The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3139 Chapter 3139 Dying

Chapter 3139 The third thousand 130 nine dying

This time, Mr. Su was really determined to die, and he broke through the big net of divine essence in a flash.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and without hesitation shot out the divine flame and divine thunder that had condensed for a long time.

"Brother Li, be careful!" Zhou Tianshu reminded kindly.

Shenyan and Shenlei blasted at Elder Su, only to hear a loud bang, and Shenyan and Shenlei exploded directly.

Su Laoyan, who had turned into a green flame, swayed and almost fell apart, like a candle in the wind.

However, Mr. Su did not collapse after all, and continued to rush towards Li Ming.

Li Ming's face changed, even Shenyan and Shenlei couldn't push back Mr. Su, it seems that this green flame is really not easy!
Also, the existence that can stop the god king and the god emperor, how can it be simple?
"Brother Li, be careful!" Seeing that the green flame was about to pounce on Li Ming, Zhou Tianshu immediately reminded him kindly.

At this time, I saw an extra sword in Li Ming's hand out of thin air.

It's nothing else, it's the Dugu Sword!

With Dugu Sword in hand, Li Ming did not hesitate to use the shocking sword of Dugu Nine Swords!
Immediately, the sword was mighty, as if possessing the power to open up the world.

Seeing this, Zhou Tianshu and the others couldn't help being surprised. Their Spirit Sword Sect is famous for their swordsmanship.

However, they couldn't use Li Ming's sword just now.

Not only can they not do it, but the elders of the sect can't do it either.

Elder Su was also horrified, he did not expect Li Ming to have such a powerful swordsmanship.

In fact, Li Ming's cultivation in the way of swordsmanship is almost zero, except for this sword, there is nothing else he can do.

The sword is mighty and majestic, coming from the sky.

Elder Su screamed, and saw the green flame falling apart, as if it would go out at any moment.

Seeing this, Li Ming heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "I split the green flame into nine parts, and I got two parts. How about the rest of you having seven parts?"

"Okay! I have no objection!" Zhou Tianshu said directly.

"We have no objections." The others responded in the same way.

Immediately, a group of people prepared to catch these torn apart green flames.

However, at this moment, the disintegrated green flames suddenly gathered and merged into one.

Seeing this, Li Ming's face couldn't help but change. Elder Su is still alive?

The others were also horrified. With the powerful sword power just now, even a true god would be hacked to death, let alone just a divine sense.

At this time, I only heard Su Lao said in a gloomy voice: "Li Qing, even if I am completely annihilated today, I will drag you down to hell!"

Saying that, Mr. Su rushed towards Li Ming again.

"Be careful!" Immortal God King immediately reminded, and at the same time shot towards Su Lao.

Li Ming also reacted instantly, and once again cast a shocking sword!

The might of the sword is vast, opening up the world.

But how could Mr. Su, who suffered once, suffer a second time?
At this time, I saw the green flame split rapidly, one became two, two became four, four became eight, eight became sixteen...

In the blink of an eye, a group of green flames turned into several flames.

Although the shocking sword is strong, there is no way to take these little flames.

Elder Su tried his best, but he couldn't stop these little flames.

Little Huomiao broke through many obstacles and finally got her wish and came to Li Ming.

Then, a small flame was seen forming at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a ball again.

"Li Qing, die!" Su Lao shouted coldly, and bumped into Li Ming.

Li Ming couldn't resist, so he was caught by Mr. Su abruptly.

Immediately, Li Ming felt dizzy and fell down with a bang, as if dead.


Suddenly, six fire dragons flew out of Li Ming's body.

Every fire dragon has a grumpy expression and makes a miserable cry.

The Immortal God King tried to help Li Ming, but he felt that he was full of strength and couldn't exert his strength.

Then, the Immortal God King also fell slowly.

The life and death of the Immortal God King is controlled by Li Ming. If Li Ming dies, the Immortal God King will die with him.

When Zhou Tianshu and others saw Li Ming collapsed, they immediately surrounded him.

"What should we do now?" Zhou Tianshu asked.

"Senior brother Zhou, this brother Li may not be able to survive. Needless to say, how terrifying the green flame is. Now that brother Li is covered by the green flame, his divine sense must be burned to pieces by the green flame. After a while, his body will also burn It's clean." The person next to him said.

Hearing this, Zhou Tianshu couldn't help but frowned, and said rather remorsefully: "It's my fault, if I hadn't invited Brother Li to investigate this place together, such a thing would not have happened."

"Senior Brother Zhou, don't blame yourself too much. The Green Flame said just now that he is Brother Li's enemy. Even if there is no such thing today, when the Green Flame becomes popular, he will still trouble Brother Li. At that time , Brother Li is still doomed to die!" The person next to him comforted him.

Hearing this, Zhou Tianshu let out a long sigh and remained silent for a long time.

At this time, no one dared to touch Li Ming, for fear of touching the green flame.

However, these people did not leave in a hurry, they all waited for the green flame to come out of Li Ming's body.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

The six fire dragons flying out of Li Ming's body were still neighing, but they were all lying on the ground dying.

Seeing this, Zhou Tianshu couldn't help being taken aback, and said in surprise: "Three days have passed, and these fire dragons are still alive. What kind of cultivation technique is this?"

"Senior Brother Zhou, do you think Brother Li is still alive?" asked the person next to him.

"This..." Zhou Tianshu was stunned, and couldn't help but release his divine sense to investigate.

However, Li Ming's aura could not be found at all.

However, at this moment, the Immortal God King who fell on the ground struggled to get up.

However, it seemed that he was a little staggering, and he couldn't even stand firmly.

Seeing this, Zhou Tianshu immediately helped the Immortal God King, and then asked: "Senior, are you alright?"

The Immortal God King shook his swollen head and said, "I'm fine, I shouldn't die."

Hearing this, Zhou Tianshu secretly exhaled, and said, "It's good to be alive, but it's a pity for Brother Li!"

"No, my master is not dead yet, please save him." Immortal God King said with difficulty.

"Is he still alive?" Zhou Tianshu couldn't help being startled, looked at Li Ming in surprise, and asked, "Is he still alive? Why can't I feel his breath?"

"His aura is very weak. The six-headed fire dragon you see is actually his aura." The Immortal God King said.

"Then how can I save him?" Zhou Tianshu asked.

"Water, or ice, or something extremely cold, his body and mind need to cool down." Immortal God King said.

"Okay, I'll go find water right now, you sit cross-legged and rest first." Zhou Tianshu said.

"Okay, thank you very much." Immortal God King sincerely thanked.

Afterwards, Zhou Tianshu took a few people to find someone, leaving one person to look after Li Ming and the Immortal God King.

At this moment, Li Ming's breath was almost out of breath, and he hardly breathed in or out. He only persisted with his tenacious will.

(End of this chapter)

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