Chapter 372

Li Ming was outside the valley, and he could not bear the aftermath of a fight between Nascent Soul powerhouses.

Fortunately, there was a trapped Dragon Slaughter Formation blocking the entire valley, otherwise Li Ming would have to fly far away to avoid Yu Wei.

Li Ming has a lot of information about Niu Wudi. Although Yin Zheng is the proud son of heaven, he is still halfway behind Niu Wudi who has awakened the blood of the demon cow.

What's more, Niu Wudi's strength is stronger than Yin Zheng's, coupled with the guillotine that can kill gods, Yin Zheng can only die!
Moreover, the physical body must collapse, and the primordial spirit will be destroyed.

There is no need to worry about the possibility of Yin Zheng escaping, it is the dragon-slaying formation, and even the strong at the peak of Yuanying can't break through it, let alone the early stage of Yuanying.

The fighting lasted for more than half a month before it slowly subsided.

Obviously, the victory and defeat have been divided, one side loses, and the other side wins miserably!
After all, it is a fight between Nascent Soul powerhouses, even if they have a certain advantage in strength, they will definitely not be crushed, unless they have cultivated supernatural powers.

Obviously, neither Niu Wudi nor Yin Zheng has practiced such supernatural powers.

A few days later, the formation in the valley disappeared, and Niu Wudi walked out with a guillotine in one hand, covered in blood, in a state of embarrassment.

Although Li Ming had already guessed the result, he still couldn't help asking: "How is it?"

"The vengeance has been avenged, Yin Zheng's body has been destroyed, and his primordial spirit has been destroyed!" Niu Wudi said in a hoarse voice.

After all, after fighting for half a month, no matter how strong the body is, it will feel tired.

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked, "What's your plan next? Go back to Mo Niu Mountain?"

Niu Wudi thought for a while, nodded, and said, "That's the plan. Although I don't know where it is, since my mother asked me to go there, there must be her intentions."

Slightly startled, Niu Wudi asked, "Brother, are you going with me?"

Li Ming shook his head and said: "Earlier, when you were only at the foundation building stage, I was going to escort you there. But now you are a strong man in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and you are completely capable of being alone. Besides, I have other things to do. , I won’t accompany you to Demon Cow Mountain.”

Hearing this, Niu Wudi was a little disappointed.

The atmosphere froze a bit, and after a while, Niu Wudi asked, "Brother, are you still going back to the God of Medicine Sect?"

"No, such a big incident will definitely shock the entire Medicine God Sect, so we should go outside to avoid the limelight." Li Ming said.

Niu Wudi nodded, and said, "Alright, where is Big Brother going?"

"Da Qin." Li Ming said directly without thinking.

"Okay, after I go to Mo Niu Mountain, I will go to Daqin to find my elder brother." Niu Wudi said heartily.

"Okay! Let's just leave it alone and be more careful along the way." Li Ming reminded.

"I know, brother, you should also be careful." Niu Wudi said.

Afterwards, the two embraced for a while, then said goodbye and went their separate ways!

Niu Wudi is already a strong man in the mid-Yuanying period, but he doesn't feel the slightest bit awkward when he calls his eldest brother.

This is the most sincere emotion from the heart!
After parting, Li Ming destroyed the valley without leaving a trace, and then flew towards Daqin.

It's a long way to go to Daqin, let alone half a year's journey!

Yin Zheng was beheaded, his body collapsed, and his soul and soul were all destroyed. Naturally, his mount, the white-eyed tiger, could not escape death. After all, it had been sacrificed to Yin Zheng, and he could not escape the punishment of sitting!
The white-eyed tiger died in the backyard of Huayang Mansion for no reason. The news came from the mouth of the feeding boy, and the whole Huayang Mansion was alarmed. There is no escape from death!
 This time I didn't break my promise, four out of four!
(End of this chapter)

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