Chapter 3581
Chen Feng'er made a fuss and left like this.

General Lu followed closely behind and also left.

Although the Ancestral Dragon Mansion did not suffer any substantial losses, each and every one of them felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, as if they were only one step away from death.

Offended the jewel in the palm of the Northwest King, unless someone from their ancestral dragon clan can break through the Heavenly Venerable or the Earthly Venerable, there is absolutely no resistance.

The original Ancestral Dragon Patriarch had the best hope of breaking through the Heavenly Venerable or the Earthly Venerable, but after being infected with the cold poison, there is no hope, unless the cold poison is cleared first, it is possible!
After Chen Feng'er left, the Patriarch of Zulong's face turned pale, and immediately held a high-level meeting of the Zulong Mansion.

In the ancestral hall, only Patriarch Zulong asked with a dark face, "What do you all think?"

"Patriarch, let's relocate with the whole family. The Northwest Territory can't accommodate us, so we can go to other regions, such as the Central Territory, Northern Territory, and Southern Territory." An elder suggested.

"No, it will take several hours to go from Sun Moon City to the nearest Central Territory. This time is enough for the people of Bahuang City to chase us. And once the whole family moves, they will definitely be accused of treason. By then Everyone must die." Another elder immediately stood up and objected.

For a while, the elders had different opinions, some supported the relocation, and some opposed it.

At this time, I heard an elder say: "Miss Chen said that she will come back when she breaks through the late stage of the little venerable. I think she has just broken through the middle stage of the little venerable, from the middle stage of the little venerable to the late stage of the little venerable, don't say much." It will take hundreds of years, and these hundreds of years are enough for us to obtain a lot of things. The goal of the family relocation is too obvious, we can first relocate a small number of people. In addition, find a way to cure the cold poison in the main body of the family, and do our best to help the head of the family break through the Venerable Heaven, Or the Venerable Earth.

Once the Patriarch successfully breaks through, Naha Imperial City will never dare to do anything to our Ancestral Dragon Clan easily!You must know that a heavenly or earthly venerable is of great value even in the middle domain where there are so many masters! "

Hearing this, Patriarch Zulong nodded and said: "That's right, what I said is exactly what I want, so let's do it like this, and prepare with both hands!"

The head of the family spoke, and the elders did not dare to have any opinions.

Then, each went back.

It's just that some elders don't think that this plan is appropriate. If the cold poison is easy to remove, it is impossible that there will be no progress for more than ten years.


back kitchen.

Guan Su went to summon Li Ming, but it happened that Chen Feng'er was causing trouble, so he brought Li Ming to wait in front of the head of the house.

At this time, Patriarch Zulong came back from the meeting and saw Steward Su guarding in front of the house, he couldn't help asking: "What are you doing here?"

"Patriarch, you said you wanted to meet the cook who roasted the Xue Linglong meat, so I brought him here." Manager Su replied.

"Oh." Hearing this, Patriarch Zulong remembered what happened before, and he forgot all about Chen Feng'er making such a fuss just now.

After a pause, Patriarch Zulong sized Li Ming up and down, and then asked, "Are you just here?"

"Go home, the villain was released to the house yesterday." Li Ming replied.

Judging from Patriarch Zulong's appearance, he probably didn't recognize him, otherwise he would never have asked such a question.

I only heard that Patriarch Zulong continued to ask: "Did you cook Xue Linglong's barbecue?"

"Go home, it's baked by villains." Li Ming replied honestly.

"Tell me, how did you bake it?" Patriarch Zulong asked.

"It's a bit different from other barbecues. Snow dragon meat is as cold as ice, so I specially added some flame gas during the cooking process, so that it can be roasted better." Li Ming replied, and then Then he asked carefully: "Does the owner not like the taste of baking like this? Then I will change the method later."

"No, I like it very much. If you do everything in the future, just roast Xue Linglong meat for me." Patriarch Zulong ordered.

"Yes, Patriarch." Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, Patriarch Zulong waved his hand, signaling Li Ming to back down.

Li Ming excused himself and went back to the back kitchen.

After leaving Patriarch Zulong's yard, Li Ming secretly heaved a sigh of relief, the most difficult hurdle was finally over, Patriarch Zulong really failed to recognize him!
Then, you can follow the plan!

After Li Ming left, he only heard the Patriarch of the Clan Dragon order: "Xiao Su, let the people under him work harder, and raise more Snow Spirit Dragons."

"Yes, Patriarch." Manager Su responded.

"Also, keep an eye on that cook for me, don't let him go, the snow spirit dragon meat he baked seems to be able to dissolve the cold poison in my body." Patriarch Zulong ordered.

Hearing this, Steward Su's eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly congratulated him: "Congratulations to Patriarch, congratulations to Patriarch, the cold poison is finally gone."

"Don't say anything about this, and don't let some caring people know. In addition, I let you keep an eye on that cook, and I want you to protect him, understand?" Patriarch Zulong said.

"Understood, Patriarch." Manager Su responded.

Afterwards, Patriarch Zulong waved his hand, signaling Steward Su to step down.

Patriarch Zulong must be trying to usurp the position, and there have always been voices of opposition in the clan.

However, as Patriarch Zulong's strength improved, the voice of opposition became smaller and smaller.

However, since Patriarch Zulong was poisoned by the cold, the voices of opposition gradually rose again.

Now that something like Chen Feng'er happened, it would definitely be made a big fuss by some caring people.

That's why he had to be so careful to let Steward Su protect Li Shanyang.

Because once someone knows that the Xue Linglong meat baked by Li Shanyang can dissolve the cold poison in his body, it is likely to be unfavorable to Li Shanyang.

Li Ming's Divine Flame is a fusion of a variety of strange flames, which can restrain all cold-attributed things, and of course it can also dissolve the cold poison in the main body of Zulong's family.

As for the Patriarch Zulong, he didn't think that the key to dispelling the cold poison was the flame energy in the snow spirit dragon meat, but naively thought it was the effect brought by the snow spirit dragon meat. That was because Li Shanyang's strength was too low, and only Wang Zhao It's only in the middle period.

You know, even a little Venerable like him in the late stage is helpless against cold poison, let alone Wang Zhaojing in the middle stage.

As soon as Li Ming returned to the back kitchen, Steward Su followed in.

I only heard that Manager Su announced: "From now on, Li Shanyang will cook meat exclusively for the Patriarch, and no one else is allowed to interfere with him, understand?"

"Understood, Manager Su." The cooks responded.

"En." Manager Su responded with satisfaction, and continued: "Li Shanyang, you can tell me if you need anything in the future. If anything happens to me, you can just talk to Jiang Dahai, you know?"

"Understood, Steward Su, thank you Steward Su for taking care of me." Li Ming said.

"Yeah." Manager Su responded, and then spurred: "Give the owner a good barbecue, and your benefits will be indispensable in the future, understand?"

"The villain understands that the villain will never disappoint the high expectations of the Patriarch." Li Ming said.

"Okay." Manager Su replied, and then left the back kitchen.

As soon as Steward Su left, Jiang Dahai stepped forward to congratulate him and said, "Congratulations, brother Li, you have been appreciated by the head of the family. We will all mess with you in the future. You have the final say on the kitchen."

(End of this chapter)

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