The best immortal emperor

Chapter 349 Attack

Chapter 349 Attack
Brother Tian looked around, saw nothing unusual, and saw Li Ming looking at him with a specious smile, so he knew that he was being played by Li Ming.

As early as when Brother Zhu reminded Li Ming, Li Ming pinched his fingers and hit a spirit bar, asking Niu Wudi for help!

This place is not too far from the meeting place, Li Ming and Brother Tian are trying to delay the time!

As long as Niu Wudi is together, ten brothers are nothing!
At this moment, Brother Tian was already furious, and said viciously: "Damn! I will let you know the consequences of teasing me! Today, I will double the humiliation you inflicted on me. Even if you are willing to give Da Jin The message from the barracks told me that I will not spare your life either!"

As he said that, Brother Tian showed his power.

Immediately, Li Ming felt a tightness in his chest, and thought to himself: "It's not good, as expected of a strong man in the late stage of Jindan! Coercion is really not easy. It seems that this vicious fight is indispensable!"

I only heard Brother Tian sneered coldly, and rushed towards Li Ming!
Li Ming immediately used the rainbow transformation technique to dodge!

"Huh?" Brother Tian was taken aback, he didn't expect Li Ming's explosive speed to be so amazing, and his blow missed!

Brother Tian felt so ashamed that a guy at the early stage of Jindan could escape his attack.

Immediately, Brother Tian was furious and showed all his strength!

At this moment, Li Ming shouted sharply: "Wait!"

Brother Tian sneered, humming and asked, "Do you have any last words? Tell me!"

"I have a shocking secret." Li Ming said.

"Don't lie to me! Find it!" Brother Tian is not stupid, so he can't see that Li Ming is deliberately delaying time.

Brother Tian didn't dare to take any interest in what Li Ming said, so he threw a huge force at Li Ming.

Li Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he could only dodge!
However, this time Brother Tian used [-]% of his power, how can Li Ming easily dodge it?
Seeing Brother Tian's punch hit Li Ming's chest hard.

At the moment when the fist was about to hit Li Ming's chest, Li Ming cast his unique thunder attribute.

Brother Tian just felt numb all over, and his whole body was sluggish.

But at this time, a giant tail whipped out and directly sent Brother Tian flying.

Brother Tian knocked down nearly ten big trees in a row before falling to the ground.

However, he was not seriously injured.

It's just that the robe on his body was scratched, plus some skin trauma!

That giant tail is none other than the tail of the white jade scale python.

Although Brother Tian's punch was deflected in the end, most of the force still landed on Li Ming.

One of Li Ming's shoulders was crippled on the spot, Li Ming frowned in pain.

However, this pain is nothing to Li Ming.

At this moment, Brother Tian became frightened from the ground and said, "My good fellow, I still underestimated you, you can actually make me numb in an instant."

"Hehe." Li Ming smiled bleakly, and said, "It's just a moment of numbness."

"You have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, but you are only carrying treasures. When I kill you, all the treasures on your body will be mine!" Brother Tian said with a ferocious face, his blood was aroused.

"I'm afraid you don't have that ability!" Li Ming sneered.

Brother Wen Tian said: "Xiao Lan, I will leave that beast to you!"

"Okay!" Xiaolan replied.

"Hiss..." The Baiyu Jinglin python revealed its long snake letter, but ignored Xiaolan and stared at Brother Tian.

Now, Brother Tian is the biggest threat!

Only by protecting Li Ming from death can the Baiyu Jinglin Python survive!

After all, the white jade jinglin python had already been sacrificed to Li Ming, and once Li Ming died, the white jade jinglin python would also die!
(End of this chapter)

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