Chapter 370

However, thinking that this is the origin of the secret at the bottom of Yunze Lake, he immediately flew to the valley without caring about anything else!
Niu Wudi had already returned to the valley and waited for a long time.

At this moment, seeing Huayang Zhenjun Yinzheng entered the valley, he immediately appeared.

Huayang Zhenjun Yinzheng saw Niu Wudi, this iron tower-like man couldn't help but startled, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" Niu Wudi was angry and sneered, "Of course you don't know who I am, as long as I know who you are! Today, I will use the guillotine in my hand to avenge my mother!"

"Revenge?" Yin Zheng was at a loss. He didn't understand what the other party was talking about. Just now he thought that the other party was here for chance!

Niu Wudi didn't explain too much, just shouted loudly and activated the big formation: "Sleepy Dragon Slaying God Formation!"

This is Brother Zhu's point, Niu Wudi arranged it himself, it is for the India competition!

Yin Zheng didn't understand, so he looked at Niu Wudi in puzzlement, clasped his fists and asked, "Brother, is there some misunderstanding? You and I seem to have never met each other, where is the hatred?"

"Hmph!" Niu Wudi snorted coldly, and said word by word: "Yin Zheng, you are really a nobleman who forgets things so much, you forget things so quickly? If you don't remember, I will remind you, the three-eyed musk ox!"

"Three-eyed musk ox?" Yin Zheng paused, with a strange expression on his face. Isn't the three-eyed musk ox his mount?But what's the problem?
Yin Zheng was puzzled, looking at Niu Wudi for no reason.

I saw Niu Wudi's gloomy face, and said in a low voice, "Since you can't remember, I'll remind you that the three-eyed musk ox is my mother!"

"What? The three-eyed musk ox is your mother? How is this possible? Didn't the child she gave birth to die tragically?" Huayang Zhenjun Yinzheng was really surprised, and looked at Niu Wudi in disbelief. Believe what he says!
"Hmph!" Niu Wudi snorted, and said, "It's just a trick."

After a slight pause, Niu Wudi continued: "But these are not important anymore. The important thing is that today I want you to sacrifice my life to sacrifice my mother's spirit in heaven!"

"You want to kill me?" Huayang True Monarch Yin Zheng was taken aback suddenly, never expecting that the other party wanted to kill him?

"Otherwise?" Niu Wudi asked back.

Indeed, if it wasn't for the complete killing of Yin Zheng, how could he have spent so much effort arranging the dragon-slaying formation?
Huayang Zhenjun Yinzheng's face became colder, and he said in a low voice: "Do you know that I am Huayang Zhenjun? A disciple of the lord of the Medicine God Sect, if you kill me, my Medicine God Sect will never let you go!"

"Joke! Don't say that you are the disciple of the lord of the Medicine God Sect, you are his own son, and I will kill you!" Niu Wudi said viciously.

Yin Zheng's complexion became more and more ugly, he saw that he sacrificed the Xuanshuang sword openly.

As soon as the sword came out, the temperature in the entire valley dropped several degrees instantly.

However, Niu Wudi had learned about Yin Zheng's ability from Brother Zhu a long time ago, so he couldn't help but sneered, and said, "You should take out your strongest magic weapon. Although this sword is good, it is only a mere top-grade treasure. Even more powerful!"

"Don't be ashamed, eat me first!" Annoyed, Yin Zheng used Xuanshuang sword to stab at Niu Wudi's vital point.

Instead, he took a look, how dare this Niu Wudi threaten to kill him?
However, Yin Zheng was very strange. The guy in front of him claimed to be the child of the three-eyed musk ox, but it was only a few years ago that the three-eyed musk ox gave birth. In a few years, he had the strength equivalent to the Nascent Soul Realm ?
This is so incredible!

Even the seventh-rank and eighth-rank monsters may not have such a terrifying growth rate, right?
Indeed, there are no seventh-rank or eighth-rank monsters.

However, there are Ninth Grade Divine Beasts!
Niu Wudi is extremely jealous when he sees his enemy, for the past three years, his prostitute Yeye has always wanted to kill his enemy.

At this moment, with the enemy right in front of him, Niu Wudihuo took out the black guillotine on the guillotine.

With the guillotine in hand, the momentum suddenly changed.

When the Xuanshuang sword came to chop, Niu Wudi didn't have any intention of avoiding it. Holding the guillotine, he went head-to-head to do it!
Huayang Zhenjun Yinzheng has extraordinary talents, and he entered the Nascent Soul at a young age.

However, it is only limited to the initial stage of Nascent Soul.

 I'm still writing, and there will be no less than the agreed four.Even if he writes until three o'clock in the morning, the hero will definitely write four chapters before going to bed. (fourth update)

(End of this chapter)

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