Chapter 3438

"Okay!" Liu Sheng replied without thinking.

In fact, in Liu Sheng's mind, he didn't intend to let them go at all. These two guys are Jiaolong, so good!

"Give them the antidote first, and I'll tell you the secret of Shadow Killing." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Liu Sheng couldn't help but hesitate slightly.

"Why not? You want to break your promise?" Li Ming asked.

"Just give it!" Liu Sheng didn't hesitate anymore, and took out the antidote directly.

After swallowing the three-headed fire dragon and the poisonous stinger dragon, they looked very good.

Seeing this, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Liu Sheng didn't make a fuss about the antidote.

At this time, Liu Sheng urged: "Li Ming, quickly tell me the formula of shadow killing!"

"Okay, come here, I'll tell you right away." Li Ming said.

Immediately, Liu Sheng approached Li Ming.

However, at this moment, Li Ming made a move without warning.

"You..." Liu Sheng was startled, and immediately hid in the void, narrowly dodging Li Ming's blow.

"Run fast!" Li Ming said.

"Damn it! You lied to me!" Liu Sheng was annoyed.

"Reciprocity, you lie to me once, and I will lie to you once." Li Ming said.

"Li Ming, you are poisoned in your body, aren't you afraid of an attack?" Liu Sheng asked.

"Afraid?" Li Ming snorted and laughed, and then directly took all the remaining body refining liquid in the tank.

"Are you... a lunatic?" Liu Sheng asked in amazement.

"Crazy?" Li Ming shook his head and said, "You don't understand at all!"

"Don't understand?" Liu Sheng looked at Li Ming with a puzzled expression.

At this time, I heard Li Ming say: "Three-headed Huojiao, you protect the law for me, I want to retreat for a while."

"Yes, master." The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

Immediately, Li Ming sat down cross-legged and began to meditate.

However, at this time, Liu Sheng saw a surprising change in Li Ming's body, and the poison was disappearing little by little.

" is this possible?" Liu Sheng asked in disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible, your poison is nothing at all, far worse than the poison of colorful spiders." Li Ming said bluntly.

"Impossible, this is impossible, this is my ancestral poison, how could you be fine?" Liu Sheng said in disbelief.

Li Ming ignored him and continued to meditate.

At this moment, Li Ming frantically operated the Hunyuan Body Refining Art to integrate the poison in the body refining liquid into his body.

This toxicity is actually not weaker than that of the colorful spider, but Li Ming is already a poisonous body, so this toxicity is nothing at all.

Liu Sheng was at a loss, he couldn't figure it out, Li Ming could absorb his poison.

With three fire dragons around, Liu Sheng didn't dare to sneak attack, because the probability of success is almost zero, and he might even pay himself for it!

"Damn it!" Liu Sheng really had nothing to do with Li Ming, and felt annoyed for a while, so he could only turn around and leave.

As soon as Liu Sheng left, Li Ming became more unscrupulous and devoted himself to absorbing it.

Not only the toxicity, but also the body refining liquid.

Along with the absorption, the injuries in Li Ming's body gradually recovered, and his physical body began to strengthen.


I could only hear the muffled crackling of the bones in Li Ming's body, as if earth-shaking changes were taking place.

One transformation of the divine bone, two transformations of the divine bone, three transformations of the divine bone...

When he entered the three transformations of the divine bone, Li Ming was not far from the peak of his physical body.

Keep changing.

There are four transformations of the divine bone, five transformations of the divine bone, and six transformations of the divine bone.

It wasn't until the seven transformations of the divine bone that the transformation of the physical body stopped.

"Seven transformations of the divine bone? He has reached the seven transformations of the divine bone!" Li Ming was overjoyed. Before that, his physical strength was only in the mid-stage of the divine king, which corresponded to between the fourth transformation of the divine bone and the fifth transformation of the divine bone. The Seven Bone Transformation is simply a breakthrough by leaps and bounds!

In fact, at this time, Li Ming still had a lot of body refining liquid left in his body.

However, as Liu Sheng said, there is a limit to the body refining liquid that the body can absorb. Once this limit is exceeded, the body refining liquid is worthless like clear water.


Li Ming let out a long mouthful of dirty air, feeling refreshed and indescribably comfortable.

"Master, how are you feeling?" asked the three-headed fire dragon.

"It feels good!" Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the three-headed Huo Jiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's time to go, in case Patriarch Zulong catches up." Li Ming said.

"Yeah." The three-headed fire python.The stinging dragon responded.

Immediately, a group of three flew towards the entrance of Hongmo Cave.

During this trip to the Hongmo Cave, Li Ming made a lot of money. He not only recovered his physical strength, but also improved his physical strength.

Besides, the most important thing is to cultivate a Poison Body!
In the future, when Li Ming encounters a difficult opponent, he can not only crush him with his body, but also prevent him from poisoning.

I believe that most people cannot stop the poison in Li Ming's body.

Without any delay, Li Ming and his group flew towards the exit of Hongmodong World.

At this time, Patriarch Zulong had stabilized the poison in his body, and was flying towards Guanhai Lake where Li Ming stayed.

But when Patriarch Zulong arrived at Guanhai Lake, there was no trace of Li Ming, leaving only a very familiar aura.

"Damn it, it's one step too late!" Patriarch Zulong shouted angrily.

However, at this moment, a person suddenly appeared in the void in the distance.

It was none other than Liu Sheng.

"It's you?" Patriarch Zulong immediately recognized that person, it was the person Ri Zai Tianchi saw, and it was this person who stole his body refining liquid!

"Li Ming has already rushed towards the exit of the Hongmo Cave, and there is still time to chase after him!" Liu Sheng said.

"Why should I listen to you!" Patriarch Zulong asked.

"Li Ming and I had some issues. He took away all the body refining liquid. Yes, it's your body refining liquid, Tianchi's body refining liquid." Liu Sheng complained first.

"Huh?" Patriarch Zulong was stunned, and then said: "Impossible, Li Ming is seriously injured, and you can enter the void, even this patriarch can't do anything to you, let alone Li Ming."

"He injured me when I wasn't prepared, and then snatched the body refining liquid. If you don't believe me, forget it." Liu Sheng said.

Then, Liu Sheng entered the void here.

Hearing this, Patriarch Zulong frowned.

Then, Patriarch Zulong quickly flew towards the exit of Hongmodong World.

In the void, seeing this, Liu Sheng couldn't help but smile on his face, "Li Ming, you'd better run fast, or you will die if you fall into the hands of Patriarch Zulong!"

Immediately, Liu Sheng quietly followed Patriarch Zulong in the void.

Li Ming and his party flew at full speed, and arrived at the exit of Hongmodong World a few days later.

"Master, the exit is just ahead." The three-headed Huo Jiao said.

"Well, everyone hurry up and go out, I feel very bad, the Patriarch Zulong may have caught up." Li Ming said.

"En." The three-headed fire dragon and the poisonous stinger dragon responded.

Immediately, Li Ming and his party accelerated forward.

(End of this chapter)

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