The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3649 Returning to the God Realm

Chapter 3649 Return to the God Realm
In the blink of an eye, Li Ming came to Yunfeng City, only to see that he was still holding the head of the White Dragon City Lord in his hand.

Spiritual thoughts swept across Yunfeng City, and my good brother Zhou Qi happened to be at the house.

Li Ming's figure flashed, and he came directly to the Zhou Mansion.

"Brother Zhou!" Li Ming shouted loudly, and his voice spread throughout the Zhou family.

After a little effort, Zhou Qi welcomed them out.

"Brother, you are such a busy person. I couldn't invite you to a wedding last time." Zhou Qi complained.

"Brother, forgive me, I was retreating at that time." Li Ming said.

"I know." Zhou Qi said, and then asked curiously: "How are you and Ms. Chen doing? Will I be able to drink your wedding wine someday?"

Li Ming smiled awkwardly, quickly changed the subject, and said, "I brought you something different."

"Gift?" Zhou Qi was startled, and looked at Li Ming hesitantly.

Li Ming stretched out his hand, and a bloody head appeared in front of Zhou Qi.

"White Dragon City Lord?" Zhou Qi couldn't help being surprised.

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

"He died? How did he die?" Zhou Qi asked excitedly.

"I killed it." Li Ming replied.

"Good, good, good!" Zhou Qi said three good words in succession. The White Dragon City Lord has been his heart disease all these years, and now it is finally gone.

After a pause, Zhou Qi patted Li Ming on the shoulder and said, "Brother, let's have a good drink this time!"

Hearing this, Li Ming was startled, and also said meaningfully: "Yes, I must have a good drink. I'm afraid I won't have such an opportunity in the future."

"Huh?" Zhou Qi was taken aback, and looked at Li Ming in confusion.

I only heard that Li Ming explained: "Brother, I am from the God Realm. I have just broken through to the God Emperor, and I plan to return to the God Realm after a while."

"What? Are you from the God Realm? And you have broken through to the God Emperor?" Zhou Qi was taken aback, he never knew this.

"Brother, I haven't told you my identity all these years. I'm just afraid you'll overthink it. I hope you'll forgive me." Li Ming apologized.

"Why? It's just that you... are you really leaving?" Zhou Qi was suddenly reluctant.

"Yes, there are my wife, children, and children in the God Realm. I came to Pan Gu World by accident. Now that I have finally broken through to the God Emperor, of course I have to go back." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Zhou Qi couldn't help but fell silent, and said after a long time: "Yes, you should go back, then I will practice it for you!"

"Okay!" Li Ming responded quickly.

The Zhou Mansion set up wine and held a banquet, and the adoptive father, City Lord Zhou, also put aside his official duties for the time being to let Li Ming practice.

This meal lasted for three full months.

In the end, under the reluctance of Zhou Chengzhu and Zhou Qi, they parted.

After leaving Yunfeng City, Li Ming returned to Wulian City.

Chen Feng'er seemed to have known that Li Ming would come back, so she greeted him at the gate of the city.

Seeing Li Ming coming back, Chen Feng'er came up to greet her, like a young woman waiting for her husband to return, "Are you back?"

"En." Li Ming responded.

"When will you leave?" Chen Feng'er's nose was slightly jerky, she knew that Li Ming might never come back after leaving.

Li Ming paused for a long time before saying, "Leave after explaining some things."

"I'll see you off when the time comes." Chen Feng'er said reluctantly.

"Okay." Chen Feng'er responded, and then asked: "Will you come back?"

Li Ming froze, but finally shook his head.

For Li Ming, the Pangu world is just a landscape in his life, and there is nothing special to commemorate, so if there is no accident, Li Ming will not come back.

After all, traveling through the void is not a safe thing, even for a god emperor.

When Chen Feng'er heard Li Ming's answer, she lowered her head involuntarily, looking very disappointed.

Li Ming didn't know what to say, but walked silently towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Back at the City Lord's Mansion, Li Ming called the Sea Beast King, the Three-Headed Fire Dragon, the Stinger Dragon, the Spotted Goshawk and others.

