Chapter 3372
When he arrived here, Li Ming didn't see the owner of the shop, so he couldn't help being slightly surprised: "Could it be gone?"

After a slight pause, Li Ming couldn't help releasing his divine sense, and carefully explored the surrounding area.

At this time, only heard the three-headed fire python said: "Master, I can smell his breath, he should be nearby."

"Oh?" Li Ming paused, and then said: "Lead the way and find him."

"Yes, master." The three-headed fire python responded.

The three-headed fire python hated the original owner deeply. When he was his spirit beast, he was beaten every now and then, and he was also threatened with death.

Now, the owner of the workshop gave him to Li Ming, and now Li Ming brought the poisonous thorn dragon to trouble the owner of the workshop, but he was very excited by the three-headed fire python.

At this time, I saw the three-headed fire python swimming towards a mountain stream not far away.

"Oh? Hiding in the mountain stream?" Li Ming couldn't help but hesitate, and now the three-headed fire python recognizes him as the master, so he is not worried about the three-headed fire python playing tricks.

After a little effort, the group arrived at the mountain stream.

The spring water in the mountain stream is lingering, and the flowers are in full bloom, making it very claustrophobic.

Li Ming scanned with his spiritual sense, but did not find the figure of the master.

At this time, I only heard the three-headed fire python say: "Master, he is hiding in a cave below the mountain stream."

Hearing this, Li Ming fell to the bottom of the mountain stream with a poisonous stinger.

Sure enough, there was an inconspicuous cave at the bottom of the mountain stream. The entrance of the cave was blocked by a waterfall. If the three-headed fire python hadn't pointed it out, Li Ming would never have found it.

Break through the waterfall and break into the cave. The inside is very empty, and it doesn't look like a natural formation. It should be deliberately opened up by the owner of the workshop.

At this time, the sound from Li Ming and others seemed to wake up the owner of the retreat in the cave.

"Who?" There was only a vigilant shout.

"Fangzhu, don't come here without any harm!" Li Ming said unhurriedly.

"It's you?" The master heard Li Ming's voice, and then took out the lighting stone.

Sure enough, Li Ming was standing at the entrance of the cave, and there were three fire pythons and stinging dragons beside him.

Seeing them, Fangzhu couldn't help but feel a sudden shock, and asked vigilantly: "Li Ming, what do you want to do? Did you forget the poisonous oath you made?"

"Of course I won't forget, and I don't want to do anything, it's just that the Poisonous Stinger is looking for you, and I'm just guiding him." Li Ming said.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Fang Master couldn't help being startled, and looked at the Poisonous Sting Jiao hesitantly.

At this time, I heard that the poisonous thorn Jiao said inarticulately: "Master, I want to avenge my pregnant mother!"

"It's up to you?" Fangzhu's face darkened, and then he laughed.

"Surrender to death!" The Stinging Jiao rushed towards the workshop owner without saying a word.

The Fangzhu's face darkened, and immediately released Wang Zhaojing's aura.Although he was poisoned by the poisonous stinging dragon, after these few days of cultivation, the poison has been stabilized, and his life is not in danger for the time being.

As soon as they fought, the poisonous stinging dragon was suppressed by Fangzhu.

After all, the Poisonous Sting Jiao only has the strength of sitting in the state of Zhao, and there is no chance of winning against the owner of Wang Zhaojing.

"Woooo..." The Stinger Jiao let out a miserable cry.

At this time, the master of the workshop said gloomyly: "Li Ming, I would like to thank you for sending this stinging dragon over here. I will pull his tendons and peel off his skin right now!"

Seeing this, the three-headed fire python's expression changed, and he looked at Fangzhu angrily.

However, the three-headed fire python did not act rashly, because Li Ming did not give him any orders.

Li Ming watched quietly, not intending to interfere at all.

The poisonous stinger is in danger and may die at any time.

At this time, I only heard the poisonous stinging Jiao asking for help: "Li Ming, help me."

"Okay!" Li Ming was waiting for the words from the Stinger Jiao.

Immediately, Li Mingchao winked at the three-headed fire python.

The three-headed fire python nodded and shot immediately.

"Bang..." I saw the three-headed fire python twitch its giant tail, and sent Fangzhu flying.

"You bastard!" The owner of the workshop suddenly became angry, the three-headed fire python didn't even dare to lift his head when they saw him before, how dare they beat him today?
However, the three-headed fire python was relieved for a while. After being suppressed by the Fangzhu for many years, he can finally take revenge!
Just when the three-headed fire python was about to attack again, Li Ming said, "Okay, let's go."

After speaking, Li Ming took the Stinger Jiao and left the cave.

"Let's go now?" The three-headed fire python looked depressed, not understanding why the master was like this.

However, the three-headed fire python didn't dare to say anything, so it could only obediently follow Li Ming.

In fact, if the three-headed fire python continued to attack the owner of the workshop at this time, the owner of the workshop who was poisoned in the body would definitely die.

After leaving the cave, Li Ming checked Stinger Jiao's injuries and said, "You are seriously injured and need to recuperate, why don't you stay by my side for now?"

"Woooo..." The Stinger Jiao looked at Li Ming whiningly, finally nodded, and said, "Okay!"

"Don't think about revenge. After all, Fangzhu is the existence of Wang Zhaojing. With your current strength, you are not his opponent at all. But don't worry, I will help you. Although it is because of the poisonous oath of destiny , I can't attack him, but I can make you stronger." Li Ming said persuasively.

Hearing this, Stinger Jiao was so moved that he was about to cry, good man, absolutely good man, this Li Ming not only saved himself, but also cultivated himself to avenge himself!

Seeing that the Stinger Jiao really followed him, Li Ming couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, all this was not in vain.

The poisonous stinging dragon is dull in nature, suspicious and sick, and it is almost impossible to forcibly subdue it.

That's why Li Ming spent so much trouble.

However, once a friendly relationship is established with the Stinging Jiao, the Stinging Jiao will follow wholeheartedly.

Leaving this place, I only heard Li Ming say: "Let's go, join Goshawk and the others."

"Yes, master." The three-headed fire python responded.

Immediately, the three-headed fire python flew in the direction pointed by Li Ming.

Although the three-headed fire python is a reptile, he is the existence of Wang Zhaojing after all, and the trivial matter of flying is still easy.

On the same day, Goshawk took Shang Gongxin to escape from the cave and flew all the way north.

It was not until it was confirmed that no one was chasing him that he found a safe place to settle down.

Li Ming contacted Dianbei Goshawk after finishing dealing with Fangzhu's affairs.

At this time, Goshawk with the back of the point was waiting for Li Ming to arrive.

A few days later, Li Ming rode the three-headed fire python to the place where the point-backed goshawk settled down.

Goshawk on the back of his back sensed Li Ming's breath, and immediately came up to meet him.

But when he saw the three-headed fire python under Li Ming's feet, he was startled. If Li Ming wasn't here, he would turn around and run away.

The three-headed fire python looked at the spot-backed goshawk that appeared suddenly, and couldn't help spitting out the snake letter, as if it took the three-headed fire python as rations.

Goshawk pointing his back sensed the unkindness of the three-headed fire python, and trembled with fright.

At this time, Li Ming knocked on the head of the three-headed fire python, and shouted: "Don't make mistakes."

Hearing this, the three-headed fire python suddenly became obedient.

Seeing this, Goshawk hesitated for a while, did the master subdue the three-headed fire python?
At this moment, Li Ming asked, "Xiaoying, where is Miss Shanggong?"

(End of this chapter)

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