The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3635 Phoenix blood healing

Chapter 3635 Phoenix blood healing
After thinking about it, since these four thunder seals were used to open the tomb of God Pangu, it is reasonable that they are related to each other.

Thinking about this, Li Ming didn't find it strange.

Afterwards, Li Ming entered the valley of storm.

As soon as he entered the turmoil, the madness like a strong wind hit Li Ming.

When the wind blows, it is like thousands of blades cutting on the body.

Li Ming didn't use any magic weapon to protect himself, because his strongest defense was his physical body.

In today's world, there are only a handful of people whose defense ability can match Li Ming's physical body.

Li Ming let the strong wind blow on his body, and the robe on his body instantly turned into ashes, and even the surface of Li Ming's body showed scars one after another.

"It's such a terrifying wind, even my terrifying physical body can't completely resist it. If it's another heavenly or earthly lord, I'm afraid it will be seriously injured directly?" Li Ming secretly exclaimed in his heart.

Li Ming didn't think much, and flew away following the inexplicable sense of echo.

This is the end of the world, and there is a black hole in the distance, without any light.

And the feeling of calling came from afar.

Li Ming was always on guard in case of danger.

However, there are probably no species that can survive in this valley of wind and waves, and the only thing that can bring danger to Li Ming is the Gang Feng or the Wind and Thunder Seal.

Li Ming restrained his breath, quietly released his divine thoughts, trying to detect the surrounding situation.

However, how could that terrifying gangster tolerate Li Ming like this?

Before the divine sense left the body, it had already been cut off ruthlessly by Gang Feng, let alone exploring the distance.

"It seems that the divine sense cannot be used here." Li Ming whispered to himself.

"Forget it, it doesn't affect me much anyway."

Immediately, Li Ming continued to fly towards the calling place.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, the feeling of calling became more and more clear, as if it was right in front of my eyes.

Sure enough, after flying for a while, Li Ming discovered something different in this dark world.

In the distance, it seems that someone is floating.


Seeing this, Li Ming was startled suddenly, how could there be someone here?
Indeed, no one should be here.

Li Ming took a deep breath, maintained a high level of vigilance, and then carefully leaned towards the man.

Those who can come here must be the strongest in the world, so we have to be careful!

As he flew closer, Li Ming felt that the man looked familiar.

"Why do you feel a bit like Chen Feng'er?" Li Ming hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but speed up and fly towards that person.

Flying closer, Li Ming saw the person clearly, and it turned out to be Chen Feng'er.

"Why is she here?" Li Ming was startled, and immediately flew towards Chen Feng'er.

At this moment, Chen Feng'er seemed to have lost consciousness, her whole body was suspended in the trough of the storm, and the magic weapon of protection on her body was also torn apart.

The strong wind is destroying her body bit by bit, and now her flesh is bloody.

If it continues, I'm afraid there will be life-threatening.

Li Ming didn't think too much, and immediately came to Chen Fenger's side.

"Miss Chen, Miss Chen, wake up." Li Ming gently patted Chen Fenger's cheek.

After a long time, Chen Feng'er woke up slightly.

"Did I die? I seem to have seen him? It turns out that people can really meet the person they want to see most before they die." Chen Feng'er murmured to herself.

As soon as she finished speaking, Chen Feng'er passed out again.

Li Ming didn't think much, picked up Chen Feng'er, and flew towards the outskirts of Fengbo Valley.

But at this time, the strong wind came from all directions, forming a wall of wind in front of Li Ming, as if deliberately blocking Li Ming's way back.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but frown, and the breath in his body surged suddenly.

Afterwards, the air of thunder and fire slowly condensed in Li Ming's palm.


With a cold shout, ruthless thunder and fire blasted towards the strong wind.


There was only a muffled sound, and the gang wind that was like a wall was blasted open.

Immediately, Li Ming quickly walked across with Chen Feng'er in his arms.

The wind wall can repair itself, and the opening is getting smaller and smaller, so Li Ming has to speed up his flight.

But this is the Valley of Wind and Waves, not where you can fly as fast as you want. The wisps of wind are like thousands of tentacles, dragging Li Ming, as if deliberately not to let Li Ming leave.

"Break again!"

There was another cold shout, and the wind that was entangled with Li Ming collapsed directly, and the constricted opening became bigger again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Ming quickly flew away from here.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, Li Ming finally saw the cliff.

"When you reach the cliff, you will be safe. Miss Chen, you must persevere." Li Ming said again, regardless of whether the fainted Chen Feng'er could hear it or not.

Running up the horse, seeing the cliff is in front of you, but it is not.

After five days of continuous flying, Li Ming finally came to the edge of the cliff.

Out of the valley of wind and waves, Gang Feng disappeared immediately.

After that, I saw Chen Feng'er's injuries began to recover on their own.

After all, he is a strong Tianzun, and his self-healing ability is quite strong.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

However, Li Ming was still a little worried, so he couldn't help checking Chen Feng'er's body.

After this inspection, Li Ming's face froze immediately, "You actually hurt your internal organs?"

"No, it must be treated immediately, otherwise it may be dangerous!"

Even the Heavenly Venerable, the viscera are relatively fragile.

Li Ming immediately took out the healing elixir on his body, ready to take it for Chen Feng'er.

However, after the healing elixir entered Chen Feng'er's body, the thought of healing was not obvious.

"How could this be? Could it be that these healing pills can't repair the injuries caused by Gangfeng?" Li Ming frowned.

"If so, what should we do?"

After a slight pause, Li Ming couldn't help but think of his phoenix blood.

My own phoenix blood has a strong healing effect, and I don't know if it can heal Chen Feng'er's injury.

Of course, Li Ming's phoenix blood not only has a healing effect, but also has a huge destructive power.

If he feeds Chen Feng'er directly, I'm afraid Fei Fei will not be able to heal Chen Feng'er's wounds, and maybe even hurt Chen Feng'er instead.

After Li Ming forcibly took out a drop of phoenix blood, he began to remove the thunder and fire ingredients contained in the phoenix blood.

Finally, keep only the healing effects!
It took a full half a day for Li Ming to finally remove the other substances in this drop of phoenix blood.

Then, Chen Feng'er swallowed it.

"I hope it works!" Li Ming prayed secretly, because he had never treated others in this way before, so he himself was not sure.

But there is no other better way now, so I can only try it temporarily.

The phoenix blood entered Chen Feng'er's body and quickly exerted its effect. I saw that the severely injured viscera began to heal little by little.

"Effective?" Li Ming's eyes lit up, and he was overjoyed.

"However, the healing effect of this place's phoenix blood does not seem to be obvious. It seems that we need to feed some more phoenix blood."

Li Ming said secretly.

Immediately, Li Ming took out some phoenix blood again, removed its other substances, and gave it to Chen Feng'er.

(End of this chapter)

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