The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3648 Breakthrough God Emperor

Chapter 3648 Breakthrough God Emperor
Li Ming paused, he clearly caught the subtle changes in Chen Feng'er's mood, but there are some things that don't need to be said too clearly, just pretend not to know.

After all, he doesn't belong to this world, and he will go back one day.

But now, that day is getting closer.

Li Ming left Wulian City and found a deserted place to retreat, so he didn't have to worry about endangering others during the breakthrough.

Soon, Li Ming settled down.

Four Thunder Seals lingered around Li Ming, exuding a huge aura.

At the same time, Li Ming's aura also rose steadily.

Li Ming did not rush to break through the God Emperor, but patiently accumulated strength.

Either you don’t make a breakthrough, or you have to be fully sure if you want to make a breakthrough.

Even if you are not completely sure, you must be at least [-]% to [-]% sure.

In the blink of an eye, after an unknown amount of time, Li Ming's aura reached a peak.

Li Ming exhaled secretly, and muttered to himself: "Are you going to break through?"

Without any hesitation, Li Ming used his strength to charge towards the God Emperor.


Accompanied by Li Ming's impact, deafening bangs sounded around him, and at the same time Li Ming also sensed the suppression of heaven and earth on him.

A god emperor is an existence that transcends the shackles of the heavens, and can also be said to be an existence above the heavens.

It is conceivable that in the process of breakthrough, how strong is the restriction of heaven on Li Ming?
However, this is Pangu's world, and the influence of the Dao of Heaven is slightly weaker, at least weaker than that of the God Realm.

Of course, if you don't go anywhere.

If the influence of the God Realm is defined as one hundred, then the Pangu World is almost like 97, 98, the difference is very small.

Li Ming tenaciously resisted the oppression of the heaven and the earth, leaping forward, hesitating like sailing against the current, like a carp jumping over a dragon's gate.

I don't know how long it took, Li Ming suddenly felt a qualitative change in his body, and a surge of heavenly energy swept over him.

"Is this the aura of the God Emperor?" Li Ming was startled secretly, full of joy.

The mysterious aura became stronger and stronger, filling Li Ming's whole body.


Between exhaling and inhaling, a detached breath is formed.

However, breaking through to the God Emperor is not something that happens overnight, but a long process.

Li Ming quietly waited for his transformation, without asking about his age or worldly affairs.

I don't know how long it has been, maybe 50 years, maybe 100 years, maybe 500 years.

In short, Li Ming has forgotten the time.

And the moment Li Ming opened his eyes, he had officially become a god emperor from a half emperor!
At the same time, the moment Li Ming opened his eyes, the world changed, as if everything was bowing to Li Ming.

And in that distant God Realm, several god emperors were terrified, "Who is this powerful breakthrough? Can it trigger changes in the entire world?"

Not only the God Realm, but also other worlds, those strong people have sensed the birth of a powerful person.

"I hope it's a blessing and not a curse. The whole world is finally at peace, but don't start a big war!"

"Yes, God Pan Gu blesses you, everything is safe!"

On the Pangu Continent, everyone felt an invisible oppression, like a giant god descending on their heads, and they dared not look up to the sky.

The one who felt the most clearly was Fengshen Zun, "That little guy broke through?"

"It's faster than I imagined. He broke through in less than a thousand years? What a genius! I'm afraid he will be the only one who is qualified to aspire to the realm of the Pangu giant in the future, right?"

Chen Feng'er also sensed this powerful aura, "Did you break through? It should be, are you leaving too?"

Li Ming made a successful breakthrough, and his divine sense could cover almost half of the Pan Gu world.

And the hiding place of the White Dragon City Lord happened to be covered by Li Ming's divine sense, "So you are hiding here!"

"I didn't intend to get too serious with you, but I didn't expect you to dare to disturb my Wulian City. Today I break through the God Emperor, and I will use you to sacrifice to the sky!" Li Ming said to himself.

As he said that, Li Ming's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

And when Li Ming reappeared, he was already in a cave where he couldn't see his fingers.

There is a person sitting cross-legged in the cave, who is retreating, and it seems that he is about to make a breakthrough.

But when Li Ming appeared in his cave, the man woke up immediately.

"Who?" The man asked alertly.

"City Master Bailong, I haven't seen you for many years, are you here?" Li Ming asked unhurriedly.

This person is none other than the White Dragon City Lord.

City Lord Bailong recognized Li Ming at a glance, "It's you?"

"That's right, it's me. City Lord Bailong really knows how to hide, and he actually hides in this dark cave." Li Ming was speechless.

"How did you find me?" White Dragon City Lord asked gloomyly.

"Just search for it casually, and I found it." Li Ming said.

"Hmph! Li Ming, you came just in time. I have practiced hard for many years, and my strength has improved a lot. Since you have come to the door today, you may as well make a decision and see if I will kill you today!" The White Dragon City Lord said with a snort .

"Cut me in half?" Li Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud. This White Dragon City Lord is really ignorant, how dare he say such a thing?

"What are you laughing at? Do you look down on me? I'm not afraid to tell you that I'm about to comprehend the Supreme. Once I comprehend the Supreme, my strength will definitely double. And when I fuse the Supreme and the Supreme, I will be invincible in this world." , when the time comes, the world will be the only place where I, the White Dragon, will reign supreme!" said the White Dragon City Advocate Kuang.

"Really?" Li Ming snorted, and then inadvertently revealed a breath of a god emperor.

The White Dragon City Lord's face froze instantly, looked at Li Ming in horror, and asked, "You... have already broken through to the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth?"

"Otherwise?" Li Ming asked back.

"You..." The Lord of Bailong's complexion suddenly changed, and he knelt down and begged for mercy: "Li Zhizun, please forgive me, Li Zhizun, please forgive me, the villain knows his mistake, and the villain is willing to submit to you forever."

"City Master Bailong, don't you think it's too late to say this now?" Li Ming said unhurriedly.

Hearing this, City Lord Bailong's face suddenly turned ashen, he knew that he was only one step away from death.

"Li Zhizun, I really know that I was wrong. I am really willing to surrender to you. The villain is willing to offer you a ray of divine sense." The White Dragon City Lord repeatedly begged for mercy. He knew that he would definitely die, but he was willing to die like this. up?
Therefore, even if there is no hope, he still asks for forgiveness. What if Li Ming shows mercy?

However, how could Li Ming's decision be easily changed?

I saw Li Ming's thoughts moved, and killing intent surged all over his body. The White Dragon City Master looked as if he was thinking of death, and then completely lost his expression, and a bullet came out of his body.

Then, Li Ming shattered the body of White Dragon City Lord with one palm, leaving only the head.

After beheading the White Dragon City Lord, Li Ming went to Yunfeng City.

The head of the White Dragon City Lord should be the best meeting gift, right?
(End of this chapter)

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