Chapter 3437

However, at this moment, Patriarch Zulong suddenly felt a sharp pain in his viscera, and the toxicity in his body seemed to explode.


It wasn't until this moment that Patriarch Zulong realized that what Li Ming said was true, and that the poison really broke out.

"Let's go!" Li Ming gritted his teeth and said.

Immediately, Li Ming, the three-headed fire dragon, and the stinger dragon gritted their teeth and got up, and flew towards the sky.

"Stop going!" Patriarch Zulong shouted angrily, and immediately chased after him.

But at this time, Patriarch Zulong was shocked to find that the vitality in his body couldn't circulate, and once it circulated, the poison in his body would penetrate deeply.

"Damn it!" Patriarch Zulong was annoyed, he could only watch Li Ming and the others flee.

Li Ming and others were seriously injured, so they could only fly by force.

Seeing that Patriarch Zulong didn't come after him, Li Ming and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

After flying for half a day, the three of Li Ming couldn't hold on anymore and had to stop to heal their injuries.

Among the three, the three-headed Huo Jiao was the most seriously injured, because basically the three-headed Huo Jiao blocked Patriarch Zulong's attack.

Li Ming was next, and the Stinger Jiao was the weakest.

"Everyone hurry up to heal your wounds, at most half a stick of incense, you must leave, in case the Patriarch Zulong chases you." Li Ming said.

"Understood." The three-headed fire dragon and the stinging dragon responded.

Immediately, the group sat down cross-legged and began to heal their injuries to their heart's content.

Because of his immortal heart, Li Ming recovered the fastest.

In a blink of an eye, half a stick of incense passed away.

The three of Li Ming recovered from their injuries and continued on their way.

This time, it took a long time to fly before settling down to rest.

At this moment, I only heard the three-headed Huo Jiao say: "Master, we have provoked such a strong Patriarch Zulong, why don't we leave the Hongmodong world as soon as possible?"

"Well, I know, but I still need to go to a place first." Li Ming said.

"Going to a place?" The three-headed Huo Jiao was stunned, and the fox asked, "Where?"

"Guanhai Lake." Li Ming replied.

"Guanhai Lake?" The three-headed Huojiao was taken aback. He had just come to the world of Hongmodong not long ago, and he had listened to this place before, so naturally he wouldn't know what Li Ming would do.

However, since the master said so, he must have his own intentions.

"Hurry up and recover, and continue on your way in the middle of the night." Li Ming said.

"Yes." The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

Immediately, the group of three continued to heal their injuries.

On the other side, various poisons in the main body of Zulong's family exploded, including the fire poison of Bi Fang, the poison of the colorful spider, the poison of the three-headed fire dragon, and the poison of the stinging dragon.

When these poisons are mixed, not to mention his little venerable, even the celestial venerable and the venerable earth may not be able to withstand it.

At this moment, Patriarch Zulong bent his knees and took dozens of pills to clear away heat and detoxify, and then began to force the poison.

It's night, the stars are few and far between, and the breeze is blowing.

Li Ming and his party continued on their way after resting for most of the night.

At this moment, the injuries of Li Ming and his party have almost stabilized and will not get worse.

However, it will take a lot of time to fully recover.

The journey to Guanhai Lake is not that close. It will take at least a month of flying time, and if you add the time for halfway repairs, it will take at least more than a month.

After all, they are all injured now, and it is impossible to travel all the way.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed, and in a few days, Li Ming and the others arrived at Guanhai Lake.

"I don't know if Brother Liu is in Guanhai Lake?" Li Ming said to himself, "It doesn't matter, let's go to Guanhai Lake first."

A few days later, Li Ming and his party came to Guanhai Lake.

At this moment, there is no one in Guanhai Lake, and it seems very quiet.

Li Ming released his divine sense and looked around.

But, there is really no one.

"Not here?" Li Ming frowned slightly.

However, at this moment, the calm Guanhai Lake suddenly bubbled up, and then a person flew out from the bottom of the lake.

It was none other than Liu Sheng.

"Brother Li, you've come, I thought you couldn't escape Patriarch Zulong's clutches." Liu Sheng said.

"Patriarch Zulong is really difficult to deal with, and it took a lot of effort to barely get out of trouble." Li Ming said, and then asked: "Brother Liu, can you find the body refining liquid?"

"Of course, and there are quite a few!" Liu Sheng said.

Then, Liu Sheng took out two large tanks of body refining liquid.

"So many?" Li Ming was taken aback, never expecting there to be so many.

Before that, he took half a bottle from the God Observation Platform and Tiandi Pool.

Now, it's actually two cylinders directly.

"Brother Li, we're all here. I've been waiting for you to come, and I didn't dare to take it without authorization. Now that you're here, let's each have a pot, how about it?" Liu Sheng asked.

"Okay!" Li Ming said directly.

"Here!" Liu Sheng directly handed over a jar of body refining liquid to Li Ming.

"Thank you!" Li Ming thanked him, but he didn't expect Liu Sheng to be quite trustworthy, and no one took it all by himself.

At this time, Liu Sheng said: "Brother Li, you are injured, quickly take this body refining liquid to heal your injuries, and I will protect you."

"Okay, thank you Brother Liu!" Li Ming thanked.

Immediately, Li Ming distributed this tank of body refining liquid to the three-headed fire dragon and the poisonous thorn dragon, and then took them together, and then sat quietly to heal their injuries.

The body refining liquid has the effect of body refining, and it also has the effect of healing.

As soon as he took the body refining liquid, Li Ming felt the injuries in his body recover quickly.



Li Ming exhaled a few long breaths, his body was refreshed and he was indescribably comfortable.

Liu Sheng stood aside quietly, paying attention to Li Ming's changes from time to time, as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, Li Ming noticed something was wrong, and there seemed to be a strange change in his body.

"No, it's poisonous!" Li Ming was shocked.

Seeing this, Liu Sheng laughed unknowingly, and said, "That's right, I have poisoned this body refining liquid."

"Why are you doing this?" Li Ming asked angrily.

"Why?" Liu Sheng sneered and said, "Teach me your hiding technique!"

"So it's for the shadow kill!" Li Ming glared at Liu Sheng angrily.

"It turns out that the hiding technique is called Shadow Killing, a good name!" Liu Sheng couldn't help but admire.

At this moment, I only heard Li Ming asking: "You are waiting for me here just for Shadow Killing?"

"Not bad!" Liu Sheng didn't deny it.

"Okay, okay, it's a shame that I thought you were a loyal person, but I, Li Ming, saw it wrong!" Li Ming shouted angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over Shadow Killer!" Liu Sheng shouted.

"Liu Sheng, in order to obtain Shadow Killer, you actually poisoned the body refining liquid. Isn't this price too high?" Li Ming said.

"What do you know? You can't take too much of this body refining liquid. After your body reaches a certain level, there won't be any changes." Liu Sheng said.

"So that's why you put poison in the body refining liquid." Li Ming said.

"Otherwise?" Liu Sheng asked back.

"Hmph!" Li Ming suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Liu Sheng asked with a frown.

"Laughing at myself for being so stupid, I actually believed you. I know that you won't spare my life. I just ask you to let my two friends go. They are innocent." Li Ming said.

(End of this chapter)

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