Chapter 371

In the past three years, although his strength has improved, it is very small.

However, Niu Wudi is different. Relying on the extraordinary blood of the beast, coupled with the blood of the beast, he has already broken through the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

In terms of strength, Niu Wudi is enough to disdain India.

As for the magic weapon, the black guillotine in Niu Wudi's hand could kill the ancient gods.

Therefore, the Xuanshuang Sword in Huayang Zhenjun Yinzheng's hand is not enough to look at.

One face to face, the black guillotine cut off the Xuanshuang sword.

Yin Zheng was really taken aback, looked at Niu Wudi in disbelief, and asked, "What kind of knife is that?"

"Dog Butcher Knife!" Niu Wudi said.

Yin Zheng was startled, his face was very ugly, both for Niu Wudi's words and for the Xuanshuang sword in his hand.

Although this Xuanshuang Sword is not his most powerful magic weapon, it is also among the top three most powerful magic weapons.

But now, it was cut off by the opponent without a sound!
There is no way, Yin Zheng can only sacrifice his weapons again.

I saw a golden light overflowing, so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at it.

Unexpectedly, the golden light subsided, and a long sword appeared in Yin Zheng's hand.

The blade is slightly longer, half longer than the Xuanshuang Sword.

This is the most powerful treasure in Yinzheng, a reward for worshiping the suzerain, a middle-grade spiritual weapon!
In the Nascent Soul Realm, it is already very remarkable to be able to produce a top-grade treasure, let alone a spiritual weapon.

Yin Zheng also relied on his own identity to obtain such a powerful treasure!

This sword is called the Golden Wing Sword.

Indeed, the flared handle does look somewhat like a bird's wing.

This sword is the ultimate use of metal, and the weapon has an accelerated wind attribute.

It is really the shadow of a sword when used, stabbing ten times with one sword, absolutely the best of the best swords!
However, such a precious sword is nothing in the eyes of Niu Wudi.

Niu Wudi snorted and said, "Is this your strongest weapon?"

"Don't be crazy, eat my sword!" Yin Zheng shouted angrily.

As the proud son of heaven, he has never been ignored like this.

However, at this moment, Niu Wudi didn't pay attention to him at all, and his words were either contempt, ridicule or ridicule, which made Yin Zheng feel very shameless!

Niu Wudi didn't pay attention to Yin Zheng at all, let alone the sword in his hand.

Niu Wudi said mockingly, "You also said that just now!"

Indeed, Yin Zheng said this just now, but in the end the Xuanshuang Sword in his hand was chopped into two pieces by Niu Wudi.

"Look at the sword!" Yin Zheng shouted coldly, using the Golden Wing Sword.

"Come on!" Niu Wudi accepted the move without fear at all.

Clang's metal collided, and they were separated by the aftermath.

Although the Golden Wing Sword in Yin Zheng's hand didn't break directly like the Xuanshuang Sword, it did jump out of a hole.

Seeing this, Yin Zheng's face was very ugly.

This is his most precious weapon, but at this moment it was hit by the opponent and jumped out of the hole.

Yin Zheng's heart was bleeding, shouting, and roaring.

However, it didn't work!
At this moment, Niu Wudi tapped the black guillotine in his hand, and murmured, "Yes, it didn't break. It's better than the sword just now."

Having said that, he paused slightly, and continued to ask: "How many times can we still collide?"

The corner of Yin Zheng's mouth twitched, when did he suffer such a great humiliation?

But now, the other party humiliated him sentence by sentence.

Yin Zheng hated him so much, he felt ruthless in his heart, and said to himself: "Don't let me escape, or I will get back ten times the humiliation you have done to me one day!"

After meeting each other twice just now, Yin Zheng has already felt that Niu Wudi is strong, his strength is only stronger than himself, and he is probably the strongest in the middle stage of Nascent Soul!
Now, what India is thinking about is not how to defeat the opponent, but how to save its life.

To be honest, since Yin Zheng was beaten and opened up his great wisdom, he has been triumphant all the way, crushing and surpassing others with absolute strength.

But now, he is being trampled under by others.

But the other party is just the heir of his former mount.

Yin Zheng's face was dull, it felt like someone had slapped him twice, his face was hot and painful.

However, the most exasperating thing is that there is no way to fight back!
 Write another chapter, and the hero's little Ding Ding will keep it. (third of four)

(End of this chapter)

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