The best immortal emperor

Chapter 338 The Shopkeeper Knows Me?

Chapter 338 The Shopkeeper Knows Me?

After entering Yunshui City, it didn't take much effort to find the God of Medicine Store very easily!

This God of Medicine shop can only be described as mediocre, far inferior to the grandeur of the God of Medicine shops in other main cities, let alone the God of Medicine shop in Dajinwang City!

However, there is no other choice at the moment, but this is the only way.

Li Ming and Niu Wudi walked into the God of Medicine shop, the waiter saw a customer coming, he hurried up to say hello, and asked, "You two, what do you need?"

I only heard that Li Ming asked: "Is your shopkeeper here?"

Because there are only a person in the shop, Li Ming will ask this way.

The guy paused and said, "Guest officer, I'm sorry, our shopkeeper is out, what you need is the same as what I said."

"No hurry, I'll wait for your shopkeeper to come back. When will he be back?" Li Ming asked.

The man hesitated slightly, but still said, "About this time tomorrow."

"Then I'll come back tomorrow." Li Ming said flatly.

Unwilling to be reconciled, the buddy promoted again: "Guest officer, what do you need is the same as I told me, I really can make the decision."

"Hehe." Li Ming smiled and said, "I don't need anything, I just have something to talk to your shopkeeper."

The shopkeepers of all the God of Medicine shops in the world are disciples of the God of Medicine Sect, who are elite disciples.

As for the staff in the store, they are usually recruited from the local area where the God of Medicine store is located.Of course, there are also some elite disciples who will bring the lower-level disciples of the God of Medicine Sect with them.

Li Ming and Niu Wudi had no choice but to leave for the time being as the shopkeeper of the Yaoshen Store was not there.

After leaving the Yaoshen store, Li Ming planned to stay in the city for one night, and then went to look for the shopkeeper tomorrow.

Yunshui City is a big city, and there are quite a few restaurants in it, at least seven or eight.

But, without exception, they are all full!

Li Ming and Niu Wudi finally found two rooms in an unremarkable restaurant. The accommodation environment was relatively poor, but overall it was okay.

The border was in a hurry, and some cities on the border were bustling, and it was unknown where monks flocked.

After staying, Li Ming and Niu Wudi ordered some food.

I have to say that the food in this humble restaurant is pretty good, refreshing and not greasy.

The next day, Li Ming and Niu Wudi went to Yunshui City again.

At this time, the shopkeeper has come back.

When the waiter saw Li Ming and the others coming, he couldn't help saying to the shopkeeper: "Uncle Fan, these two are looking for you."

Uncle Zi Fan, the treasurer who was doing the accounting, raised his head and saw Li Ming and Niu Wudi wearing the robes of the elite disciples of the God of Medicine Sect. He couldn't help being startled, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Shopkeeper, can I take a step to speak?" Li Ming asked politely.

The shopkeeper hesitated a little, and said, "You two, please come inside!"

Immediately, the shopkeeper brought Li Ming and the two into the inner room.

The room inside is used to greet big customers, and rarely receives outsiders on weekdays.

After entering the inner room, the shopkeeper asked first, "Are you two disciples of the Medicine God Sect?"

"Exactly." Li Ming replied.

"Do you have a certificate?" the shopkeeper asked.

I saw Li Ming spreading his hands, revealing the unique token of the God of Medicine Sect.

Afterwards, Li Ming poured real yuan into it, and some basic information appeared on the token.

Undoubtedly, this is the unique token of the God of Medicine Sect, and this person is indeed the token holder!
Seeing some basic information on the token, the shopkeeper was slightly surprised, and asked in surprise, "Are you Li Ming?"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, but also very surprised, "The shopkeeper knows me?"

(End of this chapter)

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