The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3138 Old Su?

Chapter 3138 Old Su?
The green flame saw that everyone showed a frightened expression, and then fled away into the distance with a whoosh.

"Stop going!" Zhou Tianshu yelled coldly, his divine essence soared, and his strength rose steadily.

Li Ming on the side couldn't help but secretly startled. He had heard from the Immortal God King that Zhou Tianshu was in the late stage of the Great God, but judging by the strength he displayed at this time, it was definitely more than that. He was definitely the existence of the peak of the Great God!

"Hidden strength?"

Not only Li Ming was taken aback, but even the Immortal God King was also taken aback.

It is hard for the Immortal God King to believe that someone can hide his strength under his nose, and it is still a great god.

"There must be a magic treasure with hidden strength!" Li Ming said secretly.

At this time, Zhou Tianshu jumped and directly blocked the green flame.

"Come and help me!" Zhou Tianshu shouted to everyone.

Immediately, a group of people quickly surrounded them.

The green flame was surrounded by everyone, looking very panicked.

"Let's all shoot together, let's hurt the green flame first!" Zhou Tianshu said.

"Okay!" The disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect responded in unison. They had always followed Zhou Tianshu's lead, but now that Zhou Tianshu gave orders, it was naturally their duty to do so.

Li Ming didn't hold back either. If he wanted to get the green flame, he had to keep the green flame first.

Everyone worked together and slashed towards the green flame.

"Jie Jie..."

The green flame screamed piercingly, trying to scare the crowd away.

However, Li Ming and his party didn't care about these things, and they just tried their best.

The divine elements intertwine to form a large net, directly covering the green flame.

The green flame lost its mind and ran around in a panic, trying several times to break through the huge net of the gods of the crowd.

However, all failed in the end.

At this time, Zhou Tianshu saw a magic whip out of thin air.

Seeing the magic whip, the green flame immediately showed panic, as if sensing the power of the magic whip.

"Green Flame, I know that you have developed spiritual intelligence and can understand what I say. I will only say it once now. Submit to me, or you will be completely destroyed by me!" Zhou Tianshu shouted coldly.

Then, there was a bang of the magic whip in his hand, as if it could tear apart the heavens and the earth.

The green flame shuddered, looking terrified.

However, a pair of things that look like eyes but not eyes are staring at Li Ming full of resentment, as if they have a great hatred for Li Ming.

Seeing that the green flame ignored him, Zhou Tianshu yanked the magic whip towards the green flame.

"Jie Jie..."

The green flame screamed piercingly like a frightened bird.

The scream could almost pierce everyone's eardrums, and it was like a spiritual attack, making everyone dizzy.

Li Ming regained his composure, and then he came to his senses, and the others gradually regained consciousness.

Zhou Tianshu continued to wave the magic whip, ready to draw towards the green flame.

At this time, the green flame suddenly spoke, with a very gloomy voice, "Li Qing, you have harmed me to this extent, are you still willing to let me go?"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" The green flame's voice was piercing, as if it came from hell.

Suddenly, Li Ming thought of something, and asked with disbelief: "Are you Mr. Su?"

"Yes, it's me!" Green Flame admitted.

"You're not dead?" Li Ming couldn't believe it.

"Yes, I didn't die. My luck was better. After being entangled in the green flame, my divine sense almost collapsed, but a ray of divine sense merged with the green flame." said Elder Su who had turned into a green flame.

Hearing this, Li Ming was really shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that Mr. Su was not dead, and a ray of divine sense merged with the green flame.

If it hadn't been for Zhou Tianshu and his party to come here today to explore the treasure, Li Ming wouldn't have thought of this situation even if he wanted to break his head.

At this time, Elder Su continued to say: "Li Qing, I don't want to pursue the previous grievances between you and me. You take these people and leave quickly, otherwise don't blame me for running into you!"

Hearing this, Li Ming's brows were tightened, and a little bit of retreat secretly rose in his heart.

At this time, I heard Zhou Tianshuhu questioningly: "Brother Li, what's going on?"

"Brother Zhou, you don't know that this green flame is actually one of my enemies. Or to be more precise, my enemy has merged with this green flame, and the green flame we see is actually my enemy. An enemy." Li Ming explained.

Hearing this, Zhou Tianshu suddenly realized, and then said: "So that's how it is!"

After a slight pause, Zhou Tianshu continued to say: "Since he is an enemy, then we must not let him go, otherwise the disaster will be endless!"

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and said: "Brother Zhou is right, if this green flame cannot be subdued, then kill him!"

When Mr. Su heard Li Ming's words, his whole body was about to explode. He didn't expect that Li Ming was so ruthless. He had already reached this stage, and he still refused to let himself go!
After a pause, Zhou Tianshu reminded: "Brother Li, this guy has a grudge against you, you have to be careful, in case he fights back violently and thinks of dying together."

Li Ming nodded and said, "Thank you Brother Zhou for reminding me, I know."

"Okay, let's attack together, beat this old Su to death first, and then subdue him according to their own abilities!" Zhou Tianshu suggested.

"Okay!" Everyone responded readily.

Immediately, a group of people sacrificed their respective divine treasures, preparing to beat this old Su half to death.

Seeing this, Elder Su's expression changed drastically, and he roared angrily, "Li Qing, do you have to do this? I have already promised to settle the suspicion with you, do you still want to kill it cleanly?"

"Resolve the suspicion?" Li Ming snorted and sneered, and continued, "You know exactly what you think in your heart. I'm afraid it's not too late to take revenge after you recover your strength."

"You..." Elder Su was at a loss for words.

"Let's go together!" Li Ming shouted.

"Okay!" Everyone responded in unison.

Immediately, the divine treasures in everyone's hands were ready to be launched, and they were ready to bombard Mr. Su.

Seeing this, Elder Su's face changed suddenly, and finally he broke his heart and shouted angrily: "Li Qing, you are deceiving people too much, I will die with you!"

Immediately, Elder Su, who had turned into a green flame, was furious and rushed towards Li Ming.

Li Ming calmed down, he had expected this to happen a long time ago.

Li Ming directly resorted to Divine Flame and Divine Thunder, preparing to teach Mr. Su a lesson he will never forget!

The explosive power of the divine flame and the divine thunder is impressive, even though Mr. Su was once a mid-stage divine king.

However, he is now a body of remnants after all, and it seems that he has not yet fully controlled the green flame.

Otherwise, with the horror of the green flame, how could they talk to Li Ming and the others so politely?

The green flame opened its teeth and claws, and rushed towards the giant net of Shenyuan, like a moth rushing to the flame, regardless of life and death.

That's right, Mr. Su knew that he couldn't survive, so he just wanted to give him a few more backs before he died!

(End of this chapter)

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