Chapter 33 Tips
As soon as Li Ming left, a figure appeared on the stone wall. It was none other than Fang He.

I saw that old Taoist Fang He's face was red, his cheeks were white, and his brows were full of spirit. At first glance, he looked like an expert.

But at this moment, the old Taoist Fang He frowned, and muttered suspiciously to himself: "After chasing He all the way, why did he come back here again? And who was that figure just now?"

The old man Fang He didn't think much, and continued to chase after Old Man He.

Li Ming was also lucky, so old man He knew that he was not Fang He's opponent, so he hid the kit containing blood coagulation grass under the rock wall when he fled here in the morning.

Later, when the two fought, old man He was really no match for Fang He, he was injured in his arm and ran away!

Fang He pursued for a while, but Old Man He was also cunning. Taking advantage of the complicated terrain in the mountain, he forced Fang He away, and then turned back to get the kit.

Little did they know that the kit was affected during their fight and was kicked into a bush.

So, old man He just rushed to nothing!

It was also Li Ming's luck to pick up such a bargain.

Li Ming left Mingfeng Mountain, walked to an intersection, took a taxi, and went straight to the hospital.

In the taxi, Li Ming opened the kit, and it really contained blood coagulation grass. He was overjoyed. He didn't expect to get a blood coagulation grass. He was sure to heal his mother-in-law's injury within ten days.

Check the kit, there is also a small pouch inside, with a few grass seeds in the bag.

Li Ming couldn't help being taken aback, and asked secretly: "What kind of grass is this?"

It must be unusual to see Mr. He collecting it so carefully.

Could it be blood coagulation grass?

There is a description of blood coagulation grass in the little yellow book, with red stems, white roots, and orchid-shaped leaves, but there is no description of blood coagulation grass species, and Li Ming can't tell whether it is a blood coagulation grass species.

If so, it is undoubtedly great news for Li Ming.If not, it doesn't matter.

These few seeds Li Ming will definitely plant, but he is a little worried that the seeds will not survive.

But some things can only be known after trying. As for success, it depends on fate.

There are four seeds in total, one of which is a bit deflated, not as plump as the other three. Li Ming thinks it should be an immature or half-abandoned seed, so he decides to plant it first!
As for the other three seeds, Li Ming does not plan to plant them for the time being. He wants to go to Zhonghai to plant these seeds under the old locust tree.

The old locust tree exudes a strange air, which must be of great benefit to the development of these seeds.

While thinking, the taxi had already arrived at the hospital. Li Ming paid the fare and came to his mother-in-law's ward.

Seeing Li Ming coming, Tan Xiaoling asked, "Li Ming, what kind of medicine did you apply to my mother? The doctor said that the healing is very good."

It turned out that today the doctor came to check on Tan's mother as usual, and found that Tan Xiaoling had used private medicine. Worried that something might go wrong, he asked Tan's mother to do a CT scan. After looking at the CT film, the broken ribs healed quite well. According to this The speed will definitely heal completely within a month.

When Li Ming heard about it, he smiled and said, "Of course it's not a common medicine, it's my unique secret recipe."

"Unique secret recipe? By the way, the director asked me to ask if you have any intention of cooperation. Their hospital wants to create this ointment with you." Tan Xiaoling said.

"Not interested." Li Ming immediately said that if he wanted to make money from this medicine, he would have used it a long time ago, so why wait until now.

"Xiao Ming, I heard from the doctor that the ointment is very marketable, and it should make a lot of money by making it. Why don't you try it?" Mother Tan persuaded.

"Mom, our family is not short of this little money. And this medicine is not so easy to prepare. One of the main medicines is produced in the African primitive bush. It took me six or seven months to collect two or three taels, so It is almost impossible to mass-produce this medicine," Li Ming said.

"Oh." Tan's mother was disappointed for a while. Seeing that her son-in-law Li Ming didn't have a job, she thought that this medicine could just get a formal job. It wasn't that Tan's mother had any thoughts about Li Ming, but human nature.

Seeing Li Ming talking big, Tan Xiaoling asked with a smile: Li Ming, how much money does our family have? "

"Hey." Li Ming smiled innocently, thought for a while, and said, "It's almost enough to buy half of Zhonghai, right?"

"Just brag, who didn't know who had no living expenses and had to pay salary in advance?" Tan Xiaoling said with a smile.

"I'm serious." Li Ming said seriously. ,

"I believe you have ghosts." Tan Xiaoling didn't believe it, and Tan's mother didn't believe it even more.

Li Ming was depressed. He was telling the truth. He had earned a lot of money as a mercenary these years, but his money was not deposited into his account, and he handed it over to Heimei.In fact, all the money of the Heaven's Punishment members is handed over to the black girl, and usually only a little pocket money is left.

According to Li Ming's estimate, his private property is really enough to buy half of Zhong Hai!
After dinner, Li Ming took Tan Siming home, and Tan Xiaoling took care of Tan's mother tonight.

After returning home, Li Ming bathed Tan Siming, put him to sleep, and went to the kitchen to prepare medicine.

Blood coagulation grass can be refined into alchemy, but with Li Ming's current strength, nine out of ten it will be useless, and there is no suitable alchemy cauldron.

Therefore, Li Ming chose the next best thing, and planned to decoct the blood coagulation grass into a medicinal soup.

According to Li Ming's estimation, this mature blood coagulation grass should have the drug age of Shuangjiazi, and it may even be higher.

It is boiled into a decoction, and you only need to give Mother Tan a sip or two, and the broken ribs should heal within a few days.

Li Ming cleared and cleaned the clotting grass, put it into a casserole for decocting medicine, poured three bowls of water, and boiled it over low heat.

Li Ming has been guarding the casserole, but the time must not pass, otherwise the efficacy of the blood coagulation grass will be greatly reduced.

About an hour and a half later, when there was only one small bowl of water left in the three big bowls of water in the casserole, Li Ming turned off the gas stove, opened the lid of the casserole, and saw that the water had turned bright red and was as sticky as blood.

Li Ming is very satisfied. The medicinal effect of this blood coagulation grass should be fully decocted, right?

After the blood coagulation soup cooled down, Li Ming poured the medicinal soup and blood coagulation grass into the glass jar prepared in advance, and then went to sleep in peace.

Early the next morning, Li Ming poured a small glass of coagulation soup and took Tan Siming to the hospital.

Tan Xiaoling saw Li Ming pour something bright red for her mother to drink, and asked in surprise, "Li Ming, what is this? Why is it so bright red? It looks like blood."

"This is not blood. This thing is more precious than blood. Our mother will be out of bed within a few days after drinking it. Bring me some water, and I'll pour some water to dilute it." Li Ming said.

"Then what exactly is this?" Tan Xiaoling asked suspiciously.

"Well, you can think of it as an uncommon traditional Chinese medicine." Li Ming said.

"You went out yesterday just to find this?" Tan Xiaoling asked.

"Well, this thing came by chance, not just looking for it, I was lucky too." Li Minghan said with a smile.

Tan Xiaoling felt that Li Ming was a little crazy. Is this thing really so magical?How many days will you be able to get out of bed?
Tan Xiaoling fed it to her mother suspiciously, and Tan's mother felt a warm current spread among her internal organs, which was very comfortable and indescribable.

(End of this chapter)

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