The best immortal emperor

Chapter 41 My husband is actually a cultivator?

Chapter 41 My husband is actually a cultivator?
The cave was very small, and Li Ming could only walk in with his body bent. The cave was very dim, and the only light source was blocked by Li Ming's body.

It took Li Ming a while to get used to the darkness in the cave. As expected, he found the coagulation soup, and there were really two-thirds of it left.

Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the old man lied to him, thinking that the blood coagulation soup had been drunk long ago.It turned out that there was no, there were really two-thirds left.

Li Ming felt that it was a pity that it was a third less, and he felt a little depressed, but when he thought that the blood coagulation herb was not his in the first place, his depression was swept away.

After taking out the coagulation soup and putting it in the backpack, Li Ming planned to leave.

Seeing old man He's body, think about moving him into the cave, and then pile up stones, so that he can be buried in the ground.

When dragging Old Man He, Li Ming accidentally tore off Old Man He's clothes, and an unwrapped object fell out of Old Man He's arms.

Li Ming couldn't help being taken aback, what is this?
Li Ming picked up the package, opened it, and found that it was a secret book. After flipping through a few pages, Li Ming determined that this should be the secret book of Master He's palm training.

Li Ming was not interested in this cheat book, so he planned to repack it and return it to Mr. He.

However, at this time, Li Ming noticed that there was something drawn on the piece of cloth wrapped with the cheat book, which was a map.

Li Ming couldn't help being taken aback, and asked secretly: "What kind of map is this?"

There are some writings on the map, but they are neither modern Chinese characters nor traditional Chinese characters. In fact, Li Ming himself is not sure if they are characters, because they look more like musical notes with long tails, like tadpoles.

But Li Ming knew that this was definitely not a musical note, because it was a map, and those marked on the map should be place names, but he didn't know these strange tadpole characters.

Suddenly, Li Ming thought that Mr. He had mentioned about the medicine garden on the stone wall of Mingfeng Mountain. Could it be that this is a map leading to the medicine garden?

Put the palm-refining cheats back into Old Man He's arms, Li Ming put him into the cave, piled stones at the entrance of the cave, it was regarded as buried.

Li Mingchao muttered to himself in the cave, and said: "Life and death are determined, wealth and honor are in the sky, and your death in my hands is your doom and your fate; it is your blessing to bury your bones from the mouth of wolves." , is also your life, as for this map, it is the reward."

With that said, Li Ming put the map in his arms, turned and left.

Old Man He is also unlucky, meeting such an evildoer as Li Ming, otherwise, if he is just an ordinary cultivator, he may not be able to solve Old Man He so easily.

At first, when he first met Old Man He in Mingfeng Mountain, Li Ming estimated his chances of winning in a head-to-head confrontation with Old Man He. Even if he could kill Old Man He, he himself would be severely injured.

However, time has taught Li Ming many things, such as experience and wisdom!
If Li Ming didn't have a good hand with silver needles, he wouldn't have killed Mr. He so easily.

After leaving Mingfeng Mountain, Li Ming called Tan Xiaoling and reported that she was safe.

Tan Xiaoling, who had always been anxious, was relieved when she received a call from Li Ming.

Later, Li Ming went to the hotel and took his family home.

After what happened to Mr. He, Li Ming felt that he had to strengthen his strength and enter the third level of Qi refining as soon as possible, because he could refine flying swords and magic weapons for defense after reaching the third level of Qi refining, so that his family would be safe. Undoubtedly a substantial improvement.

If he wanted to improve his strength as quickly as possible, he had to rely on the old locust tree. Li Ming planned to move his family to Zhonghai.

Coagulation blood soup only has the effect of healing, but it can't increase the real essence. This is why Li Ming didn't eat the coagulation blood soup after he made it.

About moving to Zhong Hai, Li Ming had to discuss it with Tan Xiaoling first. After all, his mother-in-law and brother-in-law had been living here, and he was afraid that they would relocate, so he had to convince Tan Xiaoling first, and then let her convince his mother and elder brother.

Li Ming is worried about leaving his mother-in-law and brother-in-law in Daxing'an Mountains. Who knows if Old Man He is from the same family or the same clan? Means to find yourself.

After all, he was very secretive when he took the blood coagulation grass back then, there were almost no flaws, and he did not leave any clues, but Old Man He still found out about himself!
At night, Tan Xiaoling snuggled into Li Ming's arms and wanted to ask about the day's affairs, but in the end she refrained from asking.

If Li Ming is willing to say it, don't ask yourself, Li Ming will also say it.If you don't want to, asking yourself will affect the relationship between the two of you.

Li Ming felt Tan Xiaoling's worry and curiosity, and after thinking about it, he said: "Yesterday, an enemy opened that phone call, and my mother was knocked out and taken away by that enemy."

"Ah..." Tan Xiaoling was secretly taken aback, with some fear in her eyes.

Li Ming patted Tan Xiaoling's shoulder and said in relief, "It's all right now, it's safe."

"What about your enemy? Will he trouble you again?" Tan Xiaoling asked nervously.

"No, he has already gone where he should go." Li Ming said calmly.

"Where should I go? Where?" Tan Xiaoling asked in surprise.

"Hehe, that's where we should go." Li Ming smiled without saying a word.

Tan Xiaoling seemed to understand something, she looked a little terrified, and asked worriedly: "Will the police find you? Will they come to arrest you?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Li Ming patted Tan Xiaoling's shoulder lightly and said, but Tan Xiaoling was still a little worried.

After a pause, Li Ming said, "Xiaoling, I want to move to Zhonghai."

"Move to Zhonghai?" Tan Xiaoling was taken aback, and sat up from Li Ming's arms, her first reaction was that Li Ming went for Lin Ruyu, did she want to get back together with her?Do you want to abandon yourself?
"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, and it's definitely not what you think." Li Ming hurriedly explained, fearing that Tan Xiaoling might misunderstand.

"Then there must be a reason?" Tan Xiaoling calmed down and asked.

"Xiao Ling, I'm not an ordinary person." Li Ming thought for a while and decided to tell the secret that had been hidden in his heart for many years.

"I know." Tan Xiaoling replied with a very understanding look.

If it was an ordinary person, how could he mobilize Wu Zhi?How can special forces be mobilized?

"It's not the meaning you understand, is it the meaning of a normal ordinary person?" Li Ming tried his best to explain, but the phrase "not a normal ordinary person" seems to be a bit wrong, why does it sound like he is saying that he is crazy? ?

"What?" Tan Xiaoling was caught off guard by Li Ming's words.

"I am a cultivator." Li Ming said directly.

"Cultivator?" Tan Xiaoling paused, thinking she had misheard, and asked, "The ones flying around in Xianxia novels?"

"En." Li Ming replied affirmatively.

Tan Xiaoling stared blankly at Li Ming for a while, then pressed the back of her hand to his forehead, and then to her own forehead, muttering, "Don't you have a fever? Li Ming, you are not bewitched, are you?"

Li Ming blushed for a while, it seemed that no one really believed the matter of cultivation, not even Tan Xiaoling.

Li Ming frowned, and saw his finger raised up, and a red flame appeared on his finger.

"This..." Tan Xiaoling stared at Li Ming's finger with a dumbfounded look, and after a while she came back to her senses and asked, "Li Ming, are you really a cultivator?"

"Well, if it's fake, it's guaranteed." Li Ming replied very affirmatively.

"Damn, my husband is actually a cultivator! It's amazing!" Tan Xiaoling rarely swears, she is so shocked, she is so shocked that she doesn't even realize that she swears!
(End of this chapter)

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