I only heard Li Ming said: "You have been following me for many years, and I will return to the God Realm soon. Do you stay here or go with me? You can decide for yourself. If you decide to stay, I will will set you free."

"Master is leaving?" The Sea Beast King couldn't help being surprised.

"Yeah, I should go home too." Li Ming said meaningfully.

For a moment, several people looked at each other, but no one spoke.

After all, Li Ming's words were somewhat unexpected to them. They never thought that their master would leave one day, let alone that they would regain their freedom.

Startled, I only heard the sea beast king say: "Master, I'd better stay, our sea beast clan can't do without me for the time being."

"Okay!" Li Ming replied, and casually returned the wisp of divine sense that the Sea Beast King had stored with him.

The sea beast king withdrew his divine sense, and was suddenly surprised, he was really free again?
"Thank you, master! Thank you, master." The Sea Beast King thanked quickly.

Li Ming nodded slightly, then looked at the three-headed fire dragon and the nodding goshawk.

Goshawk pointing his back was slightly startled, but without much hesitation, he said directly: "Master, the villain is willing to follow you forever, no matter where you go, the villain is willing to follow."

"Okay!" Li Ming nodded slightly, pointing his back to Goshawk to stand beside him.

Dianbei Goshawk naturally has his own plans. If he chooses to stay, it means that he will lose the backing of Li Ming. With his own strength, whether he can survive in Wulian City is a question.

But following Li Ming is completely different, as long as Li Ming does not fail for a day, he can dominate.

As for where to go, it has no effect on him, which world is not waiting?Maybe God Realm is more interesting?
"What about you, the three-headed fire dragon?" Li Ming asked.

The three-headed fire flood dragon seemed a little hesitant, and didn't know whether to leave or stay.

"Let's go together, and see what the God Realm looks like by the way!" Dumped Goshawk shouted.

"Okay!" The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

Li Ming nodded slightly, and then settled down with several other subordinates, as well as some things about Wulian City, and then left.

Li Ming of Wulian City left it to Chen Feng'er as some compensation for her.

Chen Feng'er looked at Li Ming reluctantly, but she knew that she couldn't keep him.

Li Ming soared into the sky, pointing his back to the goshawk, and the three-headed fire dragon got into Li Ming's long sleeves.

"Open!" Li Ming shouted coldly, and the void opened up.

As soon as the void opened, the world changed suddenly.

At this time, several people flew from a distance.

"Brother, big brother will see you off for the last time!" Zhou Qi shouted.

"Yezi, come back and take a look when you have time!" City Lord Zhou shouted.

"Okay, adoptive father, brother." Li Ming replied.

"Li Zhizun, we will also send you off." Chen Bahuang and his wife shouted.

There were several other Heavenly Venerables who came to see him off, and they had only met Li Ming a few times, so they were not considered acquaintances.

However, the matter of etiquette still needs to be taken care of. After all, Li Ming is different now, he is the existence of the supreme level of heaven and earth.

Li Ming waved his hands at them, resolutely entered the void, and embarked on the way back.


The years are rushing by, I don't know how many springs and autumns, I don't know how many colds and heats, because in this void, I can't feel the passage of time at all.

Li Ming wandered around in search of the God Realm as a god emperor.

On this day, Li Ming suddenly felt something different in front of him, so he couldn't help breaking through the void and flying out.

Then, a familiar breath rushed over.

"Aura from the God Realm?" Li Ming was taken aback, looking a little unbelievable, did he finally come back?
At this moment, I only heard the three-headed fire dragon poking its head and asking: "Master, is this the God Realm?"

Li Ming released his spiritual thoughts and swept across the world, seeing all the familiar people and things in his eyes.

"Yes, this is the God Realm! I'm finally back!" Li Ming's eyes were slightly red. No one knew how much effort he had put in to return to the God Realm, and now he is finally back!

"Yue'er, Xiaoliu, clansmen... I'm finally back!"

(End of this chapter)

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