Chapter 357

No one was more surprised than the Dajin and Tang dynasties. As early as a few years ago, they discovered that Yunze Lake was not simple.

With the in-depth investigation, the two dynasties learned more and more about Yunze Lake.

No one knows better than them that the disgusting place of that horrible ghost is like a spring, flowing endlessly!

But now, the ghostly aura of injustice suddenly disappeared, which is really weird, just like the spring of water spirit in the ancient world suddenly stopped flowing!
As for the spring of water and spirit, I talked about it with Lu Changsheng when we were drinking afterwards.

However, Lu Changsheng and the others did not find out a trick, and the interruption of the water spirit spring is still an unsolved mystery.

However, Lu Changsheng said that according to their investigation, the water spirit spring did not stop flowing for no reason, but there was a special reason.

They were able to dig out the specific reason, but because the ancient barrier was about to be closed, they could only stop the exploration halfway.

At this time, all the forces are full of curiosity and want to go down to Yunze Lake to find out.

However, I was afraid that the wronged soul would deceive me by setting up a shocking ambush and setting up a murder trap.

Therefore, it was finally decided to send some monks from the Foundation Establishment Realm to investigate.

Obviously, the forces of all parties regard these low-level monks as cannon fodder, even if they die, they don't feel bad!
After all, they are only foundation-building monks, so they are easy to train!

Immediately, a group of cannon fodder went down to Yunze Lake to investigate.

There are rumors of a ghost town under Yunze Lake, and these monks have all heard of it.

Now that I was going to explore Yunze Lake, I was so frightened that my legs went weak and I shuddered.

It's all about their lives, but what choice do they have?


That is totally impossible.

A group of low-level monks had no choice but to bite the bullet and go down to Yunze Lake.

The only thing that made them gratified was that the reward for going down to the lake was not small, and there were a thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

Thousands of middle-grade spirit stones are definitely a huge sum of money for ordinary foundation-building monks!

Li Ming and Niu Wudi came to the deep ditch at the bottom of the river, and they really saw a palace.

The palace doesn't look very big, it's just Bai Yuping, which is similar to today's small commercial buildings.

However, Xinggong cannot judge its size from its appearance.

Generally, a more powerful palace is equivalent to a giant storage magic weapon.

After a while, Li Ming came to the gate of the palace.

There was originally a long plaque hanging on the palace, but because of the time too long, the handwriting on the plaque has been blurred and cannot be seen, after all, eternity has passed!

Li Ming stood in front of the palace, Brother Zhu muttered a few times, and played a formula, the gate of the palace opened automatically.

After all, this is the palace built by Brother Zhu, and Brother Zhu knows all the layout and organs inside.

Li Ming and Niu Wudi approached the palace, and the gate of the palace closed automatically.

At this moment, Brother Wenzhu reminded: "Li Ming, those forces have already sent monks down to investigate, so hurry up!"

"I know." Li Ming replied.

During the past six months, Li Ming thought of a guaranteed way out.

There are many treasures in Brother Zhu's palace, but there are not many treasures.

If the palace is completely besieged by these forces, then simply open the palace gate and let those forces compete for the resources and treasures of the palace. Li Ming only needs to take away those few treasures.

Once the competition started, the scene became chaotic.

At that time, naturally there will be no worries about finding a chance to escape!

However, this is the safest way. After all, if the resources and treasures of the palace are robbed by others, how can you not shed blood?

(End of this chapter)

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