The best immortal emperor

Chapter 34 ancestor worship

Chapter 34 ancestor worship
As Li Ming expected, after a week, Tan's mother's broken ribs healed completely, and she was able to get out of bed and walk freely.After repeated diagnosis by the hospital, it was determined that it was not a misdiagnosis, it was really good.

Tan Xiaoling's face was full of surprise, is this all right?It's simply unbelievable. What kind of panacea did Li Ming give his mother? It's amazing.

The senior management of the hospital was also shocked, it was simply a miracle in the history of medicine!

The dean strongly desires to reach a cooperation with Li Ming on the ointment, but Li Ming has no idea, so the hospital can only give up.

Tan's mother recovered, and Li Ming planned to take Tan Xiaoling and Tan Siming back to Yanjing in the next two days. There were some things to do.

A few days later, Li Ming took Tan Xiaoling and Tan Siming on the flight to Yanjing.

The old house of the Li family has been preserved and has not been used for other purposes. The last time Li Ming went back to Yanjing, he visited the old house. It was well placed inside, without dust or dilapidation, because there would be special staff from time to time. Come and clean.

When the plane arrived in Yanjing, Li Ming took a taxi and went straight to the Red Wall compound.

After getting out of the car, Li Ming held Tan Siming in one hand and Tan Xiaoling in the other, and walked towards the red wall compound.

It used to be very prosperous here, but with the passage of time, it has become desolate, and the houses in these courtyards are basically deserted.

"Come in with me, this is my home." Li Ming smiled.

"Is this your home?" Tan Xiaoling asked as she looked at the small courtyard with red walls in front of her.

"Well, I lived here when I was very young." Li Ming said.

"Then why did you go to Daxing'an Mountains to study in high school?" Tan Xiaoling asked in surprise.

"Because of my grandma." Li Ming fell into deep memories, "My mother gave birth to me and died of dystocia. The only person who was worried before she went was my grandma. My grandpa left early, and my grandma had only one daughter under my mother's knee, and my mother gave birth to me. Going again, for the old man, the sky is undoubtedly falling. So, when I grew up, my father sent me to my grandmother's house to accompany my grandmother and go to school there."

"I see." Tan Xiaoling suddenly realized.

"Grandma went there the year I went to the army, and the house was gone, buried in mudslides." Li Ming fell into deep memories.

Walking into the old house, there is a big jujube tree growing in the yard with luxuriant branches and many green dates hanging on it.

Li Ming still remembers climbing this big jujube tree when he was a child, and was often reprimanded by his grandma, but every time he was reprimanded, his grandpa would smile cheerfully and say: "Boys, you should play, otherwise you will become a big girl." !"

Li Ming carried Tan Siming to the jujube tree, picked a handful of dates, washed them, and said, "Come, try the dates from our old Li's family."

The jujube tree was not planted by grandpa and grandma. It already existed when Mr. Li lived here. I heard from grandpa and grandma that this jujube tree was planted by a prince in the Qing Dynasty, and it is very old.

Tan Siming took the jujube handed over by his father and took a bite. The jujube was a bit hard and hurt his little teeth, but it tasted sweet and delicious!
The old house is almost the same as in memory, and the decorations of the house have been preserved intact. Everything is so familiar, but somehow it makes Li Ming feel a little deserted.

Maybe it's because grandparents and grandma are gone?

Li Ming walked to the incense chair, took out three sticks of sandalwood from the cabinet of the incense chair, lit them up and made a bow, inserted them into the incense burner, and said in a nonchalant manner: "Grandpa, grandma, mom and dad, I will bring my wife and son back to see you guys."

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(End of this chapter)

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