The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3551 Acting

Chapter 3551 Acting
Hearing this, the two guards were immediately unhappy. They taught you a lesson and finally let you go, but now they dare to trouble Mr. Li?And still calling Mr. Li's name in the kung fu building?Isn't this courting death?
Immediately, the two guards shot out involuntarily, directly pressed Zhou Gui to the ground, and then beat him fiercely.

Ma Long on the side was not spared either, and was also pressed to the ground and beaten painfully.

Seeing this, Su Huaian's face turned black. Why are these two idiots so unreliable?What if you are beaten to death?
At this time, Li Ming woke up from reading.

Hearing Zhou Gui's voice, Li Ming was quite surprised, and couldn't help but walked outside the Gongfa building.

But as he was walking, Li Ming seemed to have noticed something, and he couldn't help but secretly release his spiritual thoughts.

Spiritual thoughts swept across the surroundings of the Gongfa building, and now there are many onlookers gathered around, but in the distance, there is a person who is particularly eye-catching. The clothes he is wearing are not from the lower court, but unique to the middle court.

"He is Su Huaian?" Li Ming paused inwardly.

Then, Li Ming walked out of the Gongfa building.

"Young Master Li, don't worry, we will definitely repair the two of them and never let them disturb you again." A guard said quickly.

"No, you guys stop first." Li Ming said.

"This..." The two guards hesitated slightly, but stopped.

At this time, Zhou Gui and Ma Long got up from the ground.

Li Ming asked, "What do you two want from me?"

Zhou Gui continued to wink at Li Ming, Li Ming was startled, and then realized that Zhou Gui should be saying that Su Huaian was nearby, Li Ming nodded slightly, giving Zhou Gui a knowing expression.

The two communicated with each other without barriers, but Su Huai'an in the distance didn't notice it at all.

At this time, Zhou Gui said, "Li Ming, I want to challenge you!"

"Challenge me?" Li Ming paused slightly, pretending to be contemptuous.

At this moment, a guard shouted coldly: "Zhou Gui, you want to die, dare to challenge Mr. Li? Believe it or not, I will arrest you to see the elder!"

"Li Ming, don't you dare? Don't you rely on yourself as the adopted son of Lord Zhou, what's so great about it? It's really a one-on-one fight, you may not be my opponent!" Zhou Gui said bluntly.

The guards couldn't stand it anymore, and they went straight up to beat Zhou Gui. They really had the guts to humiliate Mr. Li in front of them. Didn't they want to die?
"Stop!" Li Ming stopped the two guards and asked, "Zhou Gui, how do you want to challenge me?"

"One on one, regardless of life or death, do you dare?" Zhou Gui continued to ask.

"Why don't you dare? Let's go to the martial arts field!" Li Ming said.

"The training ground is not good, if I beat you to death, can they let me go?" Zhou Gui said.

Hearing this, Li Ming pondered slightly, and then asked: "Then where do you want to go?"

"Of course go outside the city, do you dare?" Zhou Gui asked.

"Okay, let's go out of the city, but I have something to do today, so I don't have time to go out of the city, wait for two days." Li Ming said.

"Okay, call me when you have time!" Zhou Gui said.

Afterwards, Zhou Gui and Ma Long left directly.

The guard asked in a low voice: "Mr. Li, do you want to report this to the elder?"

"No, I will solve this matter by myself without anyone's help. Besides, none of you are allowed to make troubles for Zhou Gui and Ma Long without permission. I will defeat them in an upright manner." Li Ming said impassionedly.

The guard had no choice but to respond.

Su Huaian saw all this in his eyes, and thought that Zhou Gui and Ma Long would be beaten to death in public by the two guards of the Gongfa Building, but unexpectedly, Li Ming agreed to their life-and-death challenge by accident, and now Just wait until Li Ming is free.

Immediately, Su Huaian left the place without a trace.

In fact, these things were already under Li Ming's spiritual thoughts. He and Zhou Gui were just acting for Su Huai'an to make him believe that's all.

After Su Huaian left, Li Ming also left the Gongfa Building.

After walking for a while, they saw Zhou Gui and Ma Long, who seemed to be waiting for Li Ming on purpose.

I only heard Li Ming forced his voice into a line and said: "You go directly to my small courtyard, separate and don't be seen by Su Huai'an."

"Understood." Zhou Gui responded.

Immediately, Li Ming, Zhou Gui and the others moved forward separately.

Li Ming returned to the small courtyard first, Zhou Gui and the others made a deliberate circle before arriving at Li Ming's small courtyard.

After entering the small courtyard, Zhou Gui said impatiently, "Mr. Li, Su Huai'an is looking for us again."

"I know. I found him outside the Gongfa building just now. He thought he was hiding well, but he ignored his clothes." Li Ming said, and then asked: "Zhou Gui, what did Su Huaian say this time?" what?"

"Mr. Li, Su Huaian urged us to lure you out of the city, and even gave us a lot of money, and even promised that we could work in Hell City." Zhou Gui said.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused in his heart, and continued, "It seems that this Su Huaian is really a spy from Hell City, but I have no grievances or enmity with him, and I am not a genuine disciple of the Zhou family, why would he target me?"

Zhou Gui and Ma Long shook their heads, expressing their ignorance.

After a pause, Zhou Gui asked, "Young Master Li, what should we do now?"

Li Ming thought about it for a while, and then said: "Well, you go to Su Huaian immediately and ask him how sure he is against me. You must ask him for his hole cards, understand?"

"Understood!" Zhou Gui responded.

Immediately, Zhou Gui and Ma Long quickly left Li Ming's courtyard.

Li Ming frowned. Before that, he had doubts about Zhou Gui's words and Su Huai'an's motives, but seeing Su Huai'an with his own eyes today, Li Ming couldn't help but believe it.

It's just why this Su Huaian is targeting me?
Li Ming was really surprised, it was not the same at all.

However, Li Ming is not in a hurry, when Zhou Gui finds out the details of Su Huai'an, then he will make a plan and take down Su Huai'an, then it will be clear.

Zhou Gui and Ma Long had no way to enter the middle court, so they had to ask a brother from the middle court to deliver a message.

After a while, Su Huaian came over and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Senior brother Su, we have just made an appointment with Li Ming, and he agreed. Now we can go to the decisive battle outside the city whenever he is free. But we still have no idea. How sure are you that you can deal with that one? Li Ming?" Zhou Gui said.

Hearing this, Su Huai'an paused, and then said: "This is not a place to talk, go to my small courtyard."

"Okay." Zhou Gui replied.

Immediately, Zhou Gui and Ma Long followed Su Huaian to his courtyard again.

Su Huaian was completely unprepared against Zhou Gui and Ma Long, and only thought that the two of them had been blinded by hatred and were completely at their disposal.


Recommend the hero's new book, Huadu's superb doctor of medicine

(End of this chapter)

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