The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3617 Leihuo Tianzun

Chapter 3617 Leihuo Tianzun
"Oh? Where?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"White Dragon City." Zhou Qi replied.

"Bailong City?" Li Ming was taken aback for a moment, then asked: "Are you still looking for trouble?"

"The White Dragon City Lord forced me to enter the Pangu Mausoleum. Although I have come back alive, the hundred years I lived in the Pangu Mausoleum basically made life worse than death every day. Now that I have come out, of course I want to find the White Dragon City Mausoleum." Please talk to me, Lord." Zhou Qi said in a deep voice, with murderous intent on his body.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded approvingly, and felt that it was only natural for Zhou Qi to go to the Lord Bailong to trouble him, but the fact that Zhou Qi went to the Pangu Mausoleum was the result of mediation by many powerful people, and they also agreed at the time, Don't bother the other party anymore, and sign and pledge.

Now that Zhou Qi is going to make a big disturbance in Bailong City, it is equivalent to unilaterally tearing up the agreement, which is somewhat unreasonable logically.

If City Lord Bailong spoke according to the original agreement, he could even join forces with City Lord Shengyu, City Lord Tongyou, and Northeast King to deal with Zhou Qi together.

At this time, Zhou Qi saw what Li Ming was thinking, and couldn't help but said: "A gentleman does something, and he doesn't do something. The agreement was signed at the beginning, but the White Dragon City Lord sent someone to assassinate me again when I left the Pangu Mausoleum." If I were to tear up the agreement, they would be the first to tear it up."

This statement was true. When he left Pangu's mausoleum on that day, Li Ming indeed killed many killers sent by Bailong City.

After a pause, I heard Li Ming say: "Since Big Brother Zhou has made up his mind, I will accompany you on a trip in a few days. When you entered the Pangu Mausoleum that day, Lord Bailong once wanted to take action against me. It's time to get it back!"

Hearing this, Zhou Qi's expression became excited, "With my younger brother accompanying me, even if we can't break through Bailong City, at least we can turn them upside down!"

"En!" Li Ming responded.

"Come on, drink!" Zhou Qi raised his glass to invite, but felt that the glass was not satisfying, so he directly picked up the wine jar.


The two drank freely together, day and night.

In Wulian City, the whole city celebrated, and played the banner of inviting heroes from all over the world to gather here.

Sure enough, a few days later, casual cultivators came to Wulian City to check the situation one after another, to see if they could really eat and drink for free.

Sure enough, when they arrived in Wulian City, those casual cultivators received extremely high treatment, and there were delicacies from mountains and seas on every table, many of which were spiritual meat and spiritual fruits that they could not eat normally.

"What's the situation? Wasn't Tianhaigou the lair of bandits before? When did Wulian City pop up?"

"Yeah, I also find it strange. When I first heard the news, I thought it was some kind of trick from the bandits in Tianhaigou, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Don't make wild guesses, hurry up and eat, these good things are not something we can usually eat."

"Yes, yes, I want this rhinoceros bone!"

"One more plate of Yulin Tiger Soup."

"Delicious, really delicious!"


Because of Wulian City's regulations, each person is only allowed to eat and drink for free once, so many people left with unfulfilled desires.

Their departure was deliberately done by Li Ming. Li Ming wanted to use their mouths to spread the fame of Wulian City.

Sure enough, within three days, the name of Wulian City spread throughout the Central Region.


"Have you heard? There is actually a Wulian City near Tianhaigou, and it even brought out delicacies from mountains and seas to entertain the heroes of the world."

"I've heard about this too. What's the origin of this Wulian City? Why are they entertaining the heroes of the world?"

"The point is not this. The point is, is Wulian City really that rich? Even though it's only half a month to entertain the heroes of the world, that's not a small sum of money!"

"It's not..."

"How about everyone go and have a look, if there are really delicacies from mountains and seas, then we will make money!"



In a certain small courtyard, a few guys with mean faces and mouse eyes are gathering, and they seem to be discussing some important matter.

"This Wulian City is so rich, should we take advantage of the dead of night and rob them?"

"It's just the five of us, isn't it possible? I think there are quite a few patrolling soldiers in Wulian City, at least hundreds of them."

"Of course it's not just the five of us. I've already contacted several other groups of people. When the time comes, everyone will work together to make the patrol in the city difficult. Once we succeed, we will immediately withdraw from Wulian City."

"Okay, it's settled like this, no one is allowed to lose the chain!"


"Dong dong dong..."

However, at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the courtyard.

"Who?" The guys in the yard suddenly became alert.

"Listen, people inside, you are already surrounded, and you will be captured quickly, or you will be shot to death!" The patrolling soldiers shouted from outside the yard.

"What's going on? Who leaked the news?"

"Impossible, everyone is here, it is impossible to leak the wind?"

However, at this time, I only heard the patrolling soldiers outside the courtyard continue to say: "Don't make wild guesses, our city lord is a strong man of heaven, and every move in the city cannot escape his eyes. When you guys were discussing just now, the city lord Your Excellency has ordered us to come and arrest you, as well as several other gangs that conspired with you."

"Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse?"

"Impossible? This little Wulian City actually has a strong Tianzun?"

"If it weren't for the powerful Tianzun, how could it be possible to understand our plot?"


"Is that how you surrender?"

"Don't you still want to fight against the strong Tianzun?"

In the end, a few people were caught obediently, and even if they had a hundred courage, they would not dare to fight against the strong Tianzun!

After leaving the yard, several patrolling soldiers escorted them away.

I only heard one of them boldly ask: "Brother Soldier, what are you going to do with us?"

"Our city lord said that because you are the first offender and haven't committed a crime yet, so we just drove you out of Wulian City." The patrolling soldier replied.

"Just kick us out of Wulian City? Don't punish us?"

"Yes, you will not be punished. However, you are already on our Wulian City's blacklist, and you will be strictly monitored when you come to Wulian City next time, and if any signs of crime are found, you will be punished for multiple crimes." Patrolling soldiers warned.

"That's it!" Several guys who were plotting to rob suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Startled, one of them asked curiously: "Brother Soldier, you said that your city lord is a strong Tianzun, who is the strong Tianzun?"

"Tianzun Thunder and Fire." The patrolling soldier replied.

"Leihuo Tianzun?" Several guys who were going to rob couldn't help but hesitated and asked: "Is there such a name as Tianzun? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"Hugh is so presumptuous, how dare you question our city lord?" the patrolling soldier shouted.

"Brother Soldier calm down, we will just talk casually, don't care about us."

"Hmph! Next time, don't blame me for being rude to you!" shouted the patrolling soldier, and then sent these people out of Wulian City.

(End of this chapter)

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