Chapter 650
Everything is so familiar, familiar people, familiar things, familiar flowers and trees, city walls and towers, as if nothing has changed, and it seems that the world has frozen, exactly the same as in Li Ming's memory.

It's just that when the Fighting Clan attacked the Heavenly Dao World, the God Realm no longer existed and was reduced to a sea of ​​flames. This should be rebuilt later, right?

However, even if it is rebuilt, it is still Li Ming's hometown!
Li Ming had tears in his eyes, he finally came back after going through all kinds of hardships.

At this time, the three-headed fire dragon and the spotted-back fly flew out of Li Ming's Qiankun sleeve.

"Master, is this the God Realm? It looks very different from our world." The three-headed Huo Jiao secretly asked.

"That's right, this is the God Realm, and it operates according to the way of heaven, so of course it's different from your world." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the three-headed fire dragon paused, and then asked weakly: "Master, can we practice again after we get here? Will we not be able to practice because of the rejection of heaven?"

Li Ming was stunned for a moment. What the three-headed fire dragon said was true. He was indeed rejected by the Dao when he came to the world of the Fighting Clan before.

Similarly, the three-headed fire flood dragon will also be repelled by heaven.

After a pause, I heard Li Ming say: "Let's put aside the practice, I'm sure you can find other ways, first follow me to meet my relatives."

"Yes, master." The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

Immediately, Li Ming flew towards Lingxiao Palace with the three-headed Huojiao.

But just halfway through the flight, Li Ming stopped suddenly, and the expression on his face also changed.

Seeing this, the three-headed fire flood dragon was slightly surprised, and asked lately, "Master, what's the matter?"

Li Ming was stunned for a moment, but shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

However, he was slightly surprised in his heart, feeling that this God Realm seemed to be a little different from the original God Realm, but Li Ming himself couldn't explain exactly what was different.

After a little effort, Li Ming and the others arrived at Shentianmen.

This is the gate to enter the God Realm. Li Ming walked through it long ago when he first came to the God Realm.

At that time, Li Ming himself had no idea what was going on, and was completely guided by a strange light.

After a little effort, Li Ming and his group arrived at Shentianmen.

As soon as he arrived at Shentianmen, he saw two divine soldiers blocking Li Ming's way, and asked at the same time, "Who is here?"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being taken aback, how long has passed, and people in the God Realm don't remember him?

After a pause, I heard Li Ming say: "This emperor, Li Ming, quickly passed on the Haotian God Emperor."

While speaking, Li Ming let out a bit of imperial air, and the two god soldiers turned pale with fright on the spot, only to hear one of them say quickly: "God emperor calm down, villain, go pass the message."

"Go quickly." Li Ming said impatiently.

Immediately, the divine soldier immediately went to communicate.

At this time, I only heard the three-headed Huojiao said with an angry face: "Master, this God Realm is too ostentatious, isn't it? Only these two little soldiers are worthy of stopping you? Why don't you let your subordinates beat them back and let's just break into it?" go."

"Nonsense!" Li Ming shouted angrily, and then said: "The master of the gods is my father-in-law, how can there be any reason for a son-in-law to behave wildly in front of his father-in-law?"

"Ah?" The three-headed Huo Jiao was taken aback, wishing he could slap himself twice, what did he say just now?
(End of this chapter)

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