The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3616 Heavenly Venerate

Chapter 3616 Heavenly Venerate
"Oh?" Li Ming paused and asked curiously, "What method?"

"It's simple, if you fight with me, I'm in the realm of Earth Prestige. If you draw with me, you're also in the realm of Earth Prestige. If you can beat me by a few points, you're in the realm of Heavenly Prestige." Zhou Qi said.

"Okay!" Li Ming responded quickly, but then hesitated, "Brother, fists and feet have no eyes. If everyone tries their best, they will inevitably miss; but if they don't use their full strength, they can't tell the strength from the weak. But any good?"

"This..." Zhou Qi hesitated slightly, and then said: "In this way, we will increase our attack power step by step, and then test each other, and when we really fight with all our strength, once anyone feels that they are invincible, they will immediately raise the white flag. When you get to the white flag, stop immediately, how about that?"

"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

"Then let's make a move!" Zhou Qi eagerly said, he really wanted to see the power of Li Ming's thunder and fire.

"Then offend!" Li Ming said.

Immediately, Li Ming made the first move.

At this time, the three-headed fire flood dragon and the sea beast king from Wulian city rushed over one after another after hearing the sound of the catastrophe.

However, seeing the master and Zhou Qi fighting at this moment, he couldn't help hesitating for a while, only to hear the three-headed fire dragon asked in wonder: "What's going on? Why did the master fight with Brother Zhou?"

"No, look at the aura of the master." The sea beast king reminded him.

"Momentum?" The three-headed Huo Jiao couldn't help being startled, and then looked at Li Ming again.

At this moment, Li Ming's huge aura has been gradually revealed, not weaker than Zhou Qi's at all.

"This...Master has broken through to the Earth Presence?" The three-headed Huo Jiao asked in disbelief.

"It should be like this." The Sea Beast King nodded in response.

"Then why did they fight?" the three-headed Huo Jiao asked inexplicably.

"Maybe it's a sparring session. Didn't you see that they are increasing their skills step by step? It's not a killing move as soon as they come up." The sea beast king speculated.

Hearing this, the Three-headed Huo Jiao breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "So that's the case, I thought they had turned against each other, so I was taken aback."

"You're overthinking." Said the Sea Beast King, and then said: "Let's step back, the exchange between Master and Big Brother Zhou will definitely be a great battle, don't be hurt by the aftermath."

"Yes, yes, step back quickly." The three-headed fire flood dragon responded repeatedly.

Afterwards, the three-headed fire dragon and the sea beast king retreated a long way.

At this time, the three-headed fire flood dragon couldn't help but sighed, and said: "I didn't expect the master to have broken through the earth venerable realm. When I first met the master, he was no more than Wang Zhaojing. In the blink of an eye, he has already broken through the earth venerable realm. It's really hard!" Believe."

"No, who would have thought of that?" The Sea Beast King sighed equally, but then he burst into joy, saying: "The master has become so powerful now, and he will no longer need to rely on the power of others. He can become a wealthy family by himself. As the master's two powerful generals, we will naturally eat popular food, drink spicy food, call the wind and rain, and fear nothing!"

"Yes, our fate is also good. We followed our master before he became famous. If someone comes to seek refuge with him in the future, we will definitely not be as good as us." Three-headed Huo Jiao said.

"Of course!" The Sea Beast King said noncommittally.

It is easy to make icing on the cake, but difficult to give charcoal in the snow, as it has been since ancient times!


Li Ming and Zhou Qi fought, loud noises were heard, the sky was also beaten into darkness, and the sun and moon were dark.

Suddenly, Zhou Qi raised a white flag.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then stopped, and asked in surprise, "So you won't fight anymore?"

"No more fights, no more fights." Zhou Qi said disheartened.

"But the winner hasn't been decided yet, and I haven't tried my best yet!" Li Ming said with a frown.

"Let's play ball. Your Leihuo Avenue is too terrifying. I am definitely not your opponent. If you continue to play, I will definitely be the one who gets injured." Zhou Qi said angrily.

"That's it." Li Ming was embarrassed for a while. He was just warming up, but he didn't expect to bring such a big threat to Zhou Qi.

At this time, the three-headed fire dragon and the sea beast king saw them stop, so they couldn't help but flew over.

After a pause, Li Ming asked curiously: "Brother, what do you think of my strength? Is it the realm of the earth or the realm of heaven?"

"Tianzun, definitely in the Tianzun realm, and a relatively powerful existence among Tianzun." Zhou Qi commented.

"The strongest among the Heavenly Venerates?" Li Ming paused for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Obviously, Li Ming is quite satisfied with his current strength.

In fact, Li Ming himself did not expect that he would be promoted to the Heavenly Venerable Realm from the late stage of the Venerable in one fell swoop.

Of course, according to the level logic of the God Realm, it is much more normal. In the God Queen period, break through the Half Emperor.

"It seems that this Lanhuangyan is really extraordinary. Without it, I'm afraid I would never be able to break through to the current level." Li Ming said to himself inwardly.

That's true, if you don't know Lan Huangyan, let alone breaking through the Celestial Venerable, even breaking through the Little Venerable to Consummation will be difficult!
At this time, the three-headed Huojiao and Sea Beast King who rushed over couldn't help being shocked when they heard this. They originally thought that the master was just breaking through the earthly deity, but they never expected that it was the celestial deity, and he was a relatively strong existence among the deities.

" unbelievable!" The three-headed fire dragon and the sea beast king looked stunned.


Li Ming let out a little breath and said, "Let's go back to the city to celebrate. It's rare for something to go well."

"Yes, we should celebrate, and we need to do something special!" The three-headed Huo Jiao greeted him.

"Master, how about taking this opportunity to celebrate with the whole city? Since the establishment of Wulian City, we haven't held a city-wide banquet." Said the Sea Beast King.

Hearing this, Li Ming thought for a while. In fact, he didn't care about this kind of large-scale celebration banquet. The city banquet seems to be beyond reproach.

Moreover, although Wulian City has developed well in recent years, it is not well-known in the central region and even the entire Pangu world, so it is better to take this opportunity to gain popularity.

After reading this, I only heard Li Ming say: "Since we want to do it, we must do it well. The specifications must be high, and the people in the city must feel the prosperity of our Wulian City. In addition, release the news, my Wulian City Heroes from all over the world are invited to gather together, eat and drink for free, and the time is limited to half a month!"

"Yes, master, I'll let someone release the news." The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

Afterwards, Li Ming and his party returned to Wulian City.

At this moment, Zhou Xinghai and the others had prepared a feast at the house, and Li Ming and Zhou Qi sat down to drink.

At this moment, Zhou Qi asked, "Brother, what are your plans for the future?"

"Plan?" Li Ming was stunned. If he wanted to talk about his plan, it would undoubtedly be returning to the God Realm. However, he couldn't tell Zhou Qi about it. It wasn't that he didn't trust him, but that there were some things that he really couldn't talk about.

Seeing Li Ming's thoughtful look on Zhou Qi, he couldn't help saying: "Brother, if there is nothing else, you might as well go somewhere with me."

(End of this chapter)

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