The best immortal emperor

Chapter 337 Brother, what should we do now?

Chapter 337 Brother, what should we do now?
Li Ming and Niu Wudi also left afterward, but before they left, they left some middle-grade spirit stones for Huier.

If you want the horse to run, how can you not feed the grass?

After leaving the courtyard, Niu Wudi asked, "Brother, what should we do now?"

Li Ming thought for a while, and said, "Before the soldiers and horses move, food and grass go first! Although this is a world of cultivation, supplies are also indispensable. I believe that a large number of supplies are being transported to the front line now."

Hearing this, Niu Wudi felt confused and didn't know why.

Li Ming went on to say: "Our God of Medicine Sect is the number one sect of elixir in the world, and the battle of the Great Jin Dynasty is imminent, so we will definitely take pills from our God of Medicine Sect. Let's go to a few nearby cities to search for the God of Medicine Sect. The branch. Maybe you can get a task of escorting the pill, and then you can justifiably sneak into the frontline army of the Jin Dynasty!"

At this time, Niu Wudi suddenly realized that it was so!
Immediately, the two left Sunset City and went to a slightly larger city nearby!

There is no need to think about the cities on the border, they are all small towns, and there are not many monks throughout the year. Obviously, it is impossible to have a branch of the God of Medicine Sect, so we can only look inland.

In a blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

After many inquiries, Li Ming finally found out that a city called Yunshui City had a branch of the God of Medicine.

Immediately, Li Ming and Niu Wudi flew towards Yunshui City.

Yunshui City is the first city on the border of the Dajin Dynasty. Although it is not as prosperous as those main cities, because it is a strategic location, its status is not low in the Dajin Dynasty!
It took Li Ming and Niu Wudi two full days to reach Yunshui City after performing the technique of turning the rainbow.

Sure enough, a big city is a big city, far beyond what those small cities can compare!
From far away, you can see the majestic city gate, tall and majestic!
Li Ming and Niu Wudi descended from the clouds and walked to the base of Yunshui City.

Because of the war, there are far more guards guarding the city than usual.Moreover, entering the city will also be interrogated.

Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door!

Li Ming and Niu Wudi walked towards Yunshui City tall and straight, only to be stopped by soldiers guarding the city and asked, "What are you doing?"

I only heard Li Ming say: "I am a disciple of the God of Medicine Sect, and I came to Yunshui City to find the shopkeeper of the God of Medicine Store in Yunshui City."

The guarding disciple was startled, looked at Li Ming suspiciously, and asked in doubt, "Are you really a disciple of the God of Medicine Sect?"

"It's guaranteed to be a fake." As he said, Li Ming took out the waist badge unique to the disciples of the God of Medicine Sect.

When the soldiers saw it, they immediately let them go, "Please come in!"

Even entering the city without spirit stones!
Once a war breaks out, it will be a protracted war, and there will be no three to fifty years without letting go.

Three to fifty years is still relatively short. The longest battle ever fought lasted for a full hundred years!
And once the war breaks out, the demand for pills will increase greatly, reaching a very terrifying astronomical figure.

Therefore, at this time, the sects that can refine elixir will be treated by the dynasty.

The God of Medicine Sect is the number one pill sect in the world, so it is natural that they receive the highest preferential treatment.

As early as a few days ago, the Great Jin Dynasty had promulgated express regulations that disciples of the Medicine God Sect would be exempted from paying spirit stones when they entered any city!For other disciples of the Pill Sect, the income will be reduced by half!
It can be seen that the position of the God of Medicine Sect in the hearts of the Great Jin Dynasty!
Li Ming and Niu Wudi entered Yunshui City and walked towards the God of Medicine Store!
 Let's hold a small event to collect the name of Li Ming's first flying sword, and welcome everyone to leave a message in the book section.If it is adopted, the hero will distribute a big red envelope of 10000 genesis book coins.Everyone is welcome to join this little event!The deadline for the event is the day when the name of the first flying sword is revealed. Lucky viewers are limited to one person, so leave a message first served. (Explanation: The names of the swords are the same, the first to keep the name of the sword will receive the red envelope, and the latter can only be sorry.)
(End of this chapter)

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