The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3550 Urging

Chapter 3550 Urging
Hua Baiyu was startled, she didn't know what was wrong with her husband, why did she suddenly change her opinion of Li Ming, did she notice something strange about Li Ming?But the husband hasn't met Li Ming either!

After a pause, Hua Baiyu didn't think too much about it anymore. It's good that Li Ming is very talented, so that he can help his daughter.Otherwise, she would never agree!

Equality school.

Li Ming went to the kung fu building to read books as usual, and he still read everything, but he would deliberately pay attention to the kung fu about 'potential'.

However, there are relatively few such exercises, at least so far, Li Ming has not seen the second one.

On the other side, Su Huaian has already reported back the situation of Equality School.

When the young master of Hell City got the news, he was not in a hurry to go to the Northwest Territory. He planned to get rid of Li Ming first, and then went to the Northwest Territory with such news.When Chen Feng'er heard the news of Li Ming's death, she would definitely collapse, and he would naturally be able to take advantage of it.

"Send an order to Su Huai'an to lure Li Ming out of Yunfeng City as soon as possible. In addition, let the killers lurking around Yunfeng City prepare that once Li Ming leaves Yunfeng City, he must be shot and killed without any mistakes!" The young master of Hell City said majesticly.

"Yes, young master!"


The order from the young master of Hell City was quickly passed on to Su Huai'an through the caravan.

In addition to orders, there are corresponding rewards.

"The young master promised me that as long as Li Ming is excluded, I will be allowed to return to Hell City, and let me be a side general defending the city!" Su Huaian said excitedly, "Pian general, that's a side general. , even the little venerable can only do it when he is consummated. I am only in the late stage of Wang Zhaojing!

You must not let down the cultivation of the young master, and you must get rid of Li Ming in the shortest possible time!When I become the city guard of Hell City, I will be Guangzong Yaozu! "

"Ha ha……"

Su Huai'an burst out laughing, as if he saw himself sitting in the position of the city guard of Hell City.

Gathering his mind, Su Huai'an calmed down, and said inwardly, "Several days have passed, and there has been no movement from Zhou Gui and Ma Long, so we have to urge them."

Immediately, Su Huai'an left the courtyard and walked towards the lower courtyard.

After searching around, Su Huaian finally found Zhou Gui and Ma Long in the training ground.

Zhou Gui and Ma Long couldn't help being surprised when they saw Su Huaian coming.

They have been waiting for Su Huai'an for the past few days, but they didn't expect that Su Huai'an really came now.

Approaching, only to hear Su Huai'an greeting in a low voice: "You two, what do you say?"

"Senior Brother Su, there are too many people here, let's talk about it in another place." Zhou Gui said.

"Okay! Then come with me." Su Huaian said.

"Yes." Zhou Gui and Ma Long replied.

Immediately, Zhou Gui and Ma Long followed Su Huaian to the middle court.

Each student in the middle school has an independent small courtyard, so Su Huaian directly brought the two of them back to his own small courtyard.

Zhou Gui and Ma Long were quite nervous, for fear that Su Huai'an would harm them. After all, Su Huai'an was a spy of Hell City, and no one knew what he would do.

But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, Su Huaian's goal was Li Ming, and Su Huaian still needed them to lure Li Ming out of Yunfeng City, so thinking of this, the two of them were relieved again.

Entering Su Huai'an's courtyard, I only heard Su Huai'an asking: "You two, it's been a few days, is there any progress?"

Ma Long was not good at words, so he couldn't help but look at Zhou Gui.

Zhou Gui paused for a moment, then said: "Senior Brother Su, the two of us thought about it carefully, and we feel that this revenge will not be avenged."

"No report? Why?" Su Huai'an became anxious immediately. He also hoped to kill Li Ming so that he could get promoted and get rich.

I only heard Zhou Gui say: "Brother Su, it's like this, if the two of us kill Li Ming, this Yunfeng City will definitely not be able to stay."

"I know this, and I told you, you can go to Hell City, I have friends over there, you won't forget, right?" Su Huaian said.

"I haven't forgotten this, let's not hide this from Senior Brother Su. The two of us are poor. Even if we go to seek refuge in Hell City, we won't have a means of making a living. It will be difficult to get along in Hell City. Why don't we be like now? In this way, at least don't worry about making a living." Zhou Gui said.

Hearing this, Su Huai'an couldn't help being startled, he didn't expect this to be the reason.

Zhou Gui said this because he actually wanted to get out of this matter, because no matter what happens next, it may endanger the lives of the two of them, so it is better to get out early.

At this time, Su Huai'an turned his palms and took out some money, and then said: "Both, you should collect the money first, and treat it as money for running away. When you arrive in Hell City, my friend will arrange an errand for you. "

"An errand?" Zhou Gui was startled, and looked at Su Huai'an suspiciously.

"Well, a job offer!" Su Huaian said.

"This..." Zhou Gui hesitated.

"Think about it, if you go to Hell City for business, how can it be better than here? What can you get here? Life in the lower court is not easy, right? Even the exercises in the exercise building can only be seen on the bottom two floors, but you It's different when you arrive in Hell City, tolerance is an iron rice bowl, and you can get some oil and water at that time, it will be enough for your year-round expenses." Su Huaian bewitched.

At this time, Zhou Gui couldn't refuse Su Huai'an, lest he would see the clues, he couldn't help saying: "That's fine, we two brothers have done this, let's call for battle now!"

"Okay, you guys go, and tell me as soon as you're done!" Su Huaian said.

"En." Zhou Gui responded.

Immediately, Su Huaian sent the two of them out of the intermediate court.

Once out of the Intermediate Court, Zhou Gui and Ma Long went to find Li Ming.

At this time, Li Ming should be reading in the Gongfa Building.

Su Huaian didn't just leave, but secretly followed Zhou Gui and Ma Long.

Ma Long was more vigilant, and when he sensed that someone was following, Chuan Nian couldn't help reminding him, "Zhou Gui, it seems that someone is following us, it might be Su Huai'an."

"He came here?" Zhou Gui paused, and then said: "It's bad, he may have become suspicious of us, we can't see Li Ming directly later, we have to find a way."

"What way?" Malone asked.

Zhou Gui thought for a while, and then said: "When the time comes, you stand aside and act according to my face, and don't worry about other things."

"Okay." Malone replied.

Immediately, the two walked quickly towards the Gongfa Building.

Su Huaian secretly followed the two of them, not because he doubted Zhou Gui and Ma Long, but because he wanted to see if the two had really reached an agreement with him, whether they wanted to deal with Li Ming, or just wanted to cheat some money.

After a little effort, Zhou Gui and Ma Long came to the Gongfa building.

Seeing Zhou Gui and Ma Long coming, the two disciples standing in front of the Gongfa building frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing here?"

Zhou Gui ignored them, but shouted at the Gongfa building: "Li Ming, come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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