Chapter 358

After entering the palace, under the guidance of Brother Zhu, Li Ming quickly came to the treasure room without encountering any danger on the way. After all, it was arranged by Brother Zhu, so how could he be in danger?
There are four heavy treasures here, a gold silk armor, a primordial tree, two bottles of the blood of divine beasts, and a brick.

Yes, a brick.

The shape is very similar to the red bricks used to build houses in China, square and square.

The other three pieces, Li Ming thought they were treasures at the first sight, except for this brick.

Li Ming looked up and down, but he couldn't see anything unusual about this brick.

Li Ming asked, "Brother Zhu, what kind of treasure is this brick?"

"Brick?" Brother Zhu paused, and looked in the direction Li Ming was looking at. The square and long thing really looked like a brick.

However, it was too late to explain at this time, the cannon fodder cultivator had already arrived at the palace entrance.

In fact, the more important thing is that Brother Zhu doesn't want to explain!

Hearing this, Li Ming immediately walked towards the gate of the palace, not greedy for other treasure resources at all.

With the strength of those monks in the early stage of foundation establishment, it is naturally impossible to break through the palace.

I saw them lingering outside the gate of the palace for a while before swimming towards the lake.

At this time, Li Ming had rushed to the entrance of the palace, and immediately left the palace.

Then, according to Brother Zhu's instructions, he pressed a few formation eyes and activated the Rock Circle Formation!

The Rock Circle Formation is a death formation. After activation, it is absolutely impossible to open without the ability to defy the sky.

At least one country's emperor and one sect leader are required to break through!

This is a retreat that brother Zhu left for himself in case of accidents!
It's a pity that when Brother Zhu died, he couldn't start it.

Unexpectedly, it will come in handy now!

However, this is a dead end!

If Li Ming wanted to break through this circle of rocks, he had to have the strength of an emperor of a country and the head of a sect.

And when Li Ming has such strength, those resources and treasures in the palace will be nothing more than petty profits.

But, no matter what, it's better than being snatched by those guys!
Press the mechanism button designed by brother Zhu earlier, and the rock circle starts.

There was only a rumbling sound, and a layer of rock rose from the bottom of the lake, wrapping the palace like a cocoon.

The rock is getting thicker and thicker, slowly forming a stone cocoon.

Li Ming didn't care about the stone cocoon, and left immediately after the formation was activated.

However, Li Ming didn't dare to come out of the water directly.

Instead, they dived along the bottom of the river in the direction of Yaoshenzong.

When those strengths went down to the lake to hunt for treasure later, Li Ming sneaked ashore.

After a while, those cannon fodder who came ashore talked about the underwater situation.

The major powers heard that there was a palace under the lake, and those strong men plunged into the lake without saying a word, and swam towards the palace, for fear that the treasures would be taken by others if they were too slow!
Brother Zhu was always paying attention to the changes in the lake surface, and when he saw those strong men coming down one after another, he asked Li Ming to come out of the water quietly.

After coming out of the water, Li Ming quietly mixed in with the disciples of the God of Medicine Sect. No one noticed the existence of Li Ming and Niu Wudi.

At this time, the rock circle has been activated, and the rocks are thickened layer by layer, and it really becomes a huge stone cocoon.

Those strong men who went down searched for a while and didn't see half of the palace, but only saw a strange stone cocoon.

"Where is the palace?" A group of strong men stared at the stone cocoon in front of them strangely.

A group of strong men searched the bottom of the lake for a while, but they still couldn't find any shadow of the palace, only the stone cocoon.

In the end, I had no choice but to go back to the lake and ask about the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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