Chapter 3410
Hearing this, several young people looked at each other in blank dismay.

I only heard that the leading brother said: "Put it here first, it's important to find Bi Fang Neidan."

"Will someone drop by?" One of the young people asked.

"That's right, it would be a big loss if someone picked it up along the way, why don't you send someone to stay here to guard it?" Someone suggested.

"Who is willing?" asked the lead brother.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, saying that they were unwilling to stay and guard.

Compared to Bi Fang's inner alchemy, this Bi Fang's physical body is nothing at all.

If you stay here and miss Bi Fang Neidan, the loss outweighs the gain.

Suddenly, a person suggested: "You may as well leave a thought on Bi Fang's body. If someone really picks it up, we can find it too."

"Okay, that's it." The elder brother who took the lead responded.

Immediately, several people left thoughts on Bi Fang's body.

Afterwards, several people searched nearby, looking for Bi Fang Naidan's whereabouts.

Bi Fang's corpse is more troublesome to deal with, because there is a layer of fire poison on the surface of the skin, if it is not cleaned, Bi Fang's corpse is likely to be useless.

This is why the few people are not in a hurry to deal with Bi Fang's body!
Today En released his thoughts and searched the area carefully.

Li Ming was actually hiding at the foot of the mountain not far away, but Li Ming had already sealed the cave where he was hiding. It was difficult to find his existence if he was not a little venerable.

And these young people obviously don't have the realm of little venerables!

In the cave, Li Ming devoted himself wholeheartedly to refining.

Li Ming had heard of Bi Fang's name before, but the world he was in was just a glimpse, and there were not many records. He never expected to see him in the world of Pan Gu.

Bi Fang is as famous as Phoenix, both of which are very special flame birds.

Now, Li Ming finally realized that Bi Fang was extraordinary.

Bi Fang's inner alchemy melted in Li Ming's stomach, and the essence inside leaked out.

Immediately, Li Ming felt his viscera were scorching hot, as if being burned by fire.

The scorching gas surged up, and Li Ming kept exhaling hot air from his mouth, and the hot air turned into flames at the outlet.

Li Ming didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he felt an indescribable comfortable feeling all over his body, as if the phoenix blood in his body had been ignited.


Li Ming was panting heavily, and he spewed out hot air from his nose, ears, and mouth. As soon as the hot air left Li Ming's body, it turned into flames.

At this moment, Li Ming looked like a fire-breathing monster.

Those people started a blanket search in the surrounding area, but so far, nothing was found.

"Brother, will that person leave after obtaining the inner alchemy?" One person said with a frown.

"That's right, if he gets Bi Fang's inner alchemy and escapes, we won't be able to find him either."

"Impossible, Bi Fang's inner alchemy must be taken immediately after it is taken out, otherwise the efficacy will be halved, and that person must not have gone far." The leading brother said.

"In this case?" The others couldn't help being surprised, they really didn't know that Bi Fang's inner alchemy had to be taken immediately after it was taken out.

"Look carefully, it should be near here, and a huge flame will be produced during the refining process of Bi Fang's inner alchemy." The leading brother said.

Hearing this, several other people couldn't help but nodded, and searched carefully again.

Li Ming didn't know that Bi Fang Neidan needed to be taken immediately after it was taken out, because he never thought that this Bi Fang was hunted and killed before, thinking that he was lucky.

Li Ming tried his best to absorb Bi Fang's inner alchemy, because he was pregnant with phoenix blood, the efficiency of absorption was far better than that of ordinary people, and the leakage of breath was relatively small.Coupled with the fact that Li Ming had arranged for the confinement early on, it was difficult for the outside world to notice.

Those people walked around the nearby hills, all of them looked very bad.

"It's strange, there is no flame fluctuations around here. Could it be that that person would rather let Bi Fang lose most of his inner alchemy than refine it here?" The leader brother said hesitantly.

"Brother, could it be that person is riding on a monster beast, refining it while flying away?" Someone speculated.

"Impossible, Bi Fang's inner alchemy will release a lot of flames during the refining process, and ordinary mounts can't bear it at all." The leading brother said.

"Then this matter is a bit strange. Could it be that the man really had the heart to lose half of the efficacy of the inner alchemy?"

Everyone hesitated for a while, and no one could figure out what was going on.

"Let's look again, maybe there is something we have neglected." The elder brother said.

"Hmm." The others responded.

Immediately, these people searched carefully again.

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed.

These few people still didn't find anything suspicious, and at this time, Li Ming had completely refined Bi Fang's inner alchemy.

Now, Li Ming only feels refreshed all over, and his strength is unprecedentedly surging.

There is no doubt that Li Ming has recovered his strength in the middle stage of the God King.

It's a pity that one can't comprehend the Dao of Heaven and Dao World here, otherwise, one might be able to use this Bi Fang Neidan to improve one's comprehension realm.


Li Ming let out a breath of foul air. He was very satisfied to be able to restore his strength in the middle stage of the God King Realm.

After stretching his muscles and bones, Li Ming broke through the cave and walked out.

It was sunny outside, cloudless, and looked very clean.

Li Ming stretched himself, ready to leave.

But he suddenly thought of Bi Fang's body, and wondered if those people took Bi Fang's body away?

"It doesn't matter, let's go and have a look first." Li Ming said secretly.

Of course, Li Ming knew that this possibility was very small. After all, Bi Fang was not an ordinary monster. His corpse was of great value, and no one would be tempted.

When Li Ming broke through the cave, there was a loud noise, and the guys who were looking for Bi Fang Neidan noticed it immediately and rushed to check it out.

But at this time, when they arrived, Li Ming had already left, and they were in vain.

"No one," said one of them.

"Looks like we're late."

"The aura of the fire attribute in this cave is extremely strong, and there is also the aura of Bi Fang. It must be the person who snatched Bi Fang's inner alchemy to retreat here." The leading brother said.

"Yes!" Several others responded one after another.

"Look around immediately, that person must not have gone far!" said the elder brother who took the lead.

"Hmm." The others responded.

Immediately, several people dispersed and quickly searched the area, not letting go of any corner.

"Is there?" The leader brother asked through sound transmission.

"I don't have any here." One of them replied via voice transmission.

"I don't have it here either."

"Everything is fine on my side."

"Strange, where did that person go?" The elder brother who took the lead hesitated for a while.

It turned out that after Li Ming broke through the cave, he was worried that those people were still there, so he used Shadow Kill to move forward, walking through the shadows of the leaves all the way, so these people didn't find Li Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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