The best immortal emperor

Chapter 353 Absorbing the Blood of the Divine Beast

Chapter 353 Absorbing the Blood of the Divine Beast
Brother Zhu hesitated a little, and said: "There are many rare treasures in my palace, and I will not say less about the powerful pills. Just take out any one, and it can save her life. Moreover, there are also divine beasts there. Even taking out a drop of her blood can save her life. But right now..."

Saying this, Brother Zhu sighed for a while, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Hearing this, Li Ming was also taken aback, Xinggong?Can't get in now, it seems to be in a dead end!
However, Niu Wudi heard the implication, and said involuntarily: "I have awakened the blood of the ancient magic cow, and I am also one of the gods and beasts. Although I am not yet fully developed, the blood should also have some effect. Why not use my blood try."

As he spoke, Niu Wudi stretched out his right hand, and a black guillotine appeared out of thin air.

I saw Niu Wudi holding the guillotine with his right hand, and wiped the edge of the guillotine with his left hand.

Immediately, blood flowed.

Niu Wudi squatted down, stretched out the bloody hand in front of the white jade scale python, and said: "Suck it quickly, maybe it can really save your life!"

"Thank you!" Baiyu Jinglin Python said weakly.

"You're welcome! I should thank you for protecting my elder brother!" Niu Wudi said.

Li Ming's heart trembled, sour and astringent, with an indescribable touch.

Perhaps, it is because I am used to the dirty activities of intrigue, intrigue, killing and seizing treasures, this expression of true feelings is unavoidably like the sun in the dark night, extraordinarily dazzling, trembling, and moving.

Li Ming took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Xiaobai, if one day I have that ability, I will definitely give you back the soul you sacrificed."

"Master..." Hearing this, Bai Yu Jinglin Mang couldn't help being moved in his heart.

Offering a sacrifice to recognize the Lord is equivalent to handing over one's wealth and life to the other party.

The other party can deal with him how he wants to deal with him, and kill himself whenever he wants to kill himself.

However, now Li Ming is saying that he wants to return the sacrificed soul to himself.

How could the white jade scale python not dare to move?

However, it is not easy to return the sacrificial soul to the other party, even the strong Nascent Soul cannot do it.

Only by cultivating to a higher level and possessing stronger abilities can it be done!
Seeing the appearance of the white jade scale python at this moment, Li Ming couldn't help showing a sincere smile, and said, "Suck it quickly! Save your life first!"

"En." The white jade scale python responded, sucking up Niu Wudi's blood.

At this time, the soldiers of the Dajin Dynasty came to patrol the vicinity.

Li Ming watched them secretly, judging by their appearance, he might not find them here for a while.

The white jade scale python sucked a few mouthfuls of Niu Wudi's blood, and his complexion suddenly changed.

I only heard Brother Zhu said: "Don't be greedy for too much at a time, just take one or two puffs, and wait for the break time before inhaling."

"En." The Baiyu Jinglin Python responded.

Niu Wudi withdrew his hand, and the cut opened by the guillotine healed up.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Let's go! Get out of here first!"

The white jade scale python sucked the blood of the demon ox, its complexion improved, and it circulated the little true energy left in its body, performed the wishful spell, and turned into a small white snake.

Li Ming held the little white snake in his hands, and then he and Niu Wudi used the technique of turning the rainbow to leave.

After flying for a long time, Li Ming and Niu Wudi landed in a verdant forest.

The Baiyu Jinglin Python was severely injured and was already asleep.

Li Ming and Niu Wudi got down and took out the jade slip.

Li Mingshi put his consciousness into the jade slip, and a wave of information flooded into Li Ming's mind.

 The cold is basically cured, and the fourth watch will start tomorrow.I'm so sorry for the time.

(End of this chapter)

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