Chapter 352

At this moment, I saw Brother Tian offering Zhang Qing's giant bow.

Pulling the giant bow fully, a long black arrow shot out of thin air.

This is Brother Tian's housekeeping magic weapon, the Broken Rain Piercing Yang Arrow, a top-grade treasure!

However, because bows and arrows have obvious disadvantages and cannot be used in melee combat, the price on the market will be lower than other high-grade treasures! .

The huge cyan bow was pulled like a full moon, and when he let go, the black arrow was shot out with a sound of "sho".

Li Ming dodged immediately, but the black arrow seemed to have eyes, and it locked Li Ming firmly.

Brother Wen Tian proudly said: "My Broken Rain Piercing Yang Arrow is a high-grade treasure, which can lock even tiny raindrops, not to mention you are such a big living person! Just wait to be shot by me as a target!" !"

Hearing this, Li Ming gritted his teeth and sacrificed the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle, ready to try desperately.

It would be great if it could stop the arrow from missing.

If not, you can only consider yourself unlucky!

Seeing that the black arrow was about to hit Li Ming, a loud shout came from the air: "Cut!"

Then, two huge stone pillars rose from the ground.

Then, a black guillotine fell from the sky.

There was a crisp clicking sound, and the black arrow was cut off lazily.

I saw that triumphant brother Tian suddenly vomited three mouthfuls of blood!

This Broken Rain Piercing Yang Arrow is Brother Tian's blood refining treasure, if it is destroyed now, Brother Tian will naturally be implicated!
The arrow flying towards Li Ming was caught by a giant hand.

It was none other than Niu Wudi who hurried over!
Brother Tian was seriously injured, and when he saw Li Ming again, his face was pale, and he hurriedly explained: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

"Cut!" Niu Wudi ignored Brother Tian and shouted loudly, the guillotine grew out at Brother Tian's feet, and the black guillotine fell from the sky, directly splitting Brother Tian in half.

Seeing this, Xiaolan was frightened out of her wits, and quickly said: "No matter what happens to me, it's Brother Tian's idea, and we can't help ourselves."

"Chop!" Niu Wudi didn't listen at all, he yelled sharply, Xiao Lan didn't kill him at all.

After beheading these two guys, Niu Wudi's anger subsided a bit, and he asked nervously, "Brother, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Let's go and see Xiaobai. I hope she's still alive." Li Ming said with a very ugly face.

Immediately, Li Ming and Niu Wudi flew towards the direction where the inner alchemy exploded.

This place is not very far from the Dajin military camp. The power of the monster inner alchemy explosion in the middle stage of Jindan is extraordinary, and the Dajin military camp has already sent two small teams to investigate.

However, Li Ming rushed to the scene of the incident first.

Seeing the white jade jinglin python lying weakly on the ground, he quickly took out the elixir on his body and fed it to the white jade jinglin python.

I only heard the Baiyu Jinglin Python say weakly: "Master, don't waste your energy, I can feel life is passing, I can't live."

"No, you must live, I won't let you die!" Li Ming gritted his teeth and said.

"It's useless." Baiyu Jinglin Python said weakly: "Master, I just ask you to take good care of my child!"

"No, Brother Zhu, is there a way?" Li Ming asked hastily.

Brother Zhu thought for a while, and said: "There is no way, it's just..."

"Just what?" Li Ming asked, and then said: "No matter how much the price is, I will save her!"

The Baiyu Jinglin Python followed Li Ming from the Earth to the Star Realm, and paid a lot through wind and rain all the way.

Now, it is for Li Ming to blew up the inner alchemy again.

Therefore, no matter what, Li Ming would not watch the Baiyu Jinglin Python die in front of him!
(End of this chapter)

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