Chapter 383

Not long after General Hutou left, Qin Yue changed into casual clothes, apparently ready to go out.

Qin Yue is quick and decisive in doing things, and never leaves the water.

However, at this moment, I was looking around in front of the mirror. When I put on this one, I thought that one was better.

That's how people are!
In the end, Qin Yue chose a long blue dress, which looked very lively, like a cute little girl.

This is very inconsistent with Qin Yue's usual style, and it also surprised the maids in the hall.

When did Princess Moon learn how to dress up?

A scholar dies for a confidant, and a woman is for a pleasing self!

No need to think too much, the maids can guess Princess Yue's intentions, it seems that the sword servant outside the city gate has a high status in Princess Yue's heart!
After a while, General Hutou returned to the inner city gate.

However, General Hutou's attitude towards Li Ming was quite different at this time, with enthusiasm, incomparable enthusiasm!
It is definitely not an easy person for Princess Yue to meet in person!
After chatting for a while, Qin Yue came out in a green dress like an elf, a slight blush floated on her fair face, and her shy and coquettish attitude was completely different from her usual vigorous and vigorous personality.

I only heard that Qin Yue's mouth was like an orchid, and she called softly: "Li Ming."

When Li Ming saw Qin Yue, he was completely attracted by her attire today. He did not expect that Qin Yue, who had a cold face all day long, would have such a daughter-like attitude.

Li Ming came back to his senses when he heard Qin Yue calling him, and shouted, "Yue'er."

Originally, it was just a simple title.

However, in the situation at this moment, it is extremely ambiguous, and people can't help but think about it.


How can the Nine Princesses of Daqin and the Jiuyue Fairy of the Nascent Soul strongman be called that?

However, when Qin Yue heard this call, she was not angry but happy, her face became more shy and embarrassed.

Everyone was shocked, is this still the Ninth Princess?

Qin Yue walked up to Li Ming and asked, "When did you arrive?"

"It's been more than a year." Li Ming said truthfully.

"It's been so long." Qin Yue couldn't help being surprised, and then seemed to remember something, and couldn't help asking nervously, "Because of that?"

"En?" Li Ming was startled, but didn't realize what Qin Yue was referring to.

I only heard Qin Yue say: "Talking while walking."

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Leaving the gate of the inner city, the two entered the outer city.

The outer city is bustling with traffic, not as serious as the inner city.

In this sea of ​​people, Qin Yue was definitely a bright spot, and the people around couldn't help but take a second look.

After all, who doesn't love looking at beautiful women?
Only Li Ming did not squint.

Qin Yue picked up the topic just now, and quietly asked: "But the battle for Huayang Zhenjun's seal?"

Apparently, news of Huayang Zhenjun Yinzheng's death had already reached Qin Yue's ears, and Qin Yue also guessed something.

After all, back then Li Ming asked Qin Yue to test out the details of Huayang True Monarch Seal Contest!
Hearing this, Li Ming was slightly taken aback, and became thoughtful.

After a while, Li Mingcai said, "That's right."

"What's wrong with you?" Qin Yue asked with a worried expression on her face.

"Probably not." Li Ming said.

"It's fine if you don't have one, but you don't have to worry too much. As long as you stay in Qindu, even if the God of Medicine Sect finds out about it, it won't be able to do anything to you!" Qin Yue said with firm eyes. She has already made a decision. On top of that, she will also try her best to protect Li Ming!

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked, "Where is this going?"

(End of this chapter)

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