Chapter 379

The process of obtaining spiritual water is very simple, just take out the monster from the storage magic weapon.

The rest will be left to the psychic bone!

Li Ming took out a clean white porcelain bottle and put it under the psychic bone.

The monster beasts at the early stage of the fourth-grade golden core are really different. There are only fifty of them, and it is already dripping a drop of spiritual water.

Li Ming hunted and killed a total of six hundred monsters, that is, a total of twelve drops.

Twelve drops may sound like a small amount, but its value is immeasurable.Even if a thousand pieces of gold are in front of you, you will definitely not exchange a single drop!
After refining the spirit water, Li Ming carefully put the lid on the white porcelain bottle and put it in the magic treasure.

Now, Li Ming is not in a hurry to absorb these spiritual waters, and plans to collect some more, which will be enough to break through the middle stage of the golden core, and then take them together.

It has been more than half a month since I came to Longxing Mountains, and Li Ming plans to go to Qindu for a walk.

One is to inquire about Qin Yue's news, and the other is to meet old friends.

To have such an old friend in this far away country is a kind of spiritual sustenance.

After leaving the Longxing Mountains, Li Mingfei flew for three or four days and came to the capital of Daqin.

Li Ming went to the restaurant for a while, but didn't find any valuable information, so he walked towards Mo Xia's snack bar.

Mo Xia's shop is easy to find, diagonally opposite is the largest Colosseum in Daqin.

Even if Li Ming can't find the way, he can just ask anyone.

When they came to Mo Xia's snack bar, Mo Xia was busy clearing the tables.

Seeing Li Ming coming, he couldn't help but smile sweetly, and said, "Sit whatever you want, I'll clean it up."

"You are busy." Li Ming said politely
Mo Xia was busy with the work at hand, and came over with a cold plate of snacks.

Seeing that the robe on Li Ming's body was even more wrinkled, he couldn't help but ask, "Where have you been for the past half month?"

From Mo Xia's point of view, Li Ming was so poor that he couldn't even afford a decent robe.

I only heard Li Ming say: "I didn't go anywhere, I just stayed in the Longxing Mountain Range outside the city for a while, hunting a few monsters."

"What? You have been staying in the Longxing Mountains outside the city for half a month?" Mo Xia was really surprised.

Li Ming was startled, looked at Mo Xia in bewilderment, and asked puzzledly, "Is there any problem?"

"Don't you know that the Longxing Mountain Range is very dangerous? Even the outermost areas are monsters from the Foundation Establishment Realm. You have been there for more than half a month. Are you dying?" Mo Xia blamed.

"This..." Li Ming didn't know how to answer.

"Li Ming, no matter what, we are all fellow villagers. Maybe there were some unpleasant things in the past. I hope you don't mind. Although my place is small and the conditions are not good, at least you don't have to worry about food and lodging if you stay here." Mo Xia invited Li Ming to stay again.

From Mo Xia's point of view, a guy who can't even afford a decent robe has any great strength.

After all, a decent robe is only thousands of low-grade spirit stones.

Li Ming didn't know how to explain to Mo Xia, nor how to reject Mo Xia's kindness.

At this time, several military masters walked in outside the store.

When Mo Xia saw it, she hurried up to greet her, and said, "Masters, what would you like to eat?"

These people are plague gods, and Mo Xia dare not offend them in the slightest.

Otherwise, she would never want to open this snack bar!
The leading military man did not speak, but smiled, and he raised his wrist to his chest, rubbing his thumb against his index finger.

Seeing this, Mo Xia's complexion couldn't help changing, her expression froze instantly, and she asked cautiously: "Master Jun, didn't you just make the confession on the first month of the month?"

(End of this chapter)

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