The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3440 Yuxu Cauldron

Chapter 3440 Yuxu Cauldron

Soon, the Zulong people turned this mountain upside down.

"Yuan Shao, no." A member of the Zulong tribe reported.

"I don't have any here either." Another member of the Zulong tribe reported.

"I don't have it here either."

"No? It shouldn't be. Could it be that the news is wrong?" Zu Longyuan said hesitantly.

However, at this moment, someone suddenly discovered something in a crevice of the rock, and shouted in surprise: "Young Master Yuan, I found something here, it seems to be here!"

Immediately, a group of people surrounded them.

Sure enough, there is something in this rock crevice.

"Get out of the way, let me open the gap and take that thing out!" Zu Longyuan said.

"Yes, Yuan Shao." Immediately, the group stepped back.

Zu Longyuan forcibly opened the gap in the rock, and then took out a small tripod from inside. The small tripod was green and looked like jade.

"What is that?" Li Ming asked secretly in his heart.

At this time, Zu Longyuan picked up the jade tripod and looked at the sun for a while. Under the sunlight, the jade tripod was extremely bright.

"It really is it, Yuxu Ding!" Zu Longyuan said excitedly.

"Congratulations Yuan Shao, happy to get the Jade Virtual Cauldron!"

"Congratulations Yuan Shao..."

A group of Zulong people congratulated one after another.

"Yuxu cauldron?" Li Ming was startled, and asked inwardly, "I don't know what is the use of this cauldron?"

At this time, I only heard Zu Longyuan said: "It's all thanks to everyone, I will never forget you, and when I return to the Zulong clan, I will definitely reward you."

"Thank you Yuan Shao." The Zulong tribe thanked them.

"Young Master Yuan, I heard that the Yuxu Cauldron is a treasure of the Fighting Clan, but I don't know if it's true or not?" A member of the Zulong Clan asked curiously.

"Yes, this Yuxu Ding is indeed a treasure of the Fighting Clan, and it is called the supreme treasure. It is used in conjunction with the Hunyuan Body Refining Jue of the Fighting Clan. It's a pity that I don't have the Hunyuan Body Refining Jue, otherwise I can definitely train the first divine body !” Zu Longyuan sighed.

Hearing this, Li Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, "Use it together with Hunyuan Body Refining Art? Isn't this tailor-made for yourself?"

At that moment, Li Ming was determined to kill and seize treasure.

Anyway, he has already had a bad relationship with the Zulong clan, so it doesn't matter if he kills some of their clansmen.

Just at this moment, the three-headed fire dragon and the poisonous stinger dragon chased after the mark left by Li Ming.

At this moment, Li Ming gave an order: "Three-headed Huojiao, attack together, destroy these guys, and take their Yuxu Cauldron!"

"Yes, master!" The three-headed fire flood dragon directly transformed into its main body without any doubt.

As soon as the three-headed fire flood dragon appeared, the faces of the Zulong clansmen suddenly changed.

"What kind of monster is this? Three heads?" A member of the Ancestral Dragon clan with little knowledge asked in astonishment.

"No, it's the three-headed fire dragon that evolved from the three-headed fire python. It's highly poisonous. Let's go!" Zu Longyuan quickly reacted.

However, how could the three-headed fire flood dragon let them go?

These Ancestral Dragons are not very strong, and they are basically the existence of Wang Zhaojing's early and middle stages.

The three-headed fire dragon is already in the late stage of Wang Zhaojing, killing them is like crushing a chicken.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zu Longyuan ran away immediately.

However, at this moment, Li Ming, who was hiding in the dark, made a sudden move.

Zu Longyuan didn't mind for a while, he didn't expect that there were other people here.

Now, Li Ming's strength is not what it used to be. His physical strength has reached the seven transformations of the divine bone, which is almost at the level of Wang Zhaojing, plus the strength of the divine essence.

The superposition of double power is no weaker than Wang Zhaojing's later stage.

Zu Longyuan was seriously injured on the spot, and Jiao took advantage of the situation to shoot out several poisonous stings.

