The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3582 Poisoning Secretly

Chapter 3582 Poisoning Secretly
"Brother Jiang, you are joking. I have only been in the back kitchen for a few days. How can I have such importance? You are the only one in the back kitchen. I just cook barbecue for the owner." Li Ming said humbly.

Li Ming didn't want to compete with Jiang Dahai for power, his goal was the Patriarch Zulong.

Now that Patriarch Zulong appreciates it, the next thing will be much easier.

With Patriarch Zulong's order, Li Ming doesn't have to cook meat for those young masters and ladies anymore, and he wholeheartedly cooks for Patriarch Zulong alone.

Now, Li Ming hasn't tampered with Xue Linglong's meat, but is just roasting the meat honestly.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of pieces of Xuelinglong meat were roasted, and Manager Su sent someone to pick them up.

In the end, it was sent directly to the Patriarch Zulong.

Patriarch Zulong was not polite, but before eating, he carefully inspected the Xuelinglong meat, and after confirming that there was no problem, he ate the Xuelinglong barbecued meat.


Xue Linglong ate the meat, and the aura of the divine flame dispersed.

Immediately, Patriarch Zulong felt hot all over, and felt indescribably comfortable.

After a long time, Patriarch Zulong let out a mouthful of icy air slowly.

This icy air is cold poison!
As soon as the icy air entered the air, the temperature in the whole room suddenly dropped, as if entering winter all of a sudden.

But soon, the chill disappeared, and the whole house returned to normal.

"That's right, the roasted Xuelinglong meat is really different. Before, Xuelinglong's blood could barely suppress the onset of cold poison, but could not dissolve the cold poison. But now, the roasted Xuelinglong meat can actually dissolve the cold poison." Poison, if you continue to take it like this, sooner or later you will be able to completely dissolve the cold poison in your body." Patriarch Zulong murmured to himself, "It's true that heaven will not kill me!"


In the blink of an eye, two months passed.

During these two months, Li Ming had to roast a large amount of Xue Linglong meat for the Patriarch Zulong every day.

Now, after two months, Patriarch Zulong has gained some trust in Li Shanyang. Every time he eats barbecue, he no longer checks it carefully like before, and basically eats it directly when he gets it.

But now, Li Ming began to play tricks on Xue Linglong meat.

It's not a clever move, it's just poisoning Xue Linglong's meat.

Li Ming himself is a poison body, and it is easy to poison him, anytime, anywhere.

However, Li Ming didn't dare to be too obvious at the beginning, lest Patriarch Zulong find out.

Therefore, each time, only one or two pieces of Xue Linglong meat were poisoned.

Patriarch Zulong swallowed the jujube whole, and didn't notice anything unusual in it.

After three months like this, Li Ming began to secretly increase the amount of poison, from one or two pieces of barbecue at the beginning to three or four pieces, and then five or six pieces.

Now, Zulong's family not only has cold poison in his body, but also Li Ming's poison.

However, Patriarch Zulong himself didn't notice it.


During these few months, some elders of Patriarch Zulong secretly conspired.

I only heard one of them say: "We have to do it as soon as possible. I found a magical cook in the kitchen. The barbecue he made can actually dissolve the cold poison in the family."

"There is such a thing? Why don't we kill that cook soon?"

"The cook is not the point, the point is to overthrow the patriarch's rule as soon as possible. He is not the heir in line, but is trying to usurp the position!"

"That's right, let's take advantage of Ms. Chen's incident and behead him, so as not to implicate the whole family."

"Okay, this matter is settled like this, everyone will go back to prepare, and three days later, we will take advantage of the annual family meeting to attack!"


Several elders swore their blood one after another, and no one dared to break it easily.

Afterwards, several people dispersed.

The Ancestral Dragon Clan holds an annual meeting every year, with the purpose of summarizing the gains and losses of the year, and selecting and cultivating the most potential disciples in the clan.

Inside the study.

Patriarch Zulong had just finished eating Xue Linglong meat, and was using the flames to dispel the cold poison in his body.

However, at this time, an elder suddenly knocked on the door and came in.

Patriarch Zulong frowned slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Patriarch, those old fellows have already conspired, and even swore their blood, planning to attack at the annual family meeting three days later." The elder reported.

Hearing this, Patriarch Zulong frowned and shouted angrily: "Damn it, if it wasn't for the sake of the same clan, I would have eliminated those old guys long ago."

"Then what should we do now?" the elder asked.

The Patriarch of the Clan Dragon thought for a while, and then said: "In this way, this year's family annual meeting will still be hosted by you, so I won't go."

"Not going?" The elder hesitated slightly.

"Yes, it's just that I'm in retreat to detoxify, and it's inconvenient to go out." Patriarch Zulong said.

"This... can it work?" The elder hesitated.

"Isn't it always like this in previous years?" Patriarch Zulong asked back.

"That's fine, then you have to be careful and prevent them from coming to your door." The elder reminded.

"Yes." Patriarch Zulong replied.

The Zulong Mansion is huge, with hundreds of courtyards, large and small, and each courtyard is an independent small family.

The Patriarch of Zulong naturally lives in the Patriarch's Courtyard in the center of Zulong Mansion, and the other elders are distributed in four courtyards in the southeast, northwest and north.

Every year, the annual meeting is held in the front yard, and all the elders and disciples in the clan will attend.

In the past, Patriarch Zulong personally presided over it, but these years, because of the cold and poison, he delegated it to the confidant elders to preside over it.


In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

The annual family meeting of the Zulong Mansion is here, and the elders and disciples of all the principals have gathered in the front yard.

I only heard that the confidant elder presided over: "This year's annual meeting will still be presided over by me. The Patriarch retreats to detoxify and is inconvenient to go out. Do you have any recommendations for outstanding disciples? Report them one by one."

"The head of the family is not coming?"

Suddenly, an elder stood up and said, "This is not the first time. He is really easy to be the head of the family. He is the shopkeeper for everything, and you even have to host the annual meeting? Why don't you sit down?" The Patriarch's position is good!"

"What do you mean by that?" the confidant elder asked.

"Nothing interesting!" said the elder.

"Do you want to rebel?" the confidant elder asked.

"Rebellion? I don't have the guts. I'm not like some people who are bold enough to plot to usurp the throne." The elder insinuated.

"You..." The confidant elder was suddenly at a loss for words.

This is an indisputable fact. The current Patriarch Zulong has indeed usurped the throne, so every time this matter is mentioned, he cannot refute it.

At this time, a senior elder said: "Today we must ask the Patriarch to come out and give us an explanation, otherwise we will go to his Patriarch's courtyard and ask for clarification!"

"You are too presumptuous. The Patriarch is retreating to expel the poison, so it is inconvenient to meet people." The confidant elder said.

"Now my Ancestral Dragon Clan is on the verge of life and death. In the name of the law enforcement elder, I impeach the Patriarch. Everyone, follow me to the Patriarch's courtyard to find out how to solve Miss Chen's matter!" The law enforcement elder stood up.

"it is good!"

Immediately, several other elders responded one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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