we have to wait until the moon is clear."

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded, and continued, "Then wait until the moon rises."

A group of people sat cross-legged beside the deep pit, waiting for the night to fall.

Soon, half a day passed, night began to fall, and the moon rose.

The night was quiet and the moonlight was soft.

However, the pit doesn't seem to have changed.

At this time, Zhou Tianshu said, "We have to wait a little longer. When the moon is directly above the deep pit, we will be able to hear the cry of that ghost."

"En." Li Ming nodded and continued to wait patiently.

The moon climbed up little by little until it was directly above the deep pit.

Suddenly, a ghostly howl came from the bottom of the deep pit, as if someone was locked at the bottom of the deep pit, Li Ming suddenly got smart.

"Brother Li, it's just this weird cry, isn't it scary enough?" Zhou Tianshu said.

Li Ming nodded and said, "It's really scary. I was also shocked just now."

"Then what can Brother Li find out?" Zhou Tianshu continued to ask.

"I was shocked just now, and I haven't had time to investigate, so let me investigate." Li Ming said.

"Be careful, just in case something happens." Zhou Tianshu reminded.

"En." Li Ming responded.

Immediately, Li Ming released his divine sense to investigate, and so did the Immortal God King.

His divine sense swept across the deep pit in front of him, but Li Ming didn't find anything.

However, at this time, the Immortal God King whispered to Nian: "Master, there seems to be an unusual mass of things under this deep pit. It looks like a spirit and a spirit, and it is absorbing the moonlight."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, he didn't expect that there was really something under the deep pit, but why couldn't he detect it?Is it because the divine sense is not enough?

After a pause, Li Ming said: "Brother Zhou, there really is something under this deep pit, it seems to be a ghost."

"Spirit?" Zhou Tianshu couldn't help being startled, and then said: "Could it be that the green flame has become a spirit?"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, the green flame has become a spirit?

The green flame can directly burn the divine sense, and the level of horror is outrageous. If it becomes a spirit, then it's okay?
But after thinking about it, it is really possible for the green flame to become a spirit.

During this period of time, the green flames on the Burning Soul Yin Ground seemed to have disappeared. It was difficult for Li Ming to find a suitable reason, but if the green flames became refined, then everything would make sense.

At this time, I only heard Zhou Tianshu say: "The green flame has become a spirit and has its own consciousness. If it can be subdued, it will be a great help."

Hearing this, everyone's hearts couldn't help but move.

Indeed, the power of the green flame should not be underestimated, and even the existence of the God King and God Emperor Realm are feared by it.

If it can be subdued, it is like having a super powerful thug!Even the god king and god emperor don't have to pay attention.

After a slight pause, Li Ming frowned and said: "The green flame is extremely terrifying. After possessing its own consciousness, it must become even more powerful. It may not be easy to subdue it."

"Indeed." Zhou Tianshu nodded, and continued: "However, the green flame should wake up soon, and the mind should not be high. You might as well give it a try before it matures."

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded slightly, feeling that Zhou Tianshu's words were not unreasonable.

However, I always feel that something is wrong. The green flame was already so terrifying when it had no intelligence. Now that it is born with intelligence, isn't it even more terrifying?
"Let's work together, first force out the thing under the deep pit to see if it is a green flame!" Zhou Tianshu suggested.

"Okay!" The others responded in unison.

Li Ming did not object and nodded.

Immediately, a group of people dispersed around the pit.

"Brother Li, I'll give orders later. Let's all fight together. First force the things under the deep pit to come up, and then seize them by their own ability. How about that?" Zhou Tianshu asked.

"Yes!" Li Ming replied.

"Okay, everyone get ready, I'll count to three!" Zhou Tianshu said.

Hearing this, everyone immediately activated their Shenyuan, and then prepared to make a move.

"Three, two, one, strike together!" Zhou Tianshu shouted.

Following Zhou Tianshu's 'shoot', everyone immediately shot together, Li Ming was no exception.

The gods from all directions drove into the deep pit along the wall of the deep pit, and only heard a muffled bang, and the bottom of the deep pit exploded.

Then, a mass of green stuff emerged from the bottom of the pit.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and said in surprise: "Is it really a green flame?"

(End of this chapter)

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