Suddenly, the poison broke out, and Zu Longyuan almost lost his resistance.

At this time, other members of the Zulong clan were also killed by the three-headed fire flood dragon.

"Three-headed uncle, let's divide these household chores equally! The ancestral dragon spirit on them is really attractive." Poison Sting Jiao said.

"Okay!" The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

Immediately, the three-headed fire dragon and the stinging dragon swallowed the seven or eight Zulong clan members equally.

Li Ming took the Yuxu Cauldron from Zu Longyuan's hand, it was cold and smooth.

"This is the Yuxu Cauldron?" Li Ming said secretly.

Immediately, I heard Li Ming say: "Go, find a place to retreat!"

"Yes, master." The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

They are just what they wished for, and they just swallowed these Zulong people, which is enough for them to absorb for a while.

Immediately, a group of people left here, found a safe place, and began to retreat.

Li Ming spit out a mouthful of divine energy and began to refine the Yuxu Cauldron.

The three-headed fire dragon and the poisonous thorn dragon crawled beside Li Ming, absorbing the spirit of the ancestor dragon to their heart's content.

The strength of these ancestor dragon disciples is not weak, they all have the strength of Wang Zhaojing, and the spirit of the ancestor dragon is naturally not weak.

According to the estimation of the Three-Headed Huojiao, when he completely absorbs these ancestral dragon spirits, he should be able to enter the late stage of Wang Zhaojing!

Similarly, the strength of the poisonous stinging dragon will also increase greatly.

In a blink of an eye, three months have passed.

After the Patriarch Zulong chased them out of Hongmo Cave, he searched for three months without finding any trace of Li Ming and the others.

"Damn it! Let that guy run away, my body refining liquid, my Heavenly Thunder Seal!" Patriarch Zulong shouted angrily.

In the end, there was no other way but to go back to Hong Modong first.

The Hongmo Cave is opened every year, but the Tianchi is not. It takes 500 years for the Tianchi to open once.

Liu Sheng and Li Ming swept away the body-refinement liquid that had settled at the bottom of the Tianchi Lake before. After these many days of precipitation, some more should have emerged.

During these three months, Li Ming completely refined the Yuxu Cauldron, and the three-headed fire dragon and poisonous thorn dragon also completely absorbed the ancestral dragon's energy.

Living up to expectations, the three-headed fire dragon really stepped into the late stage of Wang Zhaojing.

The strength of the poisonous stinging dragon has also greatly increased, reaching the perfection of Tianzhao, only one step away from Wang Zhaojing.

"I don't know how to use this Yuxu cauldron?" Li Ming whispered to himself.

When he snatched the Yuxu Cauldron before, he didn't think of this, so he killed Zu Longyuan directly.

"Master, could this Yuxu cauldron be used for alchemy?" said the three-headed fire dragon.

"It doesn't look like it. The general cauldrons are engraved with special inscriptions, but this Yuxu cauldron is not there. It looks a bit like it is used for bathing." Poison Sting Jiao said.

"Frozen?" Li Ming was startled, and looked at the Stinger Jiao suspiciously.

I only heard the poisonous thorn Jiao said: "In my inheritance memory, some cauldrons are not used for alchemy, but for soaking the body."

"Oh?" Li Ming was startled, and then said: "You might as well try it!"

"How to try?" The three-headed fire dragon asked curiously.

I only heard Li Ming said: "The main point of Hunyuan Body Refining Art is to absorb all energy for our own use. In this way, let's catch a few monsters and put their blood into this Yuxu Cauldron to see if we can use it." Help me absorb it quickly."

"Okay!" The three-headed fire dragon and the stinging dragon responded.

Immediately, a group of three went to hunt monsters separately.

Within half a stick of incense, the three of them returned with a full load, and each hunted and killed more than [-] monsters. The strength of the poisonous stinger was weak, and the strength of the monsters hunted was also weaker.

"Okay, let's try this Yuxu cauldron!" Li Ming murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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