Chapter 3634 Remnants

The end of the world, the valley of cliffs and storms.

A beautiful figure walked quickly here, this person was none other than Chen Feng'er who left Bahuang City!
Chen Feng'er knew that Li Ming was looking for four Thunder Seals, and also knew that Li Ming had already obtained two of them, and knew that there was still one Wind and Thunder Seal in the Storm Valley.

In these years, Li Ming has not come to Fengbo Valley to look for the third wind and thunder seal. It is precisely because Fengbo Valley is extremely dangerous, and he plans to wait until the Xuanlei Seal and Tianlei Seal are completely refined to come again.

Because, no one else will come here!

However, Chen Feng'er came first, not because she wanted to fight for the wind and thunder seal, but because of Li Ming.

As for the Purple Thunder Seal, she has asked her parents to help her pay attention.

If there is news, she will not hesitate to take the Purple Thunder Seal.

The gust of wind howled in the valley of wind and waves, it was not an ordinary wind, but like a knife blade, cutting on the body, it was extremely painful.

If it wasn't for Chen Feng'er being in the Heavenly Venerable Realm and being the best among the Heavenly Venerates, she would have already been crushed into flesh by these strong winds.

"Where is the wind and thunder seal? Where exactly?"

While facing the threat of the strong wind, Chen Feng'er searched every corner of the Valley of Storms.


In a blink of an eye, I don't know how many years have passed.

In the depths of Tianhaigou, Li Ming finally refined the Heavenly Thunder Seal, and his body also stepped into an extremely terrifying state during this refining.

Although he has not reached the top of the god emperor yet, it is not far away!


Li Ming secretly let out a breath, and then flew out from the Tianhaigou.

Back to Wulian City, Wulian City has undoubtedly expanded again.

Moreover, several acropolises have been built around Wulian City.

These acropolis provide various supplies for Wulian City, and also provide a natural barrier for protection.

"The time has passed, and I don't know how many years have passed. Now that the Heavenly Thunder Seal has been completely refined, it is almost time to go to the Valley of Storms." Li Ming said secretly.

That's right, Li Ming is going to get the third Thunder Seal.

"It's just that I don't know where the fourth purple thunder seal is? I don't know if the three-headed fire dragon and the others have collected relevant information over the years?" Li Ming said to himself.

Not thinking too much for now, Li Ming went back to Wulian City first.

At this time, the Sea Beast King has successfully broken through to the Venerable.

Seeing that the Sea Beast King had made a breakthrough, Li Ming secretly nodded and said, "Yes, I have finally made a breakthrough after all these years. From now on, you will be in charge of Wulian City."

"The subordinate is willing to share the burden for the master." The Sea Beast King said hastily.

As everyone knows, Li Ming didn't mean that, but planned to completely hand over Wulian City to the Sea Beast King.

After all, sooner or later, Li Ming will leave the Pan Gu world and return to his own God Realm.

Moreover, Li Ming has already made up his mind that when he gets the Wind and Thunder Seal this time, he will travel all over the world to find the fourth Purple Thunder Seal and at the same time find a way to leave the Pangu world.

At this time, Li Ming couldn't help but think of that weird guy he met in the Hongmo Cave, Liu Sheng!

That guy can break through the void, if he can be found, maybe he can find a way to leave the Pan Gu world.

It's just that since the last battle in Shanyang City, Li Ming has never heard of Liu Sheng. This person seems to have disappeared out of thin air, and he doesn't know whether he was killed or hidden in the mountains for retreat.

However, Li Ming is not in a hurry, just take your time to find it!

Li Ming didn't stay in Wulian City for too long, and after a few days, he left for the Valley of Storms.

However, before going to the Valley of Storms, I still have to meet Zhou Qi.

Zhou Qi seems to know something about the valley of the storm, so you can ask him about the valley of the storm.

For nearly a thousand years, Zhou Qi has been searching for the whereabouts of the White Dragon City Lord.

But the White Dragon City Lord is like a shrinking tortoise, he will not come out for a thousand years, and there is no news.

The White Dragon City, which was originally one of the four major cities, gradually declined, and was replaced by Wulian City hundreds of years ago.

Flying all the way, there is no delay on the road, and there is no leisure time for sightseeing.

This place is not his hometown after all, and he has no relatives here after all, so Li Mingcai was in a hurry to improve his strength and leave in a hurry.

Li Ming is sure that there must be a way to the God Emperor in the tomb of God Pangu, and this is the main reason why he has been searching for the Four Great Thunder Seals so hard!

When I came to Yunfeng City, it happened that I was in the city on Saturday.

As soon as Li Ming appeared, Zhou Qi sensed Li Ming and came out to welcome him.

We haven't seen each other for nearly a thousand years, but we still look like old friends.

"How's it going?" Zhou Qi asked.

"Same as usual." Li Ming replied.

"Still looking for the four Thunder Seals? I heard that Chen Feng'er went mad before?" Zhou Qi asked.

"Well, there is such a thing, but it's all right now." Li Ming said, and then said: "I came here for the matter of Fengleiyin."

"Ready to go to the Valley of Storms?" Zhou Qi asked.

"En." Li Ming replied noncommittally.

"I know I can't persuade you, but I still want to persuade you. It is really dangerous there. It is said that it is the burial place of a wind-attribute deity in a certain world." Zhou Qi said.

"I know." Li Ming said.

He did know about this, because he also asked the Three-Headed Fire Dragon to collect information about the Valley of Storms over the years, but the information he got was extremely limited.

Therefore, at this time, they came to Yunfeng City purposely.

Zhou Qijian couldn't persuade Li Ming, so he could only say: "I don't know a lot about the stormy valley, I only know it from a fragment of records."

With that said, Zhou Qi flipped his palm and took out the general fragments, and then threw it to Li Ming.

"Thank you." Li Ming stretched out his hand to catch it, and then said, "Then I'll go first."

"Let's go now? Don't stay for a drink?" Zhou Qi asked with a frown.

"Next time, I feel that something is calling me in the Valley of Storms, and I must rush over there as soon as possible." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Zhou Qi was speechless, and gave Li Ming an expression of believing that you have a ghost.

However, Zhou Qi did not forcefully stop Li Ming, but said: "Then next time, we must come back alive."

"I know." Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, Li Ming left Yunfeng City and flew towards Storm Valley.

Along the way, in addition to flying, Li Ming deliberately read the fragmented book that he gave himself next week. It was written by the Fighting Clan, but there was a translation behind it, so he didn't worry about affecting his reading.

The Valley of Storms has existed for many years. As for how many years, no one can remember clearly. Anyway, it existed before the extinction of the Fighting Clan.

Moreover, it is said that the wind-attribute deity who fell in the valley of wind waves was imprisoned from other worlds by the Fighting Clan.

Later, with no hope of escaping, the wind-attribute deity disbanded by himself, which caused the world's precipice and turmoil to form.

After several months, Li Ming finally came to the valley of storm on the cliff of the world.

In the process of rushing, Li Ming found that the closer he was to the valley of wind and waves, the stronger the feeling of calling, and it became even stronger when he reached the valley of wind and waves.

In fact, Li Ming has been very strange in his heart, why do he feel this way?
Could it be the attraction between Lei Yin?

(End of this chapter)

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