The best immortal emperor

Chapter 40 Killing

Chapter 40 Killing
Old Man He stared at Li Ming, fearing that his figure would disappear inexplicably again, and then he would be punched unpreparedly again.

Although the power of Li Ming's fist was not as powerful as his pair of fleshy palms, if it hit his vital points, such as Tianling, temple, etc., even if he couldn't be killed with one punch, he could still be seriously injured.

And if the opponent keeps attacking him in this way, sooner or later he will die.

Li Ming looked at Old Man He with a sneer, as if he was a little complacent, but Li Ming was actually thinking secretly.

His invisibility has not reached the level of proficiency. Although he has improved compared to when he first practiced Zhou Tian, ​​it may not be easy to perform it again. After all, Mr. He is also a master, and it is unlikely that he will suffer twice in the same place.

Old Man He didn't know what Li Ming was thinking, otherwise he would never have been so frightened and panicked.

Because in Mr. He's opinion, Li Ming's evil smile is undoubtedly an expression of absolute confidence.

In the past, Old Man He never believed in the existence of geniuses.

In his opinion, there are no geniuses in the world, let alone stupid ones. No matter what kind of martial arts, as long as he is willing to endure hardships, he can master them.

But now after seeing Li Ming, Old Man He realized that he was wrong, and that there really was a genius.

Although Li Ming's boxing is not as good as it should be, his elusive and invisible technique that can hide his figure is definitely not something that can be learned only by hard work, and what is more important is talent, because it has surpassed ordinary martial arts.

In his opinion, Li Ming is definitely a genius, otherwise it would be impossible to practice boxing to the level of just a hair, and also learn the skills that require great talent.

At first, Mr. He thought that Li Ming was wearing high-tech clothes that could make him invisible, but after thinking about it later, it was impossible.

If such a heaven-defying existence like the invisibility cloak comes out, it is impossible for the ancient martial arts world not to get a little news, because many ancient martial arts families have eyeliner in the secular world.

In the end, Old Man He positioned it as a special skill to hide his body shape.

Old Man He licked his chapped lips and looked at Li Ming ferociously.

Although Li Ming's weird body skills make him very afraid, this weird body skills are also very attractive to him. If he can get this technique of hiding his body shape from Li Ming, his strength will undoubtedly increase a lot, even Even if you encounter an existence like Fang He Laodao, you will have the strength to fight!
Old Man He looked at Li Ming greedily, but he also knew that it would not be easy to defeat Li Ming. After all, he still hadn't figured out the secret of Li Ming's strange figure, so he said, "Li Ming, how about we make a deal?" ?”

Li Ming paused, and looked at Mrs. He in surprise. Both of them had reached the point of dying, how could they still make a deal?

Thinking about it, Old Man He probably wanted to design him, so he simply decided to use his tricks to see what this Old Man He wanted to do, and asked, "Old Man He, what deal?"

"Don't you want blood coagulation soup? The old man can give it to you, and there are two thirds left." Old man He said with a smile.

"Then what price do I have to pay?" Li Ming also asked with a smile, as if the two were friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

"Hehe, it's simple, pass on the body-concealing technique you just performed to this old man." Old Man He said.

Li Ming was not surprised at all, as he guessed, this old man He took a fancy to his method of hiding his figure, but this is an invisibility technique, which cannot be used by non-cultivators.

Seeing Li Ming smiling but not saying a word, old man He asked eagerly: "How is it? Is it possible to make a deal? If you think blood coagulation soup is not enough, this old man can teach you the secret method of palm training."

"Hehe, Mr. He, your hands are probably completely numb, right?" Li Ming asked.

"That's right, but only in this way can it become a murder weapon! I'm not afraid to tell you that there are many people who want to learn the old man's secret technique of training hands, but how can the old man pass it on to them?" Old Man He said dismissively.

"Mr. He, your numb hands are so good that you can't even touch a woman. What am I doing?" Li Ming sneered.

"You..." Old Man He was stunned, looking very annoyed, his hands were something he took for granted, yet they were laughed at by Li Ming, how could he not be angry?
"Old man He, I'm not interested in making a deal with you, I want your dog's life!" Li Ming said coldly, anyone who touches his back will be killed without mercy!

"Arrogance!" Old Man He was furious. He is a respectable figure in the ancient martial arts world. How could he endure being so arrogantly told by a younger generation that he would kill him?

Although Old Man He is afraid of Li Ming's strange figure, Old Man He is not weak either.

In the conversation just now, it seemed that Mr. He really wanted to talk about cooperation with Li Ming, but in fact he was deliberately delaying time so that he could find a loophole.The old man He couldn't find the flaw, but he thought of a countermeasure.

"Then just see if I'm arrogant and can kill you!" Li Ming sneered.

As he said that, he saw Li Ming leaping forward and rushing towards Mrs. He.

"It's just in time!" Mrs. He was not surprised but delighted. He took a step back, kicked out a stone, and threw it at Li Ming.

Li Ming tilted his body and opened it easily.

Taking advantage of this moment, Old Man He jumped up, made a standing knife in his hand, cut off a thick branch, and cut off the branches one by one with the palm of his hand.

Immediately, a long stick appeared in Old Man He's hand.

If Li Ming hides his figure again, he can use a long stick to protect his body, otherwise Li Ming gets close, so it will not pose a threat to him!
Li Ming was stunned, he didn't expect Old Man He to get a long stick so easily, is his hand still a hand?It can be called a knife!
With the long stick in his hand, Old Man He's arrogance suddenly became arrogant, and he rushed towards Li Ming.

Mr. He is familiar with the sword technique, but he is not very proficient in the stick technique, so he simply uses the stick as a knife at this moment, and the attack and drive are extremely fierce!

For a while, Li Ming could only retreat frequently!

Mr. He gained the upper hand, and asked triumphantly, "Son Li Ming, do you still dare to say that you will kill me?"

"Your life is like that of a pig and a dog, how can it be difficult to kill you?" Li Ming said with a sarcasm.

"Don't be crazy!" Old Man He was furious, and the power of the long stick in his hand doubled, forcing Li Ming to be a bit dwarfed by comparison.

However, Li Ming didn't panic at all, as if he had expected it long ago, he retreated and said with a smile: "Haha, killing you is like butchering pigs and dogs."

"Bold!" Old Man He exploded in anger, and he slashed down from the sky with a stick, as if it was a move in his saber technique, creating a powerful momentum!
Li Ming squinted his eyes, knowing that the opportunity had come, he opened his mouth and spewed out a ball of flames, like a red boy spit out real fire.

The power of the flame is not great, but the scene is huge, so frightening that Old Man He trembled on the spot. What's going on?How can this kid still breathe fire?Is it possible that he is the reincarnation of Red Boy?

At this moment, old man He has only one thought - retreat!

However, Li Ming's method is not just as simple as spraying a ball of flashy flames?
While breathing out fire, Li Ming's wrist flicked, and three silver needles were shot out quietly.

When old man He calmed down from the flame panic, three silver needles had already pierced his forehead, killing him on the spot!
When old man He was thinking about cracking Li Ming's invisibility technique, why didn't Li Ming plot against old man He?

Li Ming walked to the side of the fallen Old Man He, glanced at him, then didn't look any further, and went straight to the cave where Old Man He hid before.

(End of this chapter)

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