Chapter 3439 Reclaiming a Life
After a little effort, Li Ming and his party came out of Hongmo Cave.

Not daring to stay any longer, and immediately prepared to fly to the distance.

However, at this moment, Patriarch Zulong's voice suddenly came from Hongmo Cave: "Li Ming, you can't escape!"

"Are you here?" Li Ming's expression changed drastically.

At this time, only the three-headed fire flood dragon said: "Master, you go first, I will finish off the rear."

"Wait..." Li Ming said suddenly.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" the three-headed fire flood dragon urged.

"I remembered something, please help me find out where there is blood in the Panlong Mountain Range." Li Ming said.

"Bloodstains?" The three-headed Huo Jiao was stunned, and looked at Li Ming inexplicably. It's already this time, so there's no time to look for bloodstains.

However, at this moment, the Stinger Jiao suddenly remembered something, and said: "When we were looking for the entrance, I found a place with blood stains. I have studied it for a long time, but I have no clue."

"Where, take me there!" Li Ming urged.

"Come with me." The Stinger Jiao said.

Immediately, Stinger Jiao took Li Mingfei to the place where there was blood.

But at this time, the bloodstain had already disappeared.

"This is it?" Li Ming asked, pointing to this place.

"Yes, it's here." The Stinger Jiao said.

"There should be some mechanism here. Everyone, look for it quickly. Whether you can get rid of Patriarch Zulong depends on this." Li Ming said.

"This..." The Stinging Flood Dragon and the Three-Headed Fire Flood Flood were startled, and immediately searched for them.

"No, we looked for it before, and there is nothing here except a pool of blood." The three-headed fire flood dragon said.

"Except for bloodstains?" Li Ming was startled, as if thinking of something.

Then, Li Ming cut his palm and squeezed out some blood.

The blood fell onto the stone, and the place suddenly became different, the stone seemed to become transparent.

"This is... what's going on?" The three-headed fire flood dragon asked in astonishment.

"Follow me." Li Ming said.

Immediately, Li Ming was seen heading towards the translucent stone.

The three-headed fire dragon and the poisonous stinger dragon followed closely behind.

Subsequently, the stone returned to normal.

At this time, Patriarch Zulong chased him out of Hongmo Cave.

"It's Li Ming's breath!" Patriarch Zulong immediately smelled Li Ming's blood, and immediately looked for it.

After a while, Patriarch Zulong found the source of the smell of blood, only to see a pool of blood falling on the stone.

However, that piece of blood has dried up, and it is not known when it was left.

Seeing this, Patriarch Zulong frowned for a while, and could only look around based on his feeling.

Li Ming and others plunged into the transparent stone, and when they came to their senses, they were already at the bottom of a pool.

Immediately, a group of three people surfaced.

"What's going on? Where is this?" The three-headed fire flood dragon asked in astonishment.

"The smell here is so familiar, it seems to be the Flood Demon Cave." The Stinger Jiao said uncertainly.

"Yes, this is Hong Modong." Li Ming said, "Let's go, leave this place first."

Immediately, a group of people quickly left the pool and flew into the distance.

When they got out of the pool, the moisture on the three people's clothes evaporated instantly.

"Master, why did we return to the Flood Demon Cave again? Could it be that there are two entrances and exits to the Flood Demon Cave?" the three-headed Huo Jiao asked in confusion.

"It's a strange thing to say." Li Ming explained in detail what he saw the corpse by the pool that day.

Hearing this, the three-headed fire dragon and the poisonous stinger dragon suddenly realized that it was so.

"Find a place to hide first, in case Patriarch Zulong discovers the secret there." Li Ming said.

"En." The three-headed fire dragon and the poisonous stinger dragon responded.

Immediately, a group of three flew towards the deep mountain.

After flying for four or five days in a row, it was confirmed that the Patriarch Zulong did not come after him, and Li Ming and his party came to a stop.

Before, Li Ming absorbed a large amount of body refining liquid, although it was poisonous, it had no effect on Li Ming. Now Li Ming not only healed all his internal injuries, but also achieved the seven transformations of the divine bone.

However, the internal injuries of the three-headed fire dragon and the poisonous thorn dragon have not yet healed, so the two of them will heal their injuries here temporarily, and Li Ming will protect them.

In a blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

The injuries of the three-headed fire dragon and the poisonous stinging dragon gradually healed.

This time, the three also took their lives.

If Li Ming hadn't discovered the secret of the pool before, and suddenly thought that it was related to blood, he might have fallen into the hands of Patriarch Zulong.Once it falls into the hands of Patriarch Zulong, the consequences can be imagined!

The injury has almost recovered, and the three-headed fire python asked: "Master, what are we going to do now? Leave this place?"

"Don't worry, I don't know Patriarch Zulong's movements right now, so stay here for a while, and then leave after a while. In addition, it will be of great benefit to you to find the body-refining liquid by the way!" Li Ming said.

Before Liu Sheng put poison in the body refining liquid, the three-headed fire dragon and the stinging dragon managed to force out the poison. Fortunately, they took less at that time, and the consequences suddenly became unimaginable.

However, even so, they still felt the power of the body-refining liquid, and it really deserved to be the liquid that tens of thousands of people are vying for!
Li Ming and his party left the deep mountain and flew towards the distance.

Because he is not very familiar with Hong Modong, and there is no map, he can only fly around with his head depressed.

Suddenly, Li Ming noticed a group of people flying in the distance.

The clothes on those people looked very familiar, and when they looked closely, their expressions couldn't help but change.

"Master, they seem to be from the Ancestral Dragon Clan." The three-headed Huo Jiao also recognized those people.

"Could it be that Patriarch Zulong has discovered that we have turned back to Hongmo Cave?" Stinger Jiao asked in astonishment.

"Probably not. Judging by their appearance, they probably didn't come for us. Everyone hide first and see what they are going to do!" Li Ming said.

"Understood!" The three-headed fire dragon and the poisonous stinger dragon responded.

In the blink of an eye, the people of the Zulong clan passed over the forest where Li Ming and the others were located. The leader of the team was none other than Zulong's patriarch's nephew, Zulongyuan!

"I'll follow up first, you guys will leave a mark along the way later!" Li Ming said.

"Yes, master." The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

Immediately, Li Ming used Shadow Kill to quietly follow Zu Longyuan and his party.

Zu Longyuan couldn't find Li Ming's existence yet, otherwise he wouldn't have been unable to find Li Ming in Tiandi Cave before.

Zu Longyuan and the others were flying extremely fast, they seemed very anxious, and they didn't know what happened.

Li Ming performed Shadow Kill and followed them silently.

In a blink of an eye, five or six days passed.

Zu Longyuan and his party seemed to have arrived at their destination, falling into the clouds one by one.

Li Ming was no exception, and followed them to the ground.

At this time, I only heard Zu Longyuan said: "It should be here, everyone look carefully."

"Yes." The ancestors of the Dragon Clan responded.

Immediately, a group of people searched carefully.

"What are they looking for?" Li Ming secretly hesitated.

However, Li Ming is not in a hurry, he will naturally know when the people from the Zulong clan find it!

(End of this chapter)

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