Chapter 3373
"Rest in this cave, I'll tell her to come out right away." Dotted Goshawk replied.

After a while, Shang Gongxin flew out of the cave.

Seeing the three-headed fire python, Shang Gongxin was startled.

Similarly, the three-headed fire python was surprised when he saw Shang Gongxin, and seemed to understand what was going on.That day in the dungeon, what Shang Gongxin mentioned about her was probably Li Ming!
At this moment, Li Ming asked, "Miss Shang Gong, are you alright?"

"It's nothing serious, the poison on my body is almost cured." Shang Gongxin said, and then asked: "Li Ming, where are the masters? Are you chasing them?"

"Fangzhu and the others can't catch up for the time being, we are safe for the time being, what is the plan of Miss Shanggong in the future?" Li Ming asked.

"Plans?" Shang Gongxin sighed slightly, and said, "I'm alone, my home is all over the world, and I don't have any plans."

"Since this is the case, Miss Shanggong might as well go with me to Shanyang City to recuperate first, and then make plans after my body is fully recovered?" Li Ming asked.

"Alright, I still send you a cheat book. When I get to Shanyang City, I will write it to you silently." Shang Gongxin said.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused, and asked in surprise: "Shanggong girl really has a secret book of fighting clans?"

"How can I lie to you?" Shang Gongxin said.

"Then the girl from Shanggong must also be proficient in the characters of the Fighting Clan?" Li Ming asked along the way.

"What do you mean?" Shang Gong Xinhu questioned.

"To tell you the truth, Miss Shanggong, I got a secret book about the Fighting Clan a long time ago, but it's a pity that the secret book was written in the cipher text of the Fighting Clan, and I haven't figured it out until now. For the cipher text of the Fighting Clan, please point me to the next two." Li Ming said truthfully.

Hearing this, Shang Gongxin couldn't help raising his eyelids, as if he understood something, he couldn't help asking: "So, the reason why you rescued me from the dungeon that day was because you wanted to figure out the password of the Fighting Clan?"

"That's right, I was only disappointed when I heard the girl say that she was not an authentic descendant of the Fighting Clan." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Shang Gongxin paused, and then said: "Li Ming, I am indeed proficient in the cipher text of the Fighting Clan, but I can't guarantee that I know every word. Since you saved me twice, I will Try to help you unlock that secret book."

"That's why I would like to thank Miss Shanggong." Li Ming said.

Afterwards, the group left the deep mountain and rushed towards Shanyang City.

The poisonous stinging dragon is recuperating on the back of the three-headed fire python, and the goshawk is carrying Li Ming and monk Gong Xin on its back.

There was no delay along the way, and we went quickly.

Several months later, Li Ming and his party returned to Shanyang City.

Shanyang City is still prosperous, similar to the past.

"This is Shanyang City?" Shang Gongxin looked around curiously.

"Yes, this is Shanyang City." Li Ming replied.

"It's much more prosperous than Tianhe Shifang. I haven't been to such a prosperous city for a long time. I really hope to live here forever." Shang Gongxin sighed.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused, and then said: "If Miss Shanggong wants to live here permanently, then I will buy some land and property for Miss Shanggong."

Shang Gongxin gave a bitter smile, and politely refused: "No need, I'm still used to being my home all over the world. Staying in one place for too long will arouse others' suspicion."

Hearing this, Li Ming was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what Shang Gongxin meant. She was afraid that her identity would be exposed.

Li Ming also understood, and didn't try to persuade him any more, he just said, "Let's go, let's go to the city's market place first, and then settle down."

"What's the matter?" Shang Gongxin asked.

"No, it's one of our own." Li Ming explained.

Hearing this, Shang Gongxin was slightly relieved.

After a little effort, Li Ming brought a group of people to Zhou Xinghai's market place.

Since entering the city, the point-backed goshawk, three-headed fire python, and stinging dragon have all turned into human forms.

Goshawk with the back of his back looks like a mature middle-aged man, the three-headed fire python looks a bit demonic, sissy, and his face is more iconic than other girls, and the stinging dragon has become a five or six-year-old child.

After entering the market place, Zhou Xinghai greeted him immediately, "Master, you are back."

"En." Li Ming nodded in response, and then asked: "During this period of time, what happened to Shifang?"

"Back to the master, nothing happened. It's just that a deputy master of Tianhe Shifang came to inquire about your news..." Zhou Xinghai replied truthfully.

"Oh? This happened? When did it happen?" Li Ming asked.

"Several months ago, it seems that it was only a few days after the Tianhe Shifang dungeon was broken." Zhou Xinghai said.

"Oh?" Li Ming paused, and said in surprise: "At that time, Tianhe Shifang already knew his details?"

After a pause, Li Ming suddenly thought of something. They should have gotten clues from Director Wang. After all, he had brought Zhou Xinghai's letter of introduction to find Director Wang that day. When something happened in the dungeon, they would naturally send someone to investigate.

But these are irrelevant now, the strong men in Tianhe Shifang are dead and injured, and they have monsters like the three-headed fire python, Tianhe Shifang has nothing to fear.

After a pause, Li Ming continued to ask: "Apart from this matter, is there anything else? Has the Jiang family in Xicheng made any moves?"

"The Jiang family didn't do anything. After searching for a long time, they didn't find any valuable clues." Zhou Xinghai replied.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded, and then said: "Prepare two courtyards for me first, and I will settle them down first."

"They are?" Zhou Xinghai asked lately.

"They're all friends." Li Ming said casually without too much explanation.

Afterwards, Zhou Xinghai settled the group down, and Li Ming was not in a hurry to ask Shang Gongxin to translate the cipher text of the Fighting Clan for him. Instead, he let Goshawk and the three-headed fire python play in the city for a few days.

After a few days, Shang Gongxin gradually calmed down.

At this time, Li Ming handed a bound book to Shang Gongxin and said, "Miss Shang Gong, this is the upper part of that secret book, please translate it for me first."

"Okay, I need a few days, and I'll find you when the translation is finished." Shang Gongxin said.

"Okay." Li Ming replied very easy-going.

Afterwards, Li Ming went back to his room first.

Wen Dianbei Goshawk reminded carefully: "Master, this Shang Gongxin's origin is unknown. If you give her the secret book of the Fighting Clan, will she find a chance to escape?"

Hearing this, Li Ming pondered slightly, and then said: "Probably not?"

"Then why don't Zhou Xinghai and I take turns monitoring her?" Dianbei Goshawk asked.

"No, if you do this, it will only make Shang Gongxin feel uneasy." Li Ming refused.

"Then...about the secret code? Do you want me to keep an eye on her secretly?" Goshawk looked at Li Ming hesitantly.

"No, you don't have to worry about this matter, I care about it myself." Li Ming said majesticly.

"Yes, master." Seeing this, Goshawk didn't dare to say anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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