The best immortal emperor

Chapter 320 Frozen 3 miles!

Chapter 320 Frozen Three Thousand Miles!
Saying this, Yin Zheng paused, his complexion changed, and he shouted: "Three thousand miles of ice!"

As he said that, the icy feeling on Yin Zheng's body rose sharply, and the temperature instantly dropped by dozens of degrees.

Wherever the Xuanshuang Sword went, it was instantly covered with frost, worthy of being frozen for three thousand miles!

For a moment, the entire Huayang Peak was frozen, turning into an iceberg.

Fortunately, Huayang Mansion has its own barriers to protect, otherwise the servants and maids in the mansion would be frozen to death.

Qin Yue's face was ugly before, but now Yin Zheng used another skill to suppress her raging fire, and her face became even more ugly.

I only heard Elder Tongshan muttering in mid-air: "Yue'er, it's almost time, it's time to stop, you are not the opponent of Yin Zheng!"

"I don't believe it!" Qin Yue said with a stubborn face, "If you take another trick from me, the scorching sun will penetrate the sky!"

As he spoke, he threw Qin Yue out of the Nihuang Sword in his hand.

The Nihuang Sword flew into the sky, and Qin Yue used all her magic power to bless her.

I saw the raging fire on the sword flowing, forming a circle.

Under the blessing of mana, the raging fire became more and more prosperous, just like a scorching sun!
Suddenly, the frozen world took on a new look, like the abyss full of darkness suddenly shone with a ray of sunlight.

Although it can't melt the iceberg for a while, it makes people feel warm!
Yin Zheng's face changed slightly, he never expected Qin Yue to be able to cast such a spell that consumes real energy.

However, it's just a little startled, everything is still under Yin Zheng's control!

Only Yin Zheng yelled coldly, "The Xuankong is frozen!"

Saying that, he sacrificed Yin Zheng to the Xuanshuang sword and hit the Nihuang sword.

Where the Xuanshuang Sword was located, icicles instantly formed in the air.

I saw the Xuanshuang sword flying around the Nihuang sword, and immediately, the Nihuang sword like the scorching sun was surrounded by ice.

Following this, light and heat were instantly sealed.

For a while, the world returned to ice cold, bone-chilling ice cold.

At this moment, Qin Yue's complexion was already very ugly, as pale as paper, and the wear and tear was huge!

I only heard Elder Tongshan in mid-air said again: "It's time to stop! If you continue to fight, you will be injured!"

Obviously, Qin Yue has reached her limit at this time!
However, Qin Yue didn't stop there, but shouted coldly: "Break!"

The Nihuang sword that was frozen by the ice trembled, and the flames on the sword also became stronger.

Seeing that the Nihuang Sword was about to break out of the ice, Yin Zheng, who was also pale, gave a cold shout, cast a spell, and continued to bless the Xuanshuang Sword!
For a moment, the Nihuang Sword that was about to break through the ice was frozen to death!

Qin Yue felt her chest tighten when she was hit, and with a wow, she spewed out blood!

"Enough!" Elder Tongshan snorted coldly, reached out and grabbed the Xuanshuang Sword and Nihuang Sword into his hands.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the snow and ice in the sky disappeared instantly, and everything returned to its original state!
Tong Shan returned the Xuanshuang Sword to Yin Zheng, and left with Qin Yue and Nihuang Sword.

In this battle, although India won in the end, it was a miserable victory.

I only heard that Yin Zheng secretly said in his heart: "It seems that Qin Yue should not be underestimated. Although she entered the Nascent Soul a few years later than me, she is really stronger than ordinary early-stage Nascent Soul cultivators!"

Obviously, Yin Zheng regards Qin Yue as a rare opponent in his life!

Qin Yue was taken away by Tongshan, her face was pale, and Yin Zheng, who had exhausted too much, was also preparing to return to her residence to practice.

I only heard that the counselor next to him, Master Jingxuan, asked: "Mansion Master, what should Li Ming do? Should he just be driven down the mountain? Or is there another arrangement?"

(End of this chapter)

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