Chapter 359

These powerhouses went back and forth, entered and exited Yunze Lake several times, and found nothing except the stone cocoon that was slowly growing in size.

And according to the dictation of those monks who established the foundation, the palace is undoubtedly in the ditch.

Now it seems that the palace should be under the huge stone cocoon!
So, a group of people started to attack the stone cocoon again, trying to open the stone cocoon forcibly.

However, how could the Rock Circle be opened so easily?
It needs the might of a country's emperor or the head of a sect to forcibly break through.

It is far from what these so-called strong men can open.

After tossing and tossing for several months, these people could not do anything with the rock circle, no matter what kind of magic weapon they sacrificed, they could not shake the huge stone cocoon.

And the more this is the case, the more they are convinced that the palace under the stone cocoon is not simple, and it definitely hides a huge treasure that defies the sky.

As a result, everyone's enthusiasm is increasing day by day, and they never give up until they break the stone cocoon.

When these powerhouses were busy, Li Ming secretly left Yunze Lake with four treasures, making a fortune silently.

Among these four treasures, only the Primordial Spirit Tree and that unknown brick made Brother Zhu think about it.

If it wasn't for the destruction of the physical body, the primordial spirit needs to rely on the primordial spirit tree for cultivation, and there is only that brick.

However, Li Ming dared to use his younger brother to guarantee that it was really just a brick.

Seeing Brother Zhu's eyes looking at the brick, Li Ming knew that there must be a certain story behind the brick!

Leaving Yunze Lake, Li Ming didn't stay any longer, nor did he return to Tianshui City, but flew west.

The west of the Dajin Dynasty is a desert, the sun is scorching, the sun is high, and there is no rain all year round. The sand on the ground is often crackled by the scorching sun.

It is precisely because of such conditions that there are few people in that area, not to mention people, not even a ghost.

Li Ming and Niu Wudi flew to that desert, planning to practice in seclusion there!

With the Primordial Spirit Tree, not only can Brother Zhu entrust the restoration of the Primordial Spirit, but Li Ming can also absorb the breath of the Primordial Spirit Tree to cultivate the Primordial Spirit.

After entering the Golden Core Realm, Li Ming's cultivation has not increased for a long time, and the reason is that his spiritual consciousness cannot keep up.

If there is no support from a strong spiritual consciousness, if one forcibly cultivates to a higher level, even if he succeeds, he will only be a cripple walking on one leg.Not to mention, it's easy to go crazy in this situation.

Therefore, Li Ming has not used so many benefits from the ancient world!

Exercising the technique of turning the rainbow, Li Ming and Niu Wudi flew for two full months before arriving at the Longyang Desert on the far west side of the Great Jin Dynasty.

Sure enough, as soon as I arrived in the Longyang Desert, I felt the heat, as if I had stepped into a steamer!
Especially the blowing hot wind, sucked in, the throat was suddenly parched, and the whole person was uncomfortable!
However, this is nothing, for monks, it is not worth mentioning!
You must know that some monks even practiced in magma in order to practice some powerful kung fu.

The pain and danger are simply unimaginable.

What's more, Li Ming and Niu Wudi were still wearing magic robes, and the magic robes had the function of warding off the heat, so the situation was really not as bad as imagined.

Going deep into the Longyang Desert, Li Ming and Niu Wudi found a sand dune, and dug a deep cave under the sand dune.

The process of digging was not very smooth, because the sand layer of Longyang Desert is very thick, maybe just after digging a hole, it will collapse in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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