The best immortal emperor

Chapter 319 You want to beat me, but you are almost ready

Chapter 319 You want to beat me, but you are almost ready

The sky was full of snow, and the entire Huayang Mansion instantly became ice and snow.

The counselors, guests, servants, and maidservants in the house didn't know what was going on, but felt a severe cold.

This severe cold is not simply cold, but bone-piercingly cold.

Even around the stove, I feel uncomfortable all over.

Everyone dare not go out, for fear of being frozen into ice cubes when they go out.

Of course, this is only for those servants and maids with low cultivation.

Those with a little ability can resist this chill by running their true energy.

Many counselors in the house came out to watch the battle.

The snow water melted by the flame phoenix merged into a river, formed a waterfall and fell down the mountain peak.

But at this moment, with the sudden drop in temperature, the waterfall turned into ice.

At the foot of the mountain, a group of onlookers were stunned and surprised, and they all secretly said: "Is this the power of the strong Nascent Soul?"

There is a huge difference between Yuanying and Jindan. Jindan only has its own power surging to the extreme, but Yuanying can borrow the power of heaven and earth.

Just like True Monarch Huayang at this moment, with every move he makes, the sky and the earth are snowing.

Although it has some power of the Xuanshuang Sword, it is just icing on the cake.

At this moment, Li Ming was seriously injured, and his chest hurt very badly.

Li Mingqiang endured the pain and sat up cross-legged.

Immediately, he took out a healing elixir and swallowed it in one gulp.

Then, he healed his wounds on his own.

As for the battle between Fairy Jiuyue Qin Yue and Zhenjun Huayang, Li Ming ignored it and left everything to Brother Zhu.

However, judging by the strength displayed by Zhenjun Huayang at this time, his true essence should be biased towards the ice-cold attribute!
Of course, maybe not!

After all, reaching the Nascent Soul Realm can mobilize the energy of heaven and earth, and can well hide one's own attributes!
However, Li Ming was not worried about these things. With Brother Zhu's treacherous and cunning, it shouldn't be difficult to see the details of Yin Zheng!

The temperature plummeted, the waterfall turned into an ice cloth, and even the flame of the Nihuang Sword in Qin Yue's hand weakened a little.

However, this is not Qin Yue's full strength.

I only heard that when Qin Yue drank, the aura around her body soared, and the sword power of the Nihuang Sword in her hand increased accordingly. As if the phoenix flying in the ice and snow had been summoned, it chirped and flew back to your Nihuang Sword.

"Create the world!" Qin Yue raised the Nihuang sword, shouted loudly, and dropped the Nihuang sword in her hand.

Then, a flame fell from the sky, splitting the ice and snow into two halves.

The raging fire exudes a huge failure, and the world of ice and snow begins to melt, converging into rivers and leaving along the mountain peaks.

Because the water potential is relatively large, it is like a rushing flood.

The expressions of the monks below the mountain changed suddenly, and they fled one after another.

Seeing this, Elder Tongshan who was standing in mid-air pinched a tactic with his fingers, flicked out, and a golden light shot out, falling to the mountain peak, forming a vortex of light shield.

The rushing flood flowed directly into the light shield vortex.

The light shield vortex seemed to be a bottomless pit, no matter how much water poured in, it would never be full.

Seeing this, the crowd of onlookers breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the aftermath of a Nascent Soul strongman's fight is not simple!
Li Ming swallowed the healing elixir, circulated the true energy in his body, and began to heal his injuries.

Immediately, the pain subsided a bit!
Qin Yue's complexion turned a little pale after she performed Unveiled Heaven and Earth.

Obviously, the move just now was a bit exhausting.

However, Yin Zheng's complexion is not good, and the creation of the world has brought him a huge threat.

I only heard that Yin Zheng said: "Qin Yue, you are already very good. You have just entered the Nascent Soul Realm, and you can actually make me feel dangerous. You are stronger than ordinary monks of the same level! However, you are still close to defeating me! "

(End of this chapter)

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