Chapter 3411
Li Ming sneaked forward all the way and came to the place where Bi Fang's body was.

At this moment, all the feathers of Bi Fang's body had been pulled out, and it looked like it was handled cleanly.

"Hey, Bi Fang's body is still there?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised, and looked very surprised, "And it was cleaned up, don't those people look down on Bi Fang's body? No, if they don't, why are they still there?" Dispose of Bi Fang's body so cleanly?"

"They must have something to leave for the time being." Li Ming speculated.

Thinking of this, Li Ming's heart skipped a beat, he took the processed body of Bi Fang with him, and ran away immediately.

Those few searched for Li Ming but found nothing, so they could only go back home.

But when they arrived at the spot, Bi Fang's body that had just been disposed of was gone.

"Where's Bi Fang's body?" Several people were startled.

"It must be the person who robbed Bi Fang Neidan." said the elder brother who took the lead.

"Damn it, you actually robbed us twice, damn it!"

"Whether it is tolerable or unbearable! That guy must be found, and that guy must be smashed into pieces! Otherwise, it will be difficult to relieve my anger!"

"I'll cut off his head for a chamber pot!"

Several people were extremely angry, wishing to eat and drink the meat of the thief.

Li Ming fled quickly with Bi Fang's body on his shoulders. He didn't expect his luck to be so good. He got Bi Fang's inner alchemy and Bi Fang's body. He really didn't know who those guys were.

Don't those people deserve to be restrained by me?
Li Ming recovered to the middle stage of the God King, his speed increased a lot, and he quickly escaped from this area.

Although the strength of those few people is not weak, they all have the strength of Wang Zhaojing, and the elder brother who takes the lead has the same strength as Li Ming.

But they didn't know the direction Li Mingdun was going at all, so they could only carefully inspect the surrounding area.

And taking advantage of this time, Li Ming had already fled without a trace.

Li Ming flew continuously for four or five days, and stopped after making sure that those people were not chasing him.

"It's a good luck. Hurry up and refine Bi Fang's corpse. Although it can't improve the strength, it can strengthen the body and improve the body." Li Ming said secretly.

Immediately, Li Ming opened up a cave at the foot of a mountain.

The entrance of the cave was blocked by Li Ming with stones, and the inside was once again imprisoned. Looking from the outside, nothing abnormal could be seen at all.

After dealing with these, Li Ming cut up Bi Fang's body and divided it into many small pieces.

Bi Fang's body was not small, although it was not as big as that of a roc, it was much bigger than that of a phoenix.

After handling it well, Li Ming didn't cook or bake it, and just took it directly.

It's not eaten raw. When Bi Fang's meat entered Li Ming's mouth, it was melted by internal fire and turned into essence into Li Ming's body.

In the blink of an eye, a gigantic Bi Fang was completely eaten by Li Ming.

"Huh..." Li Min let out a long breath, with a satisfied expression on his face.


"Some support."

Li Ming patted his bulging belly, and muttered to himself: "It doesn't matter, let's refine and absorb it first."

Immediately, Li Mingpan sat down and began to absorb it heartily.

The essence of Bi Fang's corpse quickly entered Li Ming's limbs, internal organs, and his whole body became warm and indescribably comfortable.

However, at this moment, Li Ming suddenly woke up from the meditation, and an inexplicable burning pain came from his internal organs.

"What's going on?" Li Ming was stunned, and his face suddenly turned pale.


"No, I've been poisoned." Li Ming's face was very ugly. He didn't expect Bi Fang's body to be poisoned, and how many people were poisoned?


Li Ming originally thought that he had picked up a bargain, got Bi Fang's inner alchemy, and then got Bi Fang's inner alchemy, but he didn't expect to fall into the opponent's trick!

Li Ming immediately calmed himself down, preparing to forcibly suppress the toxicity in his body.

In fact, those few people did not poison Bi Fang's body at all, but the poison inherent in the surface layer of Bi Fang's skin.

Those people searched for Bi Fang's inner alchemy but found nothing, so they came back to deal with Bi Fang's body, erased the brand mark that had been branded on Bi Fang's body, and pulled out the feathers. Before they could deal with the surface skin of Bi Fang's body, they Hearing a shock, he rushed over immediately.

Li Ming didn't know that the surface layer of Bi Fang's skin was poisonous, so he took it directly after getting it cheaply, and then got poisoned by accident.

The toxicity is very strong, and it is very strong. Li Ming tried his best to suppress it.

"What should I do?" Li Ming's face was very ugly.

Suddenly, Li Ming thought of a brilliant idea, but he didn't know if it would succeed, "I can only try desperately!"

Immediately, Li Ming tried to gather the toxicity in his body.

As soon as the venom gathered, Li Ming's complexion suddenly became uglier, and the heart-burning pain of the poison became more intense.

Li Ming endured the great pain, forcing the poison into his veins.

Along the tendons, transfer these poisons to the arms.

Then, Li Ming gritted his teeth and immediately cut off his arm.

Suddenly, a large amount of toxicity spread.

" works!" Li Ming let out a long breath, feeling much more comfortable.

Under the effect of the immortal heart, the severed arm began to grow again, and the severed arm had been burnt black by the poison.

"Continue!" Li Ming said secretly.

Li Ming continued to gather the poison, and then forced it onto his arm.

At this time, the newly grown arm was cut off by Li Ming again before it was fully grown.


After a while of pain, Li Ming only felt that his tears were about to fall.

Cutting off Xinsheng's arm is far more painful than cutting off the old arm.

After chopping off his arms twice in a row, the toxicity in his body was weakened by half.

At this time, under the urging of the immortal heart, the arm continued to grow.

In less than a stick of incense, Li Ming's arm came out completely normal.

"Huh..." Li Ming let out a long breath, and his mental state improved slightly.

"I didn't expect this method to be really useful. It seems that this time is really lucky." Li Ming said secretly.

Indeed, if it weren't for Li Ming's indestructible heart, he would be a real useless person now.

Losing two arms will definitely reduce his strength greatly.

Li Ming stabilized his mind and began to suppress the toxicity in his body.

At this time, the toxicity in Li Ming's body was less than half of what it was just now, and he was no longer able to resist Li Ming.

Li Ming gathered these poisons together, and then signed a seal to seal them in his body for the time being, only to find a way to get rid of them later.

After four seals were concluded in this way, the body barely returned to normal.

However, there is still a little toxicity in the blood, although it is not fatal, it affects the display of strength.

Now, Li Ming is absolutely unable to display the strength of the middle stage of the god king, at most he can only display the strength of the early stage of the god king.

Seeing this, Li Ming smiled wryly, and said to himself helplessly, "I'm so busy, I'm so depressed!"

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(End of this chapter)

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