The best immortal emperor

Chapter 348 He Has Come Out

Chapter 348 He Has Come Out
Xiaolan is not as strong as Brother Tian, ​​and she never noticed Li Ming, so she asked in surprise, "What's wrong? Are you waiting?"

"He's already out!" Brother Tian said.

"Come out? Why didn't I see it?" Xiaolan asked in surprise.

"This guy is weird. He has a very high level of hidden aura. If he doesn't have a magic weapon to hide aura, he is a person with extraordinary talents. I almost didn't notice him!" Brother Tian murmured.

"Ah..." Xiaolan was really taken aback.

During the conversation, Brother Tian already used his true energy to catch up with Li Ming.

Li Ming left the Dajin barracks, heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately went to join Niu Wudi.

However, thinking about what Brother Shun said, Li Ming couldn't help but muttered in his heart, and said to himself: "Could it be that the war between the two dynasties is just a lie? Is there another reason? Could it be that they also discovered the secret of Yunze Lake?"

However, the more Li Ming thought about it, the more likely it was!

It has been half a year since the Jin Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty stationed troops on the border.But in the past six months, the war has not broken out for a long time, not even a small tentative attack.

Moreover, there is no news of peace talks.

It seems that the soldiers and horses of the two dynasties stationed on the border were not for war, but for another purpose!

When his heart was in suspense, Li Ming couldn't help frowning.If Dajin and Tang Dynasties also came for Brother Zhu's palace, what should we do?
It is not an easy task to take away the treasures of the palace in the jaws of the two dynasties!

At this moment, Brother Zhu suddenly sent a message, saying: "Li Ming, someone is chasing you!"

"Who? A soldier of the Great Jin Dynasty?" Li Ming's heart tightened and he asked hastily.

"No, it's those two secret works of the Tang Dynasty." Brother Zhu said.

"They?" Li Ming was taken aback, but he didn't expect it to be them.

Li Ming whispered secretly: "Xiaobai, those who come are not kind, and those who are kind will not come. I guess there will be a fierce battle later, play by ear!"

The white jade scale python transformed into a bracelet and tied to Li Ming's wrist responded, "Master, I know."

The White Jade Jinglin Python had broken through the Golden Core Realm as early as in the ancient world.

During this period of time, the White Jade Jinglin Python was refining and absorbing the drop of divine beast blood added by Niu Wudi.

Now, the protruding lump on the forehead of the white jade scale python is very obvious, and the blood of the flood dragon in his body is becoming more and more pure, and his strength is infinitely close to the mid-stage Golden Core!
I believe that within a few years, the White Jade Jinglin Python will attract a thunder calamity and transform into a flood dragon.

During the conversation, Brother Tian had already caught up.

At this time, Li Ming had withdrawn the invisibility technique.Because he knew that his aura couldn't be hidden in front of Brother Tian, ​​who was in the late Jindan period, otherwise he wouldn't have caught up!

Brother Tian caught up with Li Ming and obviously looked around. Seeing that there was no Niu Wudi that made him afraid, he shouted angrily: "Hand over the information about the Dajin military camp, and I will spare your life!"

"Spare my life?" Li Ming snorted and sneered, and asked, "Why do you spare my life?"

"In the world of practice, strength is the most respected. You are only at the early stage of Golden Core, and I am at the late stage of Golden Core. Earlier, you were just relying on your companions, pretending to be powerful. Now that your companion is not here, you are just an ant-like existence in front of me. I I want to kill you in a matter of minutes!" Brother Tian said viciously.

Speaking of this attack, Brother Tian seemed to let out a big mouthful of anger, and he was very refreshed in his heart!
Li Ming snorted and sneered for a while, and asked, "Are you sure my companion isn't here?"

"En?" Hearing this, Brother Tian was suddenly taken aback, and looked around vigilantly, with a look of fear!
(End of this chapter)

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