The best immortal emperor

Chapter 382 Princess Moon's Sword Servant?

Chapter 382 Princess Moon's Sword Servant?

I only heard the patrolling guard saying impatiently: "What place do you think this is? Pass it on if you say it? If you are not, don't we have bad luck?"

At this time, the general guarding the city saw something unusual here, and asked via voice transmission, "What's the matter?"

"Back to General Hutou, this man said he was Princess Yue's sword attendant, but he couldn't come up with proof." The patrolling guard responded.

"Princess Moon's sword attendant?" General Hutou paused, and said via voice transmission: "Bring him here, I have seen Princess Yue's sword attendant before, and I still have some impressions."

Hearing this, Li Ming felt joyful.

He came to seek refuge with Qin Yue, if he couldn't even enter the inner city, what was the point of seeking refuge?
The patrolling guards brought Li Ming to the city, General Tiger Head came out from inside, looked him up and down for a while, but frowned and shook his head for a while.

Li Ming was slightly taken aback, didn't he have some impressions of himself?Why are you shaking your head?
The tiger-headed general stared at him with big eyes, no matter how he looked at him, he didn't look like him. In my impression, Princess Yue's sword servant, Yuxuan, was a man of talent.But the person in front of him is very down and out.

However, General Hutou didn't directly drive Li Ming away because of this.

Now Princess Yue is very important, she is about to assume power, and her status is even more honorable.

If this person is Princess Moon's sword attendant, if he drives him away like this, if he speaks ill of himself in front of Princess Moon in the future, big trouble will happen.

General Hutou had an idea and said, "I heard that Princess Yue's sword attendant is a disciple of the God of Medicine Sect. Since you claim to be Princess Moon's sword attendant, you should have the robe and badge of the God of Medicine Sect!"

"Yes." Li Ming replied, and with a wave of Li Ming's hand, the robe on his body suddenly changed, replaced by a finely crafted robe.

At the same time, Li Ming turned his palm and took out the token of the disciple of the God of Medicine Sect, and poured it with real energy. Two words appeared on the token: Li Ming!

Seeing this, General Hutou couldn't help but believe it a little bit, but he didn't dare to let Li Ming enter the inner city so recklessly, so he said: "You stay here later, I will report to Princess Yue!"

"I'm sorry." Li Ming clasped his fists and said.

"You're welcome, it's your duty." General Tiger Head said.

Afterwards, General Hutou entered the inner city to report to Princess Yue.

At this moment, Qin Yue is resting in the princess hall.

This trip to Yunze Lake was physically and mentally exhausting. After two years of busy work, it was actually in vain.

However, thinking that the same is true for other dynasties and sects, I couldn't help but feel relieved.

Qin Yue was lost in thought, when the servant girl came over and said in a low voice, "Master, someone claims to be your sword attendant, and he is outside the inner city, and the Tiger Head General who guards the city came to report it."

"En?" Qin Yue was taken aback, but her bitter face suddenly beamed with joy, and she asked, "Is Li Ming here?"

The servant girl paused slightly, and said: "Return to master, General Hutou didn't say anything, and this slave girl doesn't know what that person's name is."

"Where is General Tiger Head?" Qin Yue asked.

"Waiting outside the hall." The servant girl said.

"Tell him to come in." Qin Yue said majesticly.

"Yes." The servant girl replied.

Afterwards, General Tiger Head walked in.

Just when she was about to kneel down and salute, Qin Yue said: "General Hutou is excused, but the person who came is called Li Ming?"

"Exactly." General Tiger Head replied.

"I see, you go back first, and I'll be there later." Qin Yue said.

General Hutou was a little short-circuited in his mind, but he still responded instinctively: "Yes!"

Afterwards, General Hutou left the main hall and walked towards the inner city gate.

(End of this chapter)